Philippians 4:13 New King James Version (NKJV)
13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

That scripture comes to mind when I think about my plans for the future. So much has been going through my mind lately, and, as I get older, I find that there are things that I want to do while I'm on this God-given earth.

I'm going back to school in May 2019 - I'll be earning my Master's Degree in Accounting and Financial Management at the University of Maryland (my alma mater). I'll also be taking the CPA exam after I've completed my degree (if I still desire to sit for the exam after I get my Master's). I'd been researching graduate school when I was in my late twenties, but, I started writing instead! The writing took over and I just pushed graduate school into the background.

While I'm in school, I'll still be releasing new material! I recently got the rights back to all of my contemporary romance novels that were published by traditional publishers. I'll be re-releasing those titl es while I'm in school.

By the way, Barbour Publishing recently placed The Underground Railroad Brides Collection on sale! Come check out this wonderful collection and if you've already read it, I highly encourage you to get a copy for a friend or loved one! The sale is only valid via the link above - the reduced price is NOT on Amazon or other book retailers.

I hope all of you enjoy your week! Spring is in the air....will you be planting a garden this year?