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The Plum Creek Current

Spring 2022

Dear Stakeholders and Friends of Plum Creek,

"The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land."

A fluvial geomorphologist and visionary in water resource management, Luna Leopold eloquently described watershed management in one sentence. To be a steward of water requires systems thinking and grappling with the reality of land use change, namely through development — a task that necessitates crucial conversations with disparate parties.

Such conversations occur during meetings of the "Future Development Committee" of the Greater San Marcos Partnership. The (Zoom) room is filled with developers, planners, and environmental conservation organizations. We all seek to do our jobs, whether that is to place land in conservation easements or develop a master-planned community. Yet, we all seek to have places to connect with nature and recreate, recharge, and relax. In that vein, we choose to work together to create an ecologically functional landscape with care and intention, while supporting the health of our waters.

I share this example to showcase that—while the Plum Creek Watershed is being rapidly developed—I believe we are collectively making progress and creating common ground, which is indeed our common ground, our watershed.

This Spring, my goal is to expand the Partnership's presence among stakeholders, continue providing educational programming, and set a path for prioritizing watershed management measures.

Thank you for reading and engaging with the Plum Creek Watershed Partnership.



Christina Lopez, PhD

Watershed Coordinator

2022 Update

to the Watershed Protection Plan

Every two years, the Watershed Protection Plan is updated with recent activities, progress on implementation, and recommendations for adaptive management.

The Steering Committee has reviewed a draft, which is now under review at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Once approved, the 2022 Update will be available on our website.


Steering Committee Meeting

The Steering Committee held its quarterly meeting on March 24th at the Kyle Fire Station. Christina provided updates about the Watershed Protection Plan, events, and programs.

Tim Auld, Caldwell-Travis Soil and Water Conservation District Technician, updated us on water quality management plans.

BVRT Utility Holding Company provided an introduction and overview of their operations in the Plum Creek Watershed, which includes Plum Creek Utility Company.

Steering Committee members were asked to complete a Watershed Protection Priority Planning form to help craft new goals for the Partnership.

Meeting Materials and Summary

Feral Hog Abatement and Control

Programming for 2022

Bounty Claim Events

$5 per tail

Caldwell County

3rd Thursday of each month (Feb - July)

10 AM to 1 PM

Smith Supply

1830 S Colorado, Lockhart

Hays County

2nd Mondays of each month (Feb - July)

8 AM to 12 PM

Hays County Extension Office

200 Stillwater Rd, Wimberley

3rd Fridays of each month (Feb - July)

10 AM to 1 PM

Hays County Precinct 2

5458 FM 2770, Kyle

Damage Assessment Surveys

Is a property you own or manage impacted by feral hogs?

Complete the Feral Hog Damage and Control Survey

Plum Creek Stewards Texas Stream Team

Our citizen science water quality monitoring group is seeking volunteers to test sites throughout the Plum Creek Watershed on a monthly basis.

The water quality data are added to a state-wide database: Texas Stream Team Datamap. Hundreds of volunteers have collected data for 30 years through this program!

To become a certified monitor, a three-hour training is required. After training, the time commitment is about 1 to 2 hours per month.

Upcoming Training Events:

  • Saturday, April 16th
  • Sunday, April 24th
  • Sunday, May 22nd

Contact clopez@plumcreekwatershed.org to get involved.

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Recent Events

Well Educated Event

Texas Well Owners Network

The Luling Foundation hosted the TWON event on March 4th, which was attended by 27 well owners. The event included presentations by the Plum Creek Watershed Partnership and the Plum Creek Conservation District.

More about the TWON Training


Upper Plum Creek

37th Annual Great River Cleanup

On March 5th, litter was removed in Plum Creek and along the Plum Creek Trail in Kyle with the help of 83 volunteers!

Volunteers collected over 2,800 pounds of trash, 170 pounds of recycling, and 1 tire.

More about the 37th Annual Great Texas River Cleanup

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Upcoming Events


Earth Day Celebration

April 23, 2022

10 AM — 4 PM

Kyle Public Library

500 Scott St.

Kyle, Texas

Children/family activities in the morning, followed by a series of workshops/presentations in the afternoon.

Featuring: Great Springs Project, Hill Country Alliance, Composting with Conrad, Plum Creek Watershed Partnership, One Million Trees Across Texas, Hays County Master Naturalists, Austin Bat Regufe, Austin Water Wildland Conservation, and more!

Kona Ice

Free Pizza & Popcorn

More Information

Riparian & Stream Ecosystem Training Workshop

May 12, 2022

8 AM — 4 PM

Lockhart State Park

2012 State Park Rd.

Lockhart, Texas

Indoor classroom and outdoor presentations by multiple natural resource agency experts and an outdoor field portion to discover the role of riparian vegetation in properly functioning systems.


$15 lunch (optional)

Continuing education units available.

RSVP by May 5th - Registration link forthcoming

More Information

Lone Star Healthy Streams

The goal of the Lone Star Healthy Streams (LSHS) program is the protection of Texas waterways from bacterial contamination originating from livestock operations and feral hogs that may pose a serious health risk to Texas citizens.

June 1st - Seguin, Location and Time TBA


Good News

Grant awarded to fund workshops for "Deep Topsoil Restoration of the Plum Creek Watershed"

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) awarded the Caldwell-Travis Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) the "2022 Friends of NACD District Grant." With the $2,500 award, the SWCD will host a series of workshops focused on soil health and deep topsoil restoration in the Plum Creek Watershed.

Read More
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Funding for the development and support of the Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan is through a Clean Water Act grant provided by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.