Please help improve the quality of life in Spring Lake Township. This short study will help us understand your priorities and funding preferences to ensure the Township meets the needs of you and your household. Your feedback helps ensure your tax dollars are being spent wisely. Your feedback also helps shape policies and priorities for the Township now and in the future. The survey takes approximately ten minutes to complete.
Postcards have been mailed to all addresses in the Township, excluding the Village. If you’ve already responded to this study – thank you! If not, you and any members of your household are welcome to share their ideas and feedback. Please take the survey once per person.
This study may be completed online by using the QR code or the link below. Once on the study page, type in “Spring Lake” when you are prompted for a study ID. Your response will be strictly confidential – your name will not be released or shared with the Township for any purpose without your permission.
The Township and Cobalt Community Research are working together on this study to ensure your responses are shared anonymously with the Township and to provide outside analysis. Cobalt is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to help governmental and non-profit organizations measure, benchmark, and manage their efforts through high-quality, affordable research. You can learn more at
Please use the QR code or the link below to take the survey online. If you would like a print copy, please stop by the Township offices at 101 S. Buchanan St. If you have questions, please contact the Township at 616-842-1340. Thank you for your cooperation and your insight.