Sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! 1 Chronicles 16:9

Spring is in full swing and I am soooo happy! I bet you are too. I hope you are well and that you enjoy this Journaling Tip, Song I'm Loving, and God Moving Story.

The Parking Lot

When speaking at retreats I sometimes ask women, “What are your biggest obstacles to a deep, meaningful quiet time?” A common answer: Distractions. Not only distractions from others or technology, but distractions from within their own heads.

Within minutes of settling into their time with God, urgent "to do's” pop into their thoughts, pulling their focus away from Jesus.

I have found it helps to put a post-it note next to my Bible and Spiritual Circle Journal to capture those annoying, but often important internal interruptions.

I call this the Parking Lot because this is where I park those things that just need to wait, and then get right back to my time with God. I keep post-it notes in my quiet time bag so I always have one on hand.

You can put that note in your pocket, take a picture of it with your phone, or write items on your task list so they are not forgotten. Give it a try and let me know if this works for you.

This may come as a surprise, but I LOVE country music. I attribute that to my southern roots and a high-school boyfriend who got me hooked on Garth Brooks.

So, when I discovered Anne Wilson, a country singer who sings Christian songs, it was like having a peanut butter cup chocolate candy. Two of my favorite things in one! You may have heard her popular song "My Jesus."

A song I'm loving from her first album is called “Mama." She sings it with Hillary Scott and it's perfect to share for Mother’s Day.

I would like to dedicate this song to my Mom, Sue Lundsmark. She is one of a kind and such a blessing to our whole family. I am so glad I got to spend some quality time with both my parents recently in Florida.

I also want to thank God for the past FIVE Mother’s Days since she was diagnosed with stage-four lung cancer. As of her last tests, her scans were clear. Praise God! (This picture was taken several months after her diagnosis.)

For fellow country music lovers in the Chicago area, Anne has a concert in Barrington, IL Oct. 18th at 7 pm. I can’t go because I will be leading a morning women's retreat in Davenport, Iowa the next morning, but I am sure it will be a fun night. You can listen to "Mama" by clicking here.

Last summer as I prayed about where to study next, I felt the Holy Spirit put the book of Joshua on my heart. I started reading and only made it to chapter eleven. I got distracted and began to read Acts instead.

Then in the fall, Community Bible Study was studying Samuel and I just had to sign up. I have always wanted to be part of a group to study the life of David and Saul. I am so glad I joined CBS for this study. It was amazing!

Earlier this year I shared with our women’s ministry leader that sometime, I would love for our group to study Joshua. I could not recall that we have ever studied that book of the Bible and the Holy Spirit was still putting it on my heart.

A few months later my friend called to see about meeting to study something together. When we met, she said she wanted to study Joshua. I said, “No way! That is great because God led me to start it last summer and I only made it halfway through.” I even had a Joshua Bible Study on my bookshelf that I grabbed to use together.  

That week I began reading Joshua again from the beginning. Later that same morning I got a text from our MomCo table mentor that said:

I texted back, "Thank you. I just read Joshua chapter one for quiet time today, and those are the exact promises God gives him." God was assuring Joshua He is with him and for him, just as He had been with Moses.

This was the encouragement I needed to keep going as I worked on an overwhelming ministry project. When I saw her later that week, she shared that she was reading in Joshua one as well that morning she sent the text.

Coincidence or God Moving? You decide.

As for me, I plan to press on and study Joshua. God must have some more things in there He wants me to learn right now. The next time you are contemplating what to study, take time to seek God and ask Him to show you. 

Recently Focus on the Family Canada made available the 12-Day Mother's Day Devotional Printable that includes the Spiritual Circle Journal circles with devotionals I wrote and a great article by Author Lisa Jo Baker. To grab your FREE copy for yourself or a Mom you love, click here.

I love hearing your "God Moving" stories that clearly illustrate God's guidance, provision, and care. If you have any, please hit reply and share them. If I choose your story for a future newsletter, you get a free journal!


I am offering $2 off journals or prayer cards for the month of May. Just click on my website link below and head to the SHOP page.

I want to close by wishing you all a Happy Mother's Day. To those who find tomorrow a hard day, I send my love and prayers for comfort.


Liz Lassa

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