The Lopez Family Ministry Newsletter
Missionaries to:
The Greater New York City Area
Youth & Children's Ministry Coaching
Evangelism-Discipleship-Leadership Training
Dear Friend
         I heard a phrase on the radio recently that said " be a good entrepreneur, you need the skills of a navy seal and the mindset of a pirate!" Well...being a missionary (or minister) is not much different! Can I get an "Amen!"

We thank God for all the skills He has allowed us to develop to reach the people around us and to serve Him right where we are. Our prayer is that God will help us take hold of opportunities for the furthering of the Gospel! This is our prayer for you too!

These past few months have been full of ministry opportunities. This fills us with joy as we share them with you. We are tremendously thankful for all those who make what we do possible through prayer and faithful support of our ministry. To God be the glory!

In Christ,

Steve & Debby Lopez
Reverb 2021
This past November Debby and I participated in an evangelism outreach called Reverb. We partnered with other WOL missionaries in PA to provide an all night activity for local churches. The Gospel was preached to 830 teens in attendance at a rally. We were amazed to see 28 salvation decisions as a result! After the rally, I was in charge of a sport complex where teens came in shifts throughout the night to play sports. Thankfully we had help from local pastors, leaders and even students from the WOL Bible institute!

Our prayer is that in the future we can develop this outreach in New Jersey! Currently WOL develops this event in 15 locations every fall in the USA. We are currently doing behind the scenes work to see this happen, Lord willing, as soon as 2023!
Evangelism Training
Recently, we were contacted by a local church in our area as we were asked to provide evangelism training for their congregation. They told me that as a congregation they were burdened to share the Gospel more. They prayed about reaching out to several organizations and heard I was in the area. We connected and several weeks later. There were 42 people who participated! I will provide the link below if you would like to see the training. We are so thankful to serve in this way and look forward to more opportunities like this. (*Picture above) *Evangelism Training Link

***This April 23rd at 10AM, we will be doing another training. If you would like more information on how to register to attend, please email me!
Ministering To Youth Leaders
This month we provided a conference for local youth and children ministry leaders. We had 5 hours together with four seminars and a lunch fellowship. This was an activity that we provide yearly to all the churches in our area. The majority of the leaders who attended have a WOL partnership with their church but the event was open to any church that wanted to attend. We had 50 leaders there and they were from all over the NYC and New Jersey area. Several other missionaries that I am blessed to serve with helped put the event together. We developed topics like: True Ministry Success, Rebuilding Your Leadership Team, and Ministering to Gender Diversity Biblically. (*Picture-Top)

It has been two years since we were able to do this event due to Covid. I will never forget how excited the leaders were to attend this event. So many of them thanked us and told our team that God spoke to them in a significant way to serve the Lord. Praise God!
Church Planting
Recently, I had the opportunity to fill the pulpit at several congregations in our area. One of the churches we came across was a Spanish congregation in Hackensack, NJ. Shortly after, I found out that the congregation had no pastor and was struggling. The congregation there asked us to fill in the need temporarily. Debby and I prayed about it and felt lead to serve them. We have connected well with the leaders there and have been congregating there as a family since. I have been covering the pulpit on Sundays and have been coordinating for others to come and help out.

The services are at 2pm in the afternoon. We see this a church planting opportunity that we can potentially include in our missionary responsibilities. The church has about 60 Latin Americans from 8 countries. Check out the link. (*Picture Above)- PIB Hackensack Link
Family Update:

  • Lucas and Daniel both had their birthdays in February. They both have been attending youth ministry in Manhattan with me Friday nights as they have been making friends with other pastors kids their age. They are growing so fast!

  • Debby has been leading a women's Bible study at the end of each month. She has been having 30-50 women attend! Thankfully she is doing good in regard to her health. We are so thankful for your prayers!

Other Things I Want to Mention...
  • We had an Olympians training for a church in Paterson early January!
  • 2 Churches and 8 individuals have recently decided to support us as missionaries!
  • If anyone would like to request evangelism training for their church, please contact me! I would be honored to coordinate a time to serve you!


  • Debby's brother ANDRES has been having health issues potentially related to long Covid.

  • My grandmother SILVIA is in her last moments of life as her health has declined severely the last few months. Pray for our family as we embrace her with love before she goes to be with the Lord.

  • Safety traveling into Manhattan to serve local churches.
  • We will be participating in a staff conference this May in Florida.

  • Pray for our WOL missionary staff & friends in Ukraine that have been evacuated to Hungary/Poland, where they are focusing on ministering to so many people in a refugee crisis there.
Our Ministry Links:
Looking for a daily devotional?

Check out our devotional called the "Quiet Time". It is now an APP, which is now on Google Play & Apple Store!

Want it in paper?
(Click below)