CRCSD Policy Update
The Cedar Rapids Community School District has recently updated the district policy on suspension based upon the agreement between the district and the Department of Justice.
As a result of this agreement, the communication timeline and process to families regarding a suspension is being updated to be more efficient. This updated communication process ensures timeliness in receiving written notification within the required 24 hour timeframe, as well as protects the privacy of the learner by prompting a secure login to access the letter.
Effective Monday, March 20th, 2023, parents/guardians will receive a suspension letter via Infinite Campus. Parents/guardians will receive an email which will direct them to the parent portal and parents/guardians will log in to access the suspension letter.
It is the priority of the district to ensure timely, and consistent communication when incidents occur requiring suspension. Taking steps to improve our processes and procedures will also allow us to best serve all of the learners in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. Below you will find instructions on how to access the portal to retrieve letters sent to you. Should you need additional support, please contact your school building.