Let us by prayer and intercession with thanksgiving
make our requests to God.
Gracious God,
Today we lift up the people of Ukraine, and their leader President Zelensky in their time of crisis. We remember the many ordinary people taking up arms for their homeland and we pray for those streaming out of Ukraine as refugees. We pray for wisdom and prudence for President Putin and we pray for the People of Russia, and for the many Russo-Ukrainians that a safe and amicable peace may be found for all. We pray for the people of Belarus and Poland, of Hungary and Rumania as they are impacted by the present conflict.
Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for the renewal of the Church in faith, love and service.
We pray for Cecelia our moderator and for the life of this community.
We give thanks for the gift of your word,
the grace of the sacraments
and the fellowship of your people.
Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for this local community
and for all people in their daily life and work.
We pray for the young and the elderly,
for families, and all who are alone.
We give thanks for human skill and creativity
and all that reveals your loveliness.
Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We lift up those who are celebrating life's joys and accomplishments, especially remembering Samantha and Benjamin on their wedding anniversary.
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are in need;
for the sick, sorrowful and bereaved.
We pray for all who bring comfort, care and healing.
We give thanks for human love and friendship
and for all that enriches our daily lives.
In this church, we pray for Jim and Mitch, Mickey, LindaRae , Eric and Ted, Ramon and Ed, Rob, Alex, Boots, Sally, Valerie, Sandy Wright, Abner, Lowell, Rich and Jimmy, Tommy and Mike, Lori and Shawn, Barb Braden, Gregory, Matthew, Mike Parker, Ron, Fidel, Rev Ron, Owen, Ed, Addy Brady, Roberta, Leon, Ron Shonk, Peggy and Jeanne, Mike, Mark and Patrick, Dallas, Kevin and Shirley, Jeannie, Les and Joe, and Robert.
Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Conqueror of death,
remember for good those whom we love but see no longer, remembering the life of Jalesa Battle. Comfort all who mourn and help us to live this day in the sure and certain hope of your eternal victory.
Let us commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,
to the mercy and protection of God.