March Fitness Classes are Open!
As we continue to forge on with healthy habits to keep our families and community safe, please make time for exercise.
Exercise boosts your immune system, and helps reduce stress levels. Whether you enjoy yoga, strength training or seated exercise, having a class on your calendar is a fun way to stay connected safely and provides motivation to stick to a fitness routine.

A new session of Virginia Hospital Center’s virtual fitness begins the week of March 8. Registration is open!

To view the full schedule and register, visit
Questions? Please contact 703.558.6740 or
Healthy Aging Lectures (Webinars)
Join us each month for an educational and engaging lecture on a topic related to health, aging, and living well. To register for an upcoming lecture, click on the registration links below or contact the Senior Health Department: 703.558.6859 or
Friday, February 26 @ 11 AM – 12 PM
COVID-19 Update: Where We’ve Been & Where We Are Now 
Join us for a timely update on COVID-19. What have medical and scientific experts learned, what is the current status of treatment, testing and vaccines, and what do we need to consider for our personal health and safety moving forward? The talk will be led by Rohit Modak, MD, FIDSA, who is a board certified infectious disease specialist with Virginia Hospital Center Physician Group - Infectious Diseases.
Friday, March 26 @ 11 AM – 12 PM
Time for Spring Cleaning? Start with Home Safety & Repairs
Get a head start on your spring cleaning by learning about repairs and maintenance steps that can help keep your home safe. Don Ryan with Rebuilding Together Express will talk about safety around falls, fires, moisture and ventilation problems, allergens, carbon monoxide, and other toxic exposures.
Learn from the Expert
Cervical Cancer -
Prevention & Treatment
Wednesday, Feb. 24 | 7 – 8 PM

Mary E. Crowther, MD, PhD, FACOG, VHC Physician Group-OB/GYN, discusses cervical cancer screening guidelines, symptoms & treatment options, as well as the HPV vaccine. To register for this free program click the button below, call 703.558.5555, or email us.

Health Promotion        703.558.6740
Senior Health            703.558.6859

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