
"May your purple Lenten days
of prayer, charity and self-discipline
weave around your heart a reforming womb,
so that at Easter's sunrise you may emerge anew,
reborn in heart and soul, enabled to love without limits,
energized to pray always, engaged in peace and justice,
and so truly able to celebrate a freshly joyous Resurrection Day."
Ministry of the Arts

A Blessed Beautiful Easter!

Our mission as a spirituality centre continues to be
"To encourage individuals and groups to explore and restore the energies needed for personal, communal, and world transformation."
Receive the gifts of silence waiting for you in this sacred space as you rest, re-focus and refresh. Home-cooked meals, accommodation, and spiritual direction are offered as part of these days.
Learn to deeply inhabit your own life, with a clearer capacity to be present in the everyday.
Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew rsm
Take time in the beauty of this sacred space on the beautiful shores of Lake Simcoe to receive the gifts of silence waiting for you...
Accommodation, home-cooked meals, and spiritual direction are offered as part of these days.
Experience the tranquil beauty of this sacred space as you restore your energies. Come for 3-6 nights and bring a friend or meet new friends.
home-cooked meals, and 2 docks for enjoying the lake.
Celebrate Earth Week
Join us
Thursday April 25 from 7-9 PM  

In a theatrical feature documentary, we follow visionary scientist, conservationist and author, Diana Beresford-Kroeger, on her journey to the most beautiful forests of the northern hemisphere. From the sacred sugi and cedar forests of Japan, the ancient Raheen Wood of Ireland, the walnut and redwood trees of America, to the great boreal forest of Canada, Beresford-Kroeger tells us the amazing stories behind the history and legacy of these ancient forests while also explaining the science of trees and the irreplaceable roles they play in protecting and feeding the planet.

No registration needed, although it would be helpful for us to know if you are coming. 
Please call/leave us a message at 905-476-4013, or drop us a line at Free will donation appreciated.

"Diana Beresford-Kroeger is an Irish botanist, medical biochemist and author, born in Islington, England
and resides near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She is known for her extraordinary ability to bring an understanding and appreciation of the scientific complexities of nature to the general public." Wikipedia
Easter Poem

Sturdy, deep green tulip shoots.
How did they know it was time to push up through the long-wintered soil?
How did they know it was the moment to resurrect,
while thick layers of stubborn ice still pressed the bleak ground flat?

But the tulips knew.
They came, rising strongly, a day after the ice died.
There’s a hope-filled place in me that also knows when to rise,
that waits for the last layer of ice to melt into obscurity.

It is urged by the strong sun warming my wintered heart.
It is nudged by the Secret One, calling, calling, calling:
“Arise, my love, and come.”

My heart stirs like dormant tulips and hope comes dancing forth.
Not unlike the Holy One kissing the morning sun,
waving a final farewell to a tomb emptied of its treasure.

Joyce Rupp, Prayer Seeds

Click here to for a beautiful resource contemplating Resurrection as a Spiritual Practice, while enjoying these views of transformation from quiet winter slumber to fullness of life in our sacred space.
From our window last spring (hope springs eternal).. .
Come spend time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude, on the beautiful shores of Lake Simcoe.

Corporate, staff and organization groups are welcome for weekday retreats of envisioning, reflection & planning.

Individuals may book time throughout the year. Spiritual direction available upon request.

We welcome you to email us at for availability.
G uest Comments
"My experience here was wonderful and just what I needed. I felt comfortable from the moment I arrived. I appreciated so much how both the staff and other participants held the space - it was a sacred, safe and expansive space. This will be the first place I think of whenever I need time away from my regular life. Thank you."

There is such a sense of calm, of peace here that I never want to leave. I feel it from the moment I step out of my car - in the silence God is saying "welcome". God is present all around - in the lake, the sunshine, the sound of the birds, and in the people I am blessed to see here. Thank you!"
Find your centre at our Centre ... Come and see ...
Tel. 905.476.4013
© Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre 2019
Office Hours:
Weekdays 9am-noon
Afternoons by chance