Spring Greetings!
Dear Thornton Creek Community,
Here we are in May! As we look ahead to the next 8 weeks, let's enjoy as much as we can and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our amazing students. They are growing in astonishing ways!
I would like to encourage you to join us in a number of important conversations and volunteer opportunities through June. Please keep an eye on the Thursday TC School Bulletin for event details. We encourage you to attend the May 17 Community Meeting where TCPG will be presenting draft budget recommendations from the Finance Committee. And in June, we will vote on that budget proposal. Also in June, we will present the ballot for our annual election of TCPG board positions, details on voting forthcoming.
With that, I want to emphatically ask you to please start thinking about the ways you'd be interested in getting involved next year if you will be at TC (all the best to our graduating and relocating families!) Below you'll see information on how to self-nominate for a TCPG Board of Directors position next year. There is also a place to indicate your interest in joining a committee. Our school will continue to strengthen and soar (just like our beautiful dragonflies!) when we all pitch in to help with our time and energy, even a little. We can't wait to have you join us! Please reach out with any questions you have: chair@thorntoncreekparentgroup.org
Thanks, as always, for all you do to make our community loving, enthusiastic, and focused on our students' success.
With Gratitude,
Erin MacDougall (she/her)
Chair, Thornton Creek Parent Group
NOTE: Gmail may clip the content of this newsletter. View the full version on the web HERE.
TCPG Board Positions 2023-2024
Nominate yourself for Thornton Creek Parent Group Board leadership positions for 2023-2024!
You can read brief descriptions about the Thornton Creek Parent Group positions HERE.
We can't wait to have you join us! Indicate your interest by May 31, 2023 by completing this form: https://forms.gle/6KHsYtdRvm2CzDTU7
Time to Order Your TC Spirit Gear!
TC Spirit Gear is ready to be ordered! Join us in showing your Thornton Creek spirit by purchasing a green hooded sweatshirt or black drink tumbler. The store will only be open through May 10 to ensure products are distributed before the end of the school year. Products will be sent home with students or picked up at school; more details to come!
Kids' Movie Night/Parents Night Out
Friday, May 5 from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Back by popular demand, TCPG is hosting another Kids' Movie Night/Parents' Night Out fundraiser. This time around we'll be offering FRIDAY night festivities to shake things up. So plan your Friday night out knowing your kids will be having fun at school from 6-9pm. The requested donation is $50/child, and we encourage you to give the amount that feels right for your family. We strive to make events like this as inclusive and accessible as possible.
All TC students are welcome to join in the fun! If your child needs staff support to participate in this event, please contact your child's case manager.
Sign up early! Pre Registration closes May 4 at midnight! Space is limited.
If you're able to support the magic of this event and be a Parent Volunteer at Movie Night, please sign up HERE!
TCPG Fundraiser - Move-a-Thon
Our spring Move-a-Thon Fundraiser is just around on the corner on Friday, May 19 benefitting both TCPG and the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance. Planning is underway and details for volunteer needs the day of event are coming! Email any questions to Sterling at fundraising@thorntoncreekparentgroup.org
- FRI 5/5 - Kids' Movie Night/Parents Night Out - 6:00pm - 9:00pm
- SUN 5/7 - TC Landscaping Party - 9:00am - 12:00pm
- TUE 5/9 - KidsTime After School Program Registration for Current Families - 12:00pm
- WED 5/10 - Last day to order your TC Spirit Gear from the TCPG Shop!
- WED 5/17 - TC Community Meeting - 6:30 pm - 8:15 pm (Zoom ID: 831 7973 5067)
- FRI 5/19 - TCPG Move-a-Thon Fundraiser (details to come)
Staff Appreciation Week!
How to show your gratitude:
With music!
Now through Friday, May 5: Share a song suggestion via Padlet and we'll add it to a special playlist to be shared with staff (and the community) on May 8.
With art!
Sunday, May 7: Time/weather confirmation TBD: Create a message/mural of appreciation in chalk near the entryway.
With flowers!
Monday, May 8: Bring a flower from your home garden or pick up one from the buckets that will be outside TC entry gates, and give to your teacher to put in a class vase to enjoy all week.
With love for our Specialists!
Tuesday, May 9: It takes a lot of helpers to make TC run smoothly, and some of those helpers - like our amazing art teachers, librarian, special education support, and interventionists. Let's show up for them with special gratitude (notes, treats, flowers, whatever!) on Tuesday, May 9!
With food!
Wednesday, May 10 and Friday, May 12: There are two opportunities to bring in food for staff. An afternoon special snack on Wednesday, May 10 and a Friday potluck brunch on Friday, May 12. See more info and signup HERE
With words!
Any Day: Written notes and art projects are loved by staff any day during the week, and we'll be decorating the teachers' lounge with post-it notes of gratitude and appreciation on Thursday, May 11. Stations will be set up at drop-off for kiddos to do on the way into school.
Landscaping Work Parties!
Please join us and help prepare the Thornton Creek garden for spring! We are looking for parent/student volunteers to help plant, weed, spread mulch, sow seeds, and more! Families are welcome to drop in anytime during the morning and stay as long as they want. Healthy snacks and drinks will be provided.
Sunday, May 7 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
If you are interested sign up HERE.
Support the TC Pantry
Sponsored by the TC PTA, visit here more information
We appreciate your support and donations to keep our Pantry available! To volunteer to keep the pantry stocked, email pantry@tc-pta.org, or donate to the TC Pantry through Paypal or our Target wish list.
Parent Education Event: Recap
Follow up from Parenting with Identity in Mind with Rosetta Lee - April 26 Recap
Gratitude for Our Incredible Community!
If you have any questions about the newsletter please email: communications@thorntoncreekparentgroup.org