May 28, 2020

Dear PIN Friends and Supporters,

During this uncertain and isolating time, the love and support of a pet is especially comforting . And, after having to close the clinic for more than a month, it's never been more clear how crucial our services are for low-income pet families.

Although our operation is going to be different for the foreseeable future, we were relieved to be able to reopen on May 4th. Not only are we following all Ohio Department of Health workplace safety recommendations, we're also not allowing pet owners to be in the clinic with their animals. This has drastically changed the daily routine—but our staff is rolling with it.

On a positive note, within the COVID cloud, we found a silver lining. The clinic addition and remodeling we've been planning for close to 3 years was jumpstarted in early April instead of beginning in late May as scheduled. An empty building with no clinic operations to work around was an attractive incentive
for our contractors to begin sooner.

Sometimes crises can bring out the best. We're thankful for the unparalleled dedication of our staff and
for your continued support. PIN is surviving under these unprecedented circumstances.

We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy.


Ann Ramsey Hill
Executive Director
Since we reopened, it's been all hand on deck! Enrollment applications are coming in at a higher rate than ever before. We expect that to continue as all of the economic impacts of COVID-19 are realized.
After 3 years of planning, it's finally happening! The project (which includes both an addition and an interior remodel) gives us a new surgery and treatment suite; two more exam rooms; 2 more offices; a new client restroom; a larger pharmacy/prep area; and an improved lobby layout. We'll be able to provide surgeries and dental procedures in-house and two veterinarians will be able to work comfortably at the same time. Completion will be in late September or early October.
Celebrating 5 Years
When we welcomed Teresa Dasenbrock into the PIN fold in May, 2015, we felt like we'd won the lottery.

As our Finance and Operations Manager, Teresa is our accounting guru, HR manager, and compliance officer --among other things. But her dedication to PIN extends beyond her job responsibilities; we can always count on Teresa to pitch in whenever or wherever needed. After the decision was made to temporarily close the clinic, Teresa dropped everything to be sure that clients got prescription refills during the final days.
Photo: Teresa (right) with her daughter, Emma who
has been a devoted PIN volunteer for nearly five years.

Teresa said "when I checked out clients who were rushing here to pick up meds. I saw the love and concern they had for their dogs and cats. The weeks that followed will always stay with me. We had to cancel so many appointments. I literally went home and cried, knowing our clients had nowhere else to turn until we reopened. For me, this drove home the importance of PIN, and the huge need we fill for pets and their families."

Thank you, Teresa, for your unwavering dedication. PIN indeed won the lottery 5 years ago!