Spring 2024 Newsletter

President’s Message

Michele Vass, President

Happy Spring Friends!

I hope your gardens are beginning to bloom and your allergies are well controlled. This is our 15th Placer County Spring and I think my allergies are the only reminder that I’m not originally from here.

One of the first places new residents visit is… you guessed it, the library! Seeking a connection to their new communities, folks often visit the library first. It’s a place where they can get information on their new city, learn ways to get connected, and check out a movie while they wait for the cable to be installed.

How awesome is it that our Rocklin Library has such a welcoming and peaceful setting? Being nestled on the bank of a former granite quarry offers lovely views of the pond and the ducks and geese that call it home. We’re fortunate that the front landscaping (where the statue of the little reader is located) is getting some attention. Boy Scout, Samantha Springer, is working with the City of Rocklin on her Eagle Scout project and she chose to beautify the library grounds. The stump of an old tree has been removed and a concrete path extended so far. We’re looking forward to sharing Samantha’s finished project with you in our next newsletter.

The Friends have been working on updating our strategic plan, mission and bylaws, and adding a vision statement for the organization. We've had two meetings and plan one more before reporting out our recommendations at our May board meeting. The pandemic period really brought to light the need to modernize and reposition our organization so that we can better serve the Placer County Library System and our residents for years to come.

It's County budget season, so be on the lookout for our updates and calls to action in the next couple of months as we advocate for all our Placer County Library System branches.

We have three Little Free Libraries getting ready to make their debut in the next couple of months. These will be placed in more of our Rocklin Parks and become assets to enhance our reach into the community.

Thank you for your current and future support of our Rocklin Library and the Placer County Library System. Big things are on the horizon, and we’re looking forward to sharing them with you in the months to come. 

In Service,


Rocklin Library presents Read to a Dog Program

In partnership with Capital Therapy Dogs, the Rocklin Library presents the Read to a Dog program every third Tuesday of the month, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. This initiative is designed to enhance children's reading skills and self-confidence by engaging them in reading aloud to trained therapy dogs. Children 5 and older experience the comfort of reading to these caring, non-judgmental listeners, all while gaining confidence as readers.

The sessions are held in the ‘tween’ area on the first floor, an area showered in natural light in the cozy Southeast corner. Children are welcome to read any book of their choosing, but library staff will always have a display of titles covering a range of reading levels and genres—picture books, first readers, chapter books, graphic novels. The dogs (an average of 3 or 4 dogs) are appreciative and approving of all types of books!

Typically, the children alternate reading from a single book. However, some opt to read by themselves to the dogs. Recently, a girl tackled the challenging "Fox in Socks" by Dr. Seuss, her dad cheering her on every step of the way. There are several children who show up early, they are so eager to get started reading; it has become a go-to monthly event.

Besides improved reading skills and boosted confidence, Read to a Dog enhances emotional well-being and encourages compassion and empathy for our furry companions. It can turn reading into a positive experience, making it more likely that children will develop a lifelong love for reading. We are so grateful for the professionalism and generosity of Capital Therapy Dogs in the Rocklin Library!

Placer County Librarian honored as Gold in Education Partner

Published Dec. 18, 2023

Longtime Placer County Librarian Tony Carmack was recognized last week as a Gold in Education Partner by the Placer County Office of Education for his contributions to early childhood education and literacy for our youth.

Carmack, a senior librarian in Rocklin, has dedicated countless hours to building partnerships with local educators and caregivers. As part of the First 5 Placer Advisory Committee, Carmack said he has worked closely with children and families through literacy programs and story times.

“I’m delighted that the PCOE considers the contribution of the Placer County Library valuable; it is mutually beneficial,” Carmack said. “The public library serves all of the community, and a strong relationship with educational providers strengthens our shared commitment to literacy.”

Carmack emphasizes that he is the literacy coordinator for Placer County, but all of the county libraries and his colleagues in Library Services contribute to the mission to enhance early childhood education and literacy throughout the county.

Programs that the library has participated in include Kidz Community, Father Literacy and the Family, Friends and Neighbors program that includes education for non-certified caregivers.

“His steadfast commitment to serving the community, particularly the families and children within our care, stands as a beacon of inspiration,” PCOE’s nomination states. “Tony's approachable and composed demeanor has played a pivotal role in fostering connections between childcare providers, families, and children, thereby establishing a robust network of support founded on the pillars of literacy and community engagement.” 

Carmack received his award at the Dec. 14 PCOE Board of Education meeting, where Placer County Superintendent of Schools Gayle Garbolino-Mojica provided brief remarks and a “thank you” to Carmack for his dedication to county programs.

Pictured are Roger Peterson, Trevor and Michele Vass, Rita Peterson, and Wendy Lang.

Rocklin Tree Lighting Ceremony

Friends Members gave away holiday board books (for a small donation) at the annual Rocklin Tree Lighting.

Community Story Times

Valentines Story Time at the Station

We are grateful to be entering our 8th year partnering with the Rocklin Police Department to offer Story Time at the Station. Our first event of the year was held in February and we continue to attract new community members every time. Officers read stories about friendship and love, and the Friends provided conversation hearts at the event's conclusion.

Easter Story Time at the Fire Station

This year we are pleased to announce our new partnership with the Rocklin Fire Department! We held our first Story Time on March 25th and kids were delighted by an equipment demonstration and stories of course! Pizza Factory of Rocklin also donated a slice for every child in attendance.

Used Book Sale Update

by Gloria Beverage

  Book lovers: Mark your calendars for Spring sale


  Mark your calendars for our semi-annual surplus book sale scheduled for Saturday, June 8 in the Parks and Rec building in Johnson-Springview Park on Fifth Street.

  The preview sale, open only to members of the Friends of the Library, will be held from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Applications to join the Friends will be available that morning. Or to join before the sale, Friends of the Library at www.rocklinfriends.org. Membership starts at $10.

  The sale will open to bargain hunters at 9:30 a.m. Starting at 1 p.m., book lovers will be able to fill a bag for $5.

  Our Spring sale will feature hardback and paperback fiction novels as well as a wide range of genres (health, history, inspiration, arts and crafts, home and garden, nature and science).

  Back by popular demand (thanks to a Friends of the Library supporter), we will again be offering jigsaw puzzles for $1 each!

  We will also be offering a selection of gift books and collectible/vintage novels (priced as marked) as well as a large selection of CDs and DVDs selling for $2 each.

  Children’s picture books as well as chapter books for beginning readers through teens will be offered. Prices range from 25 cents to $1.

  If you need to satisfy your book reading addiction, please visit our bookstore inside the Rocklin library. We offer a wide range of recent publications in a variety of genres.

  Or check out our eBay store for some unique books suitable for that hard-to-shop for friend or family member.

 We welcome donations of gently used books, CDs and DVDs to keep our inventory fresh. Please note that we cannot accept computer manuals, textbooks, Bibles, VHS tapes, dictionaries or encyclopedias. To arrange for the delivery of a donation, visit our website.

  Proceeds from sales are used by the Placer County library staff to purchase adult and children’s books as well as special materials for the library collection.

  Friends also host programs throughout the year, including the Birthday Club and Storytime at the Station.


  To join the Dream Team or to donate books, send an email to info@rocklinfriends.org.


  To become a member of the Friends of the Library, visit www.rocklinfriends.org. Memberships start at $10. 

We are accepting material donations!

We are accepting books, CDs, DVDs, and puzzles for our used book sales. Email us to schedule a time to drop off your donation - info@rocklinfriends.org

Thank you for supporting the Placer County Library System and the Rocklin Friends of the Library!

The mission of Rocklin Friends of the Library is to generate support for the

Rocklin Library and Placer County library services and to promote community

interest in libraries, reading, and lifelong learning.

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