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Spring 2023

As I write this and I look out my window, the grass is greener than it was three weeks ago, and the daffodils I have been watching poke their heads from the ground since the first week of February are now blooming. The renewal of spring is all around us.

This month we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month. It is a time to raise awareness of and reduce the stigma surrounding behavioral health issues, as well as highlight the ways mental illness can affect all of us. 

Primary care physicians are the front door for most patients struggling with mental health concerns and therefore play a critical role in the conversations we have around mental health. We thank you for the work you do in taking outstanding care of your patients every day and remind you that MC3 is here to support you in that work. Whenever you are feeling unsure, we can provide you guidance on diagnostic questions, safe medications, and appropriate psychotherapy.

If you’ve never called MC3 for a consultation, remember that requests can be submitted online by anyone in your practice with knowledge about the patient. A psychiatrist will call you back with recommendations. It is a quick and easy process. No call is too small.

photo of Maria Muzik

Maria Muzik, M.D., M.S.

MC3 Perinatal Medical Director

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MC3 will be closed for the Memorial Day holiday on Mon., May 29. You are welcome to submit requests during that time, but your consult will not be coordinated until the MC3 team has returned to the office.

MC3 featured in "This Is Michigan" series

A new video and article about MC3 were published as part of University of Michigan's "This Is Michigan" series. Special thanks to Dr. Lia Gaggino and Dr. Shimia Isaac for participating in these stories.

Watch the video:

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Read the article:

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Black maternal mental health

It is Maternal Mental Health Week, and on May 5 there will be an awareness event on the capitol steps hosted by the Postpartum Support International - Michigan bringing attention to Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder (PMAD). This year’s theme focuses on women and birthing people of color.

Black maternal mental health is a critical issue. The mortality rate for black women is four times the rate of white women. Black women are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges during pregnancy and the postpartum period than white women. In fact, PMAD is the number one complication of pregnancy and childbirth, with 50% of women being undiagnosed. These challenges can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of black mothers and their babies.

photo of a black woman cradling her pregnant belly in her hands

There are many factors that contribute to the high rates of maternal mental health challenges among black women. These factors include:

  • Racism and discrimination: Black women face racism and discrimination at every stage of their lives, including during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Lack of access to quality healthcare: Black women are more likely to lack access to quality healthcare than white women. This can make it difficult for them to get the mental health care they need.
  • Social and economic stressors: Black women are more likely to live in poverty and experience other social and economic stressors than white women. These stressors can contribute to mental health challenges.

Raising awareness of black maternal mental health and supporting black mothers is essential to improving the health and well-being of black women and their babies. 

Perinatal patient care in SE Michigan

MC3 is offering direct perinatal mental health services to patients of MC3 enrolled providers in select counties*. This includes free same-day access to virtual counseling, case management, and care coordination for your patients.

If you are interested in offering MC3 perinatal patient care services to your patients, please email us and we will send you marketing materials to use in your practice. Patients simply scan a QR code and complete a quick e-screening to connect to a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC).

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Patients receiving care through MC3's perinatal patient care service report 50% reduction in clinical depression and anxiety in their first month of treatment

*To offer MC3 perinatal patient care services, you must be signed up for MC3 provider consultations services and practice in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Genesee, Ingham, or Washtenaw counties.

To request MC3 perinatal patient care marketing materials, email us at

Upcoming learning opportunities

Pediatric + Perinatal Behavioral Health Webinar Series

Web-based virtual training each 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12-1 p.m. ET.

May 17: Disruptive Behaviors and Management in ASD Population


Download May 17 webinar info to share

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June 21: Identification, Assessment and Management of Mental Health in Minoritized Children and Adolescents


Download June 21 webinar info to share

Youth Suicide Prevention in the Primary Care Setting Training

Web-based virtual training offered quarterly.

  • May 23, 7-9 a.m. ET
  • September 14, 12-2 p.m. ET
  • December 7, 12-2 p.m. ET

Register for May 23 session

Download May 23 session info to share

MC3 ECHO: Behavioral Health

Save the dates for our next Project ECHO series!

  • Six virtual sessions, twice a month, 12:15-1:15 p.m. ET, Sep. 13-Nov. 30
  • This series will cover perinatal behavioral health topics
  • Registration information to come

Download MC3 ECHO: Behavioral Health save-the-date info to share

Psychopharmacology Reference Cards & Perinatal Provider Toolkit

If you aren't already using them, make sure you check out these helpful resources:

Download Pediatric Psychopharmacology Reference Cards

Download Perinatal Psychopharmacology Reference Cards

View Perinatal Provider Toolkit

Training modules with CMEs available online

We offer a broad range of educational videos for perinatal and pediatric health professionals on our website. Many of them have CMEs available.

Visit the Recorded Education Series portion of the Educational Presentations page on our website to check out our recorded educational offerings. You can use the search function to narrow down the type of content you are interested in.

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Ongoing support for providers

Provider Café: We're here to listen. The MC3 Provider Café is an opportunity to check in and talk about how you're managing your stress and the stress of your patients. We can discuss strategies and offer resources that might be helpful during challenging times. Private and group check-ins are available. Learn more about Provider Café.

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Group Case Consultation: We're here to offer guidance. MC3 Group Case Consultations give primary care clinics and provider groups educational opportunities to discuss and review patients with one of our consulting psychiatrists. Providers can present patient cases for review and recommendations or bring up general questions about behavioral health treatment for discussion. One-time or recurring scheduling options are available. Learn more about Group Case Consultation.

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Program pics

MC3's regional Behavioral Health Consultants (BHCs), administrative leaders, and Consulting Psychiatrists at the annual BHC Meeting. (L-R: Kristen Roy, Laura Buitenhuis, Hillary Pummill, Mindy Evans, Tetyana Duggan, Karen Duczyminski, Anne Kramer, Donna Goch, Dr. Sheila Marcus, Dr. Paresh Patel, Cassandra Kotajarvi, Erin Hughes-Krieger, Linnea Brege, Elizabeth Lozen)

MC3 leadership and program advocates visiting the capitol (L-R: Sandra Bitonti-Stewart, Anne Kramer, Dr. Lia Gaggino, Dr. David Miller, Dr. Sheila Marcus, Dr. Maria Muzik, Kim Ross)

Videos: MC3 medical directors explain the program

Video still of Dr. Sheila Marcus in the "What is MC3 Pediatrics?" video

Video: MC3 pediatric services

Video still of Dr. Maria Muzik in the "What is MC3 Perinatal?" video

Video: MC3 perinatal services

MC3 is part of the Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry

It is supported by funds from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry logo