Hello Fellow Islanders,
Spring has sprung again and all around the island are signs summer will be here before we know it! Our summer wildlife including the osprey have returned, yardwork is well underway, and homes closed for the winter are opening again. We are all hoping the community can continue to get back to some form of normalcy this season.
The PIA board has been checking some items off our seemingly never-ending list of long-term goals. Seventeen years ago, we started having the PIA property surveyed. The purpose of the first survey was to understand and make public what land was protected for all island residents and their guests to access the shoreline as written in our deed.
The 2nd survey conducted on the property around PIA hall was to understand where our property lines are to best utilize our community space. We are pleased to say that after 17 years and 2 lawsuits the property lines are marked with a rustic looking fence and will be preserved for future generations.
For those who don’t yet know or anyone who may have forgotten, the east side of Narragansett Ave from Homestead to Sand Point (except for property in front of 0436 & 0442 Narragansett Ave) is owned by the PIA. This land is to be used by all islanders and their guests to have shoreline access and enjoy our beautiful island home. Please use this space for daytime parking only as needed. There is no overnight parking without written permission from the PIA board. (If permission is needed due to hardship, please email PIA.board@gmail.com and situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.) The east side of Narragansett is an appropriate place to park when attending PIA events. Please do not park on the west side of Narragansett as that is private property, and it is important to respect those homeowners and to keep the road open for emergency vehicles.
Inside the PIA hall we have checked more items off our to-do list. All the lights in the hall have been replaced with LED fixtures and the old wiring removed. Our fire alarm now has a radio box attached. If the fire alarm goes off, Portsmouth fire station will immediately be notified, and it will get toned out to PIVFD. Outside, the basketball light timer has been fixed and cannot be turned on between 10 PM and 8 AM.
The parking area north of the basketball court is still a work in progress but is coming along.
I think this should get everyone caught up on our behind-the-scenes work. Please read the rest of the newsletter for important information on our upcoming events. We look forward to seeing everyone back at the PIA hall and wish everyone a great summer season!
Weekly Friday Night BINGO starts Friday June 3, 2022! BINGO will be looking more "normal" this season, but we will still be watching COVID-19 numbers and following State guidelines. These guidelines are frequently changing so the PIA is prepared to be flexible to meet whatever restrictions may or may not be put in place.
As of May 2022, we are back to full capacity, and we will no longer be limiting the number of players per table. The table layout will remain the same as last year. We ask that the only tables that get pulled together are the ones against the east and west walls, so the BINGO workers can easily move around the room.
Regardless of the COVID restrictions, to maximize the number of people allowed to play BINGO we will be allowing only those actively playing BINGO to be in the hall, so no non-playing adults and no children will be allowed indoors during BINGO.
Flow of traffic in the hall will be the same as last year. Players will enter through the east facing doors and exit through the south doors.
All players must be PIA members.
This year all family and individual memberships must be purchased by midnight the Wednesday prior to that Friday’s game. No annual membership sales will take place on Thursday or at BINGO. Non-members can purchase a one-night membership for that evening in order to play.
We will be playing the popular Queen of Hearts game again this year! Tickets will not be sold with your BINGO packet but can instead be purchased at their own table in the southwest corner of the hall. No online or pre-reservations are required for BINGO this year. Packets will be sold at the hall on BINGO nights. Doors open at 6:30pm for packet sales and calling starts at 8pm. Feel free to come early to get your packet and save your seat by placing your packet on the table. You do not have to stay until calling if you write your name on the back of your packet and leave it at your spot. Just make sure to be back before calling starts!
We are closely monitoring the guidelines, adapting as needed, and we are really looking forward to seeing our members and some new faces as well!
The PIA is again hosting Salty Paws Veterinary and Dr. Meredith Goyette for an on island veterinary clinic for island pets this spring. If you would like your pet to be seen by Dr. Goyette when she is here on May 28th send us an email at Dr. Goyette will also be bringing flea and tick preventative for islanders to purchase without an appointment.
PIA Financials 2021 and 2022
Become a member today and be a part of this Island organization to help preserve the land for all and to keep our community spirit alive.
$25 Family Membership - 2 adults and children under 18 years of age.
$15 Individual Membership - 18 years old and older.
Payments may be made online here or your check may be mailed to:
Prudence Improvement Association
PO Box 111
Prudence Island, RI 20892
Thank you from the PIA Board and our members.
President - Pat Rossi
Vice President - Melanie Curley
Treasurer - Linda Mosher
Secretary - Meg Bear
Executive Committee Members: Jayne West, Kristen Koopman and Stephanie Jenness
Dinner & Dancing
Basketball Court Resurfacing Fundraiser
Saturday June 25th @ 7pm
Dance your way into summer on June 25th. Come join us as the band Mutiny will be rocking the night away to help us raise funds to update basketball/pickleball court. The six-member band which has been together for several years, is led by long time islander Bobby Depalo on the drums. Mutiny met at School of Rock and have been playing together for several years. The band plays classic rock and refers to themselves as a fun band. Music starts at 7:00pm. All donations big or small are welcome and appreciated to help us get this project completed! The kitchen will be open and serving up some delicious food for purchase. So put on your dancing shoes and boogie on over to the PIA for some fun…see you there!
All proceeds go towards the resurfacing project.
PIA Annual Fundraiser
Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday July 9th @ 5pm
Once again, we regret to announce we will not be having the chowder/stuffie cook off. With continued Covid concerns and the style of the cookoff we feel it is best to cancel this event again this year. Don’t fret, we will be having the Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner in its place so you can have a night out, see some island friends and not have to cook. Last year’s event was a big success, we served over 150 dinners. Salad rolls and dessert will be included. There will also be a penny social table, liquor basket raffles, lottery tree and 50/50 raffle. Donations for raffle prizes are needed and can be dropped off on Fridays during BINGO or with any PIA board member. Thank you and follow us on Facebook for further details.
The PIA Hall is available to rent this season. Those members interested in renting the hall should contact Pat Rossi at PIA.Board@gmail.com. All renters will have to follow the Covid-19 policies and guidelines in place at the time of the event. Downloadable forms can be found at our website or by stopping by the hall during a regular event.
Come join us for a night on the Bay!
PIA Members Cruise will take place on August 6th. Weather permitting, we plan on going up the Mt. Hope Bay to Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA. Tickets are $25.00 each with a 2 tickets per membership maximum. If it rains, we will not go out on the boat and the DJ will move to the PIA hall instead. Tickets go on sale July 6th and will be available online, at Bingo or from a board member. This event sells out so be sure to get your tickets as soon as sales open!
The PIA Basketball court is in desperate need of resurfacing! The last resurfacing was done approximately 15 years ago. It has held up well, but its time is up. The court has provided hours of play for both adults and children. You can always find a pick up game at 11am on Saturdays and Sundays. The court has held many 3-on-3 tournaments throughout the years on Labor Day weekend. The PYO has a kids basketball clinic every Tuesday night run by Dan & Stephanie Jenness and they have brought back an end-of-the-season basketball tournament, too.
We also want to add a pickle ball option to the court. We have been approached by many residents about this and feel it will be a good fit for the community. Rules and guidelines will be established with our membership’s input.
We need your help funding this project. We will be hosting several events to help with the cost along with grants and sponsorships. If you can help, please donate online now! You may also mail your donation to:
PO Box 111
Prudence Island, RI 02872
Dan & Stephanie Jenness are heading this project.
Thank you!
The PIA Board
Rendering of the proposed basketball resurfacing
Tuesday Night Basketball starts
June 28th at 6:30pm
Every Tuesday night during game night, volunteers will be holding a basketball clinic where kids can work on shooting and dribbling skills, learn the rules of the game, and play in some mini games. We will be playing games like PIG, knock out and around the world. Mid-August the PYO will host a Youth Basketball Tournament for ages 6-18. If anyone wants to volunteer to help with the clinics on Tuesday and/or the tournament, please reach out to Stephanie scmeier@gmail.com.
PYO Prudence Youth Organization
At our community building we can offer a lot of fun, exciting, and mostly free events for the youth of the island.
We are always looking for new PYO members and invite all kids ages 10 thru 18 to join! Kids can join by coming to a meeting, held at the PIA on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM starting June 29th. Not only does becoming a member look fantastic on a college application or resume,
but you get to come with us on some awesome trips!
Our current board members are:
President: Madeline Emmot
Vice-President: Vanessa Vargas
Treasurer: Emilia Koopman
Secretary: Bella Bear
Game Night
Game Night for this season begins on Tuesday 6/28/22. Kids BINGO starts at 7pm, this is a free event. Kids under 10 are always welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.
During Game Night, the snack shack will be serving ice cream sundaes, root beer & orange
floats and drinks.
We are always accepting and very appreciative of donations of BINGO prizes for kids ages 5 thru 17. The current PIA Board members overseeing the PYO are Kristin Koopman and Meg Bear.
Movie Night
Movie Night starts Wednesday, 6/29/22. The 1st movie of the night is for all ages and starts at 7pm while the 2nd showing is for kids 13+ and starts approx. 8:30pm. You can check our website for the latest movie showing. Kids under 12 are always welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. The snack shack is open during movie night. All the proceeds from the Snack Shack go back to the PYO.
The Island Treasure & Craft Fair
The Island Treasure & Craft Fair is sponsored by the PYO and donations from vendor tables benefit the kids! This year it will be held on 7/18 from 9am to Noon. We are looking for more crafters to sell their goods at this event. The donation per table is $25 for non-members and $20 for members. If you are interested in a table, please reach out to us at pyo1018@gmail.com.
The PIA & PYO are great for kids and families to gather and enjoy life on the island. To be able to continue offer these fun events we need the community's cooperation by respecting our building’s neighbors, being mindful of the noise level, keeping the area clean, and vacating the property by 10pm each evening. Field trips are one of the PYO member’s favorite parts of the organization! This past summer season PYO members took a trip to Seekonk Grand Prix and all members really enjoyed themselves. Meg and Kristin also set up a pirate themed escape room for the PYO members in the PIA. Thankfully, the kids were successful and were able to get themselves out! There was no winter field trip due to COVID-19 but we are hoping to bring it back this winter. Previous winter trips have been to go skiing and snow tubing!
We look forward to another fun filled season !!
Prudence Improvement Association | PIA.Board@gmail.com