In This Issue
Allegany Franciscans Website
FSA Jamaica Website
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CL Meetings
May 1-2 
FSA Board of Directors Meeting
March 16-23, Brazil

Allegany - April 7-8
NJ/Easton, PA - April 20, 21, 22 Brazil - April 20, 21, 22
Tampa - April 28, 29
Jamaica - May 5, 6

FABS (Franciscans with American and Brazilian Sisters) meeting 
April 23-24, Reading, PA 
Issue 6.05
March 12, 2018  
 Feast of St. Patrick (March 17)

"The heart is the inner face of your life. The human journey strives to make this inner face beautiful. It is here that love gathers within you. Love is absolutely vital for a human life. For love alone can awaken what is divine within you. In love, you grow and come home to yourself. When you learn to love and let yourself be loved, you come home to the hearth of your own spirit. You are warm and sheltered."  
John O'Donohue , Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Congregation Releases Corporate Statement

   The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany have reaffirmed their commitment to the gospel stance of peace and non-violence by issuing a Corporate Statement calling for:
  •  A ban on civilian ownership of high-capacity, military-grade assault weapons and bump stocks;
  • Comprehensive background checks on all persons purchasing guns;
  • Legislation to make gun trafficking a federal crime.
   The full corporate statement calls on Congress and elected leaders to act to end gun violence in light of mass shootings such as those at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Columbine High School, Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Pulse Nightclub, the Route 91 Harvest Festival, and the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, TX.
   The Corporate Statement has been sent to President Trump , Vice President Pence , Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, the House Minority Leader, and 42 Senators and Representatives in New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida, where our Sisters live and serve. 
     In addition to government leaders , the statement has been sent to the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) and bishops in the dioceses where our Sisters serve. The statement was also sent to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), Religious Congregations of men and women, JPIC organizations like Franciscan International and Franciscan Action Network, our Sponsored Corporations, our Partners in Ministry, and both secular and Catholic newspapers.    
   In sending the Corporate Statement to the Provincials of the OFM, OFM Conventual, and OFM Capuchin provinces, and to the Poor Clare Sisters, it was heartening to receive an immediate response from Fr. Kevin Mullen, Provincial of Holy Name Province. Kevin wrote, " Thanks for developing a good statement against gun violence. So far I have the endorsement of 6 Provincials - I am waiting for one more which I suspect will happen today. I will then send the text to US Franciscans and I will have the names of the seven provincials endorsing the statement. I will also share it throughout our Province. It is good to get the word out as you and the sisters have done - thank you."

   To read the full text of the statement, click here
Sr. Pam Gellineau recognized 
By: Denise Bunk-Hatch, Communications Director 

   Sr. Pamela Gellineau was recently recognized for her 1,879 hours of volunteer work at Olean General Hospital during its March 7 Volunteer Recognition Dinner.
   Sr. Pam began volunteering at the hospital in February 2010, and currently goes twice a week for two hours at a time. She serves as a compassionate companion, providing support and companionship for patients and their families.
   "I enjoy listening to patients, I enjoy meeting people," Sr. Pam said of what has kept her returning to the hospital for over 1,800 hours - or the equivalent of more than 75 days - in the past 8 years.
   Olean General Hospital holds a Volunteer Recognition Dinner each year in honor of National Volunteers' Week.

Franciscan Center holds 9th Annual Women's Interfaith Program 
Submitted by: Sharon Joller, Marketing and Communications Director, The Franciscan Center, Tampa
   The Franciscan Center of Tampa held its 9th Annual Women's Interfaith Program Prayer for Peace on Friday, March 9, in honor of International Women's Day. Participants shared in song, prayer, and a sense of spiritual unity.
   Speakers (pictured) were, from left to right:
Farah Khorsandian-Sanchez -Baha'i Faith,  Shreya Narayanan  - Hindu, Maisie Reddy- Episcopal; Chaplain Nora Zaki - Muslim, Donna Wood - Jewish, Right Rev Judy A. Kahler - Celtic Catholic, Sr Anne, Liz Kennedy, and Ida Walker - Christian.         
160th Anniversary of Immaculate Conception High School 
Taken from a letter sent from Margaret Mary Kimmins OSF, Congregational Minister, to the ICHS community

   Peace and All Good!
   It is with great joy that we, the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, join with you in celebrating the 160th Anniversary of Immaculate Conception High School. I first visited ICHS in 1971, and my most recent visit was in October, 2017. Over these many years, I have seen such growth, not only in academic excellence but also in the number of students. There has been development in the curriculum, meeting the needs of today's world; addition of buildings to accommodate growth; beautification of the grounds to provide a climate of welcome; as well as importance of the arts, sciences and sports - all these add to the mind, body, heart, and soul of a school.
   The mission of the Franciscan Sisters is to live the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in our time and place. And the way we try to do this is in simplicity and joy. We, the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, are grateful to you who join us in our mission of living the Gospel in the manner of St. Francis.
   This significant milestone is a time for celebration and a time for thanksgiving. We celebrate with you, and we give thanks to all those who have gone before you and on whose shoulders you stand.
   In the words of Dag Hammarskjold, I pray this Blessing for you: "For all that has been, Thanks; for all that will be, yes!"

150th Anniversary of St. Aloysius Primary School 
Taken from a letter sent from Margaret Mary Kimmins OSF, Congregational Minister, to the St. Aloysius community

   Peace and All Good!
   In a spirit of thanksgiving, we, the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, join you in celebrating the 150th Anniversary of St. Aloysius Primary School. Sister Teresita sent me a copy of your 150th Anniversary video. I watched it several times. Each time I saw it, I smiled at the joy on the children's faces and everyone's pride in their school and country. I noted your academic excellence over all these years, the awards you received in sports, your gifts for music, and of course, your enthusiasm. Any time I have visited St. Aloysius Primary School, I experienced a gracious welcome and a big smile. Thank you!
   I was heartened to see that the values you espouse, especially to rely on God in all things, are instilled throughout the school, and these are evident by your own spirit of dedication and day-to-day fidelity. The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany have as our mission to live the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in our time and in our place. We try to live this in joy and simplicity in the manner of St. Francis. By YOUR joy and simplicity, you are an example to us! St. Aloysius Primary has been an example to so many over these 150 years, not only in what you have accomplished but also in what you represent.
   I pray this blessing for you:
   May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith and may you know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
   By the way, Jamaica is the land I love too!
Resources for Further Study of Francis and Clare

   TAU Publishing, a division of Vesuvius Press Incorporated, has a wide variety of books available for purchase on a number of Franciscan topics. The Franciscan-Clarian Spirituality Committee wished to share this flyer with information on a new series of book on St. Clare of Assisi by Frances Teresa Downing OSC, including information on her writings, their context, her Charism, and her Spirituality.

Upcoming deadlines:
Submissions are not guaranteed publication. All submissions will be edited prior to inclusion, 
and may be held for future use if deemed appropriate.
March 21, 2018 - Second March edition e-newsletter