The Advisory Newsletter
Spring 2025
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May is Older Americans Month
Let’s Flip the Script on Aging! Every May, Washington County DAVS joins with other champions for positive aging across the nation to observe Older Americans Month (OAM), a time to recognize older Americans' contributions, highlight aging trends, and reaffirm our commitment to serving older adults. The 2025 theme, Flip the Script on Aging, focuses on transforming how society perceives, talks about, and approaches aging. You can join the conversation to start to flip the script on aging!
Register for our annual 31-Day Challenge-by-Text! You’ll receive one text a day in May, encouraging you to challenge stereotypes, have meaningful conversations, and dispel misconceptions. We will explore strategies that help us to reframe and reshape the narrative to honor older adults’ rich experiences and foster age-friendly communities. This year, join us in promoting the importance of viewing aging not as a limitation but as a journey filled with purpose, exploration and connection.
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Make Your Voice Heard
Disability, Aging and Veteran Services (DAVS) relies on a broad network of advocates and our advisory council members to share their perspectives with policymakers. Your voice helps elected officials understand how services and supports benefit your quality of life and how changes at the federal level may impact you. There are many ways to be engaged at the federal, state and local levels.
Find contact information for your elected officials, and if you’re not sure who your representatives may be, you can enter your address into this tool. This will provide you with a map of their district and information about how to contact them. You can make an appointment with them, write letters or emails, and call. Personal stories matter and help paint the picture of how policy decisions affect you.
Here are a few other ways to stay informed and get involved:
Consider getting involved in Aging & Veteran Services Advisory Council (AVSAC). Members advocate directly to state and federal officials and provide recommendations about DAVS’ services.
Join the Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities (O4AD) mailing list to receive regular updates about Oregon’s legislative session. To join the mailing list, scroll to the bottom of the linked website to sign up to receive alerts.
Follow USAging. DAVS is a member of this organization, which advocates for area agencies on aging across the nation.
Get involved in a local Disability Services Advisory Council (DSAC) managed by the Oregon Department of Human Services and Aging & People with Disabilities. Contact your local DSAC by calling 971-673-5100.
Can You Recognize the Warning Signs of Elder Abuse or Neglect?
Victims of elder abuse may be slow to recognize and report the abuse. Too often, victims suffer in silence. For that reason, it is important to recognize the following warning signs:
- Any unexplained injury, or an injury that doesn’t fit with a given explanation.
- Situations where an older adult is not given the opportunity to speak for themselves without the presence of the caregiver.
- Older adults who become withdrawn, non-communicative or non-responsive.
- Frequent arguments between the caregiver and older adult.
- Sudden changes in financial situations.
- Unpaid bills, overdue bills or utility shut-off notices.
If you suspect possible elder abuse or neglect, please report it by calling Oregon’s toll-free hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE (7233) or Adult Protective Services in Washington County directly at 971-673-5100. If it’s an emergency, call 9-1-1.
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Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) Info Sessions
Did you know that DAVS has a program to support grandparents and other older relatives raising children? It's called RAPP! Join us at one of our virtual information sessions to learn more about who qualifies, what services we offer, and how to connect with the program!
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Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Registration is open for Powerful Tools for Caregivers, a six-week series designed to help unpaid family and friend caregivers learn to care for themselves while caring for others. Caregivers develop a wealth of tools to reduce stress, change negative self-talk, communicate needs to family and health care or service providers, communicate effectively in challenging situations, and more!
Join volunteer facilitators Elaine and Sharon on Mondays, March 17, 24, 31 and April 7, 21, and 28 from 2:30-4 p.m. at the Juanita Pohl Center, 8513 SW Tualatin Road in Tualatin. A suggested donation of $30 covers the cost of the handbook. Sign up by contacting Susan Williams at 503-846-3089 or
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Memory Cafe
Join us for laughter, fun and connection at the next Memory Cafe with Kickstand Comedy! Participants will be led in experiencing art with lively conversations, social engagement, and storytelling in a gentle and welcoming environment. Memory Cafés are designed as a safe and supportive space for people living with dementia and their family and friend caregivers. Join us on Wednesdays, March 12 and April 16 from 11 a.m.-noon at the Walters Cultural Arts Center at 527 E Main Street in Hillsboro. Please let us know you are coming by calling Shannon at 503-846-3090 or emailing
Veterans Events Build Community Stronger Together
Lunch and Learn Q&A: Aging Veteran Benefits and Resources: Are you curious about what benefits are available to veterans? Do you have questions about non-service-connected pensions, long-term care, and other aging veteran benefits and resources? Join us every third Tuesday of the month. Our Veteran Services team is offering a 30-minute Q&A session on Zoom. Each month, we will discuss a different topic related to veterans’ benefits.
In March, find out how the VA and DAVS can support you and other veterans through the aging process. Bring your questions, ask them anonymously, and our guest speakers and VSOs will bring their knowledge and experience to provide you answers. Participants have a chance to win a gift for attending! This event will be live on Zoom on Tuesday, March 18, at 12 p.m. Register in advance for an emailed link. Questions? Email
Moving Forward Together - Women’s Military History Week
Visit Pacific University during Women's Military History Week March 16 -22 to see an exhibit from "I Am Not Invisible," honoring the history of more than 28,000 Oregon women veterans from all eras and branches of service. A uniform exhibit showcasing multiple eras and branches of women's military uniforms will also be on display.
The week will culminate with a panel discussion with local women veterans on March 22 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Everyone is welcome for light brunch refreshments. Registration encouraged but not required. The exhibit and panel discussion will take place at the University Center on campus.
Pickleball Games in Beaverton on the first Sunday of the month through May, from 4-6 p.m., with a tournament on June 1. For more information, contact Cindy Cosenzo at
Learn to Paint with Oregon Association of Artists at the Walters Cultural Arts Center at 527 E Main Street in Hillsboro. To register, call Vicki Horn at 503-846-3051 or email at We have two sessions:
Tuesdays for six weeks starting March 4, from 12-2:30 p.m.
Tuesdays for six weeks starting April 29 (no class May 6), 5:30-8 p.m.
Guitar Class: Starting March 25, Soldier Songs and Voices PDX invites you to attend each Tuesday for eight weeks, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Walters Cultural Arts Center at 527 E Main Street in Hillsboro. To register, call Vicki Horn at 503-846-3051 or email
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Veterans, Did You Know?
Urgent Care Services
With cold and flu season still upon us, you may feel under the weather or have a minor injury you want to be treated. You don’t want to go to the emergency department, and the wait for a medical appointment is too long. There’s good news! If you are enrolled in VA Health Care and have been seen by a VA or in-network provider in the last two years, you can get urgent care at VA medical centers and in-network community providers. To check eligibility, call 1-800-698-2411 or to find an In-Network Provider, and search for facility type “Urgent Care.”
Want a VA insurance billing information card? Call Vicki Horn at 503-846-3051 or email to request a copy be mailed to you.
Find a Memorial Day Commemoration Near You
Americans observe Memorial Day in various ways. Some visit cemeteries and memorials; some wear a red poppy in remembrance of those fallen in war. Since 2000, when the U.S. Congress passed legislation, all Americans are encouraged to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time. Find a Memorial Day Commemoration near you. Memorial Day is Monday, May 26.
An Average of $5 Million a Year Goes to Washington County Veterans
Over the past decade, Washington County has averaged $5 million in retroactive payments to veterans annually. Retroactive payments are the benefit payments a veteran receives that are incurred from the day a benefits claim is submitted to the VA to the day a VA claim is approved for benefit compensation to the veteran.
When the PACT Act was signed into law on August 10, 2022, it expanded VA health care and benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. It requires the VA to address how toxic exposures in service could impact the health of veterans and added multiple conditions to presumptive lists. This important change in the law, along with the new requirement to address toxic exposures, increased the VA’s claim submissions by 37% in 2023. DAVS’ submissions increased by 26% in 2023 and 2024. These additional claims have resulted in almost doubling the number of retroactive payments veterans in Washington County received in 2024 to over $10 million.
If you have questions about how the PACT Act might have affected you as a veteran, please call our office at 503-846-3060 and schedule an appointment with a Veteran Service Officer.
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Free Community Transportation Available in King City
People living and commuting in King City now have access to a recently updated, free shuttle option through Ride Connection’s Community Connectors program.
Although known for providing transportation options for people over the age of sixty and individuals with a disability, Ride Connection delivers connections to the general public, free of charge. This includes new Community Connector shuttles like CorneliusLink, BethanyLink, and expanded WestLink, which provide transportation to work, school, shopping, community centers, as well as other services and destinations to thousands of people every year.
This new transit service was made possible through Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds (STIF) generated in Washington County and through TriMet's Regional Coordination Program.
The King City Link is an updated shuttle service that has stops throughout the community on weekdays that connects King City, Tigard along Durham Road, Durham, and Tualatin with connection to Bridgeport Village, Tualatin Park and Ride and Tualatin WES Station. Check out Ride Connection’s website to learn more about Community Connectors and find schedules.
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