{body, mind & soul}
April 2023 • Edition 001
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The Spring Equinox is a joyful holiday centered around rebirth & growth. It is the arrival of spring! The Earth is coming alive again. The Spring Equinox is a festival of awakening, and rebirth.
The dark months are now over & we’re moving into the warmth of the light. (The sun will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice, when it begins its turn inward again.)
With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It’s fresh warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired.
See Below for the CHALLENGE OF THE MONTH and be entered to WIN
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We associate the Vernal Equinox with the Sun, but it is actually the point when the Sun and the Moon are perfectly balanced.
Like the great glowing anchor of the sky, the magic of the Moonstone enchants us with its bright feminine energy, its tide-like tug, and its promise of cyclical change. For centuries, the moon has been a symbol of the goddess spirit, hanging like an orb above our heads, sometimes a slip of light, other times as fat and full as harvest.
The Moonstone captures all this magic and more, this albite mineral is shot through with light beams and a milky sheen also known as adularescence.
If you are interested in adding moonstone to your collection...
Reach out and I will send you pictures of what is available for purchase
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Flowering Lotus
Vikāsitā Kamalasana
Flower Pose combines Bound Angle Pose with a balance, and is one of our favorite themed yoga poses for celebrating nature.
The hip opener stretches and strengthens the inner thighs, groins, ankles and back while improving posture. Adding the balance promotes core strength and focus.
This pose Builds core strength, develops coordination, and improves balance
.Perfect for those times we feel scattered or overwhelmed.
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The High Priestess
Take some time on the days leading up to the equinox to meditate on where you can gain more balance in your life. As you go about your day, listen to that tiny voice of your Higher Self (not the big booming voice of Ego) and see what s/he they/them and that inner child of yours has to share.
The High Priestess reminds us to look at things that deep down we know are unhealthy for us. If we feel confused about which way to go, she guides us in the darkness by asking us to look within for the answer.
She encourages us to listen to our inner voice and find a self loving alternative. She is also a reminder that all that is in the dark will eventually come to the light.
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Essential Oil
The fresh air of Spring provides a wonderful opportunity for other natural aromas to come out of hiding. If you need more of a "Spring" in your step, aromatherapy can help enhance the beauty of the season and bring floral, citrus, and fresh scents into your home.
Lavender oils is the most popular and multipurpose used in aromatherapy. It acts as a stress buster and promotes relaxation and reduce anxiety.
Invigorate your senses, enhance your mood, brighten your space, and harness the essence of Spring!
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Bellow's Breath
Bhastrika is said to be ideal for moments when one feels hazy or confused, or when one seeks to gain clarity in a particular area. This is because the breathing technique is thought to purify the mind and clear energy blocks. Long-term practice may even awaken an individual’s higher powers.
Sit up tall, relax your shoulders, and take a few deep, breaths in and out from your nose. With each inhale, expand your belly fully as you breathe.
Begin bellows breathing by exhaling forcefully through your nose. Follow by inhaling forcefully at the rate of one second per cycle.
Make sure the breath is coming from your diaphragm; keep your head, neck, shoulders, and chest still while your belly moves in and out.
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This mudra is all about receiving and giving. The perfect option for Spring.
Sit in padmasana, virasana, or sukhasana (comfortable seat) with closed eyes.
Place your hands on the knees with the palms facing upward.
Take a few deep breaths being mindful.
On the right hand – curl the index and middle finger to touch the tip of the tip of the thumb. Extend the ring and little finger outward. It’s called Vyan mudra.
On the left hand – curl the middle and ring fingers to touch them to the tip of the thumb. It’s called Apana mudra. Straighten the index and little fingers pointing outwards.
Maintain both hand fingers in the respective mudra position and focus on the navel chakra.
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Illuminate The Shadow
Journal Prompt
Do I need to re-evaluate my goals and intentions, or do I just need to take some baby steps toward those goals until they feel more tangible? Or do I just want to dive right in with massive action?
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Hypnotherapy Session
Hypnotherapy is a heightened state of concentration and focused attention. hypnosis allows you to be more open to suggestions to making healthful changes in your perceptions, sensations, emotions, memories, thoughts or behaviors. Sessions are crafted based on your individual needs. Call me for a free discovery on what hypnotherapy serves your needs best. I am here to help with a COMPLIMENTARY
discovery session. .
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APRIL NEW MOON spiritual meaning
Mar 21 10:23PM PDT / Mar 22 6:23PM CET / Mar 22 4:23AM AEDT
MOONTHLY THEME: Action, Confidence, Leadership
Astrologer COLIN BEDELL Says:
Happy New Year! That’s right. On the first day of the Sun in the first zodiac sign, we have our Astrological new year. On the first day of Aries Season, we begin again. What’s particularly compelling about this New Year is on the first day of Aries Season, we have a New Moon in Aries. The last time this happened was March 20th 2004. So as you can see, it’s not that common. Which begs the question; how do we leverage this New Moon powerfully on the first day of the New Year?
This is opportune because, for the first time since 1993, Saturn will re-enter Pisces in two weeks until May 2025. So before the planet of mastery enters Pisces, we have this New Moon to meaningfully envision, “Who do I want to be? What do I want to do? And what do I want to have? Who do I want to be connected to?”
So perhaps this New Moon is the beginning of the being. So ask yourself, “Who do I want to be? Confident? Decisive? Generous? Boundaried? Flexible? From there, you can ask yourself, “What do confident people do? What do decisive people do?” And then of course, you’ll gradually living into the having of what confident and decisive people do.
It’s a radical shift on our Aries ruled identities that will have powerful effects on your doing and having. On Thursday, for the first time since 2008, Pluto will enter communal Aquarius for twenty years. So I also want you to think about who you want to be within a system of mass mutual reliance. How do you want to give? What time, talent and treasure do you want to share? What are you hoping to receive from others? Think about identity and healing and success in a more relational, communal context and then see how Pluto’s monumental entrance in Aquarius furthers these concepts.
Click Here to view how the New 🌚 Moon affects your astrological Sun ☀️ Sign
Happy New Year!
April NEW Moon: Spell & Ritual Recipe by Tanaaz
This ritual can be done anytime from the March Equinox (March 20th) until April 3rd.
You will need
- Aura cleansing tool of choice
- Flowers, leaves, and crystals of your choosin
- Paper and colored pencils/pens
Higher Self Guided Meditation
- Small bowl of water
For this ritual you will need a table or surface that you can use freely for three days. Start by cleansing your aura using your chosen aura cleansing tool. As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following –
“I am cleansed, I am free, no negativity can touch me. As I cleanse I do glow, as I cleanse from top to toe, a peace washes over, a calm follows. Energy flows where my highest thoughts go. I am whole. I am light. I am restored.”
Once you are done cleansing your aura, cleanse your ritual space including your table/altar and all of the tools you are using in this ritual. As you cleanse, feel free to recite the following –
“I cleanse my space, I cleanse all that surrounds. I cleanse away the heavy sounds. Now lightness comes, lightness breathes, lightness is all around me. My space is protected. My space is cleansed. My space is ready for the new to begin.”
After cleansing, get nice and comfortable and begin your Adventures with your Higher Self cosmic guided meditation. Enjoy a high-vibrational meditation!
- Once your meditation is complete, take your colored pens and paper and write down or draw, what you would like to attract into your life. Go big!
- Place your papers down on your altar or table surface as the first layer. Then begin decorating around your intentions with the flowers, leaves, and crystals. You don’t have to use all three, just use what you have on hand and feel free to add your own personal elements. You can make a mandala, or just do whatever inspires you in the moment. Leave room for your bowl of water to go in the middle of your mandala/offering.
- Once your mandala is finished, take your bowl of water in both hands and recite the following to charge it with energy –
“All that is for my highest good is now coming my way. The perfect outcome, the answers I seek, and the healing my body, heart, mind, and soul needs is now here. I welcome the love that’s in my heart. I welcome the love that surrounds me. I welcome the love of the Universe. I flow in peace. I open to opportunity. I am loved. I am healed. I am brave.”
- Place your bowl of water in the middle of your mandala, or wherever you feel called to place it.
- Leave your flower mandala up for the next 3 days. On the third day, you can discard the flowers and leaves. You can keep your intentions and crystals somewhere you can look at them daily.
Happy Aries New Moon!
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PINK FULL MOON spiritual meaning
The pink moon will take place the evening of Wednesday, April 5, 2023.
Its peak is technically at 12:37 a.m. ET on Thursday, April 6
April's full moon, which is known as the pink moon — a cheery sign of spring. (And if you were wondering: yes, every full moon has a special name and spiritual meaning, often stemming from Native American knowledge).
In April Moon names, references to spring abound! Breaking Ice Moon (Algonquin) and Moon When the Streams Are Again Navigable (Dakota) reference the melting ice and increased mobility of the early spring season, while Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs (Tlingit) and Moon of the Red Grass Appearing (Oglala) speak to the plant growth that will soon kick into high gear. Other names refer to the reappearance of certain animals, including Moon When the Ducks Come Back (Lakota), Moon When the Geese Lay Eggs (Dakota), and Frog Moon (Cree). Along the same vein, Sucker Moon (Anishinaabe) notes the time to harvest sucker fish, which return to streams or lake shallows to spawn. According to legend, now is the time when this fish comes back from the spirit world to purify bodies of water and the creatures living in them. (This name may also be applied to the February Moon, to honor the sacrifice of the sucker fish in order to feed the Anishinaabe peoples, traditionally helping them to survive the winter.)
As rain, thunder, and wind storms continue throughout the month of April, they spread seeds and life along with it. Reminding us of the power, strength, and endurance of Mother Nature.
Spring is the best time of year to set New Year's resolutions for ourselves, as it synchronizes with the new life that is beginning to bloom. [The pink moon] is a great time to fully release negative thoughts or relationships that do not have space in our 'new life' that is starting to unfold." The pink moon is especially meaningful because it's in Libra. This moon offers us the ability to make proper adjustments where adjustments are needed. We come together to find balance — which makes sense, as Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice themselves! — and reach some sort of equilibrium in situations which have gotten a little off track lately. It's a beautiful time to forgive and ask for forgiveness and be honest about what needs you have that are not being met. Sometimes, when the scales of justice are in the process of finding their way back to the midpoint, there can be a little disruption in your life. However, that disruption itself is an indication that what's meant to happen is, in fact, happening.
The April full moon of 2023 will bring many opportunities to unlock the secrets of our dreams and explore the spiritual meaning of this powerful celestial event.
Full Pink Moon: Spell & Ritual Recipe by Francisco Huanaco
- 1 pink candle (or more if you have them)
- Candle holder or dish
- Rose quartz or Moonstone
- Pink flowers
- Pen and paper
- Optionally, you can dress in pink (or wear a pink garment) to help open your most receptive side and channel the energy of the Pink Moon.
Decorate your room or your altar with pink flowers to set a positive and sensitive mindset for a successful ritual as you focus on your intention.
- If you can see the Full Moon from where you are, look at it. Otherwise visualize it with the eye of your mind and allow a feeling of hope to fill your spirit. Take a piece of paper and write your intention on it. This is the goal that your Magic will bring and manifest throughout the coming months. Feel the blooming of your dreams starting to happen.
- Place the paper under the candle holder or dish, and set the pink candle on top.
- Light the candle.
- Hold your quartz or moonstone in your hands, and as you see the moon in the sky or in your mind, chant the spell:
Charge your gemstone with lunar energy by placing it outside or on a window sill. As the candle burns, follow a guided meditation for love, or simply empty your mind as you watch the candle burn. You can use this time to say a love spell chant or a prayer to invite love into your life, or do a devotional to the deity of your choosing.
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Yoga Nidra
Location: Online
Dates: April 7 & 8, 2023
Times: (f) 5:30p-9:30p, (sa) 12p-6p
Investment $250
Yoga Nidra, a.k.a. the psychic sleep, is an ancient meditation technique. When we practice Yoga Nidra, our brain waves slow down so that we can connect the space between our conscious and subconscious mind. Tapping into that space gives us the tools we need to not only overcome obstacles; mental, spiritual, and physical, but it brings us closer to the understanding of our true nature. Learn all you need to effectively lead a session or a class.
Sound Healing Meditation & Reiki
Location: Zen Hot Yoga
Dates: April 16, 2023
Time: (su) 5:30p-6:4p
Investment $35
Join us for a peaceful evening of healing and relaxing meditation with sound bath that will use the therapeutic application of crystal singing bowls’ sound frequencies and vibrations. Each person also has the opportunity to receive reiki - an ancient practice of energy healing.
Angel Numbers and The Archangels
Location: Online
Dates: April 21, 2023
Time: (sa)
Investment: $50 Exchange
In a realm outside of what we can physically see, Archangels, and other spirits assist us with our burdens and challenges. This master class takes you through all you need to know to start your Archangel practice and the meanings of angel numbers.
Karma Kids for Charity Yoga Party
Location: Studio 8
Dates: April 30, 2023
Time:: (su) 11:00a-12:30p
Investment $10 donation suggested
Studios prove that yoga for kids boosts focus, stress-relief and overall happiness. Yoga helps little yogis stay healthy, cope with stress and cultivate their inner strength both on and off the mat. During each class the children connect, breathe, move and relax. Through playful programs, our certified yoga and mindfulness instructors give children tools to foster resiliency with a touch of grit and grace.This new series was created to introduce children to the benefits of yoga & the gift of karma.
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Create a Mandala from Nature
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Winner (picked randomly) will receive a mystery gift in the mail.
Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Winner will be announced first week of May 2023
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