Prophetic and Passionate Christianity...
Dear Friends,

Our scriptures this Sunday give us some extraordinary images of our God; some terrifying, some encouraging and some comforting. They are images that meet us where we are in this Lenten season. Wherever we find ourselves they are true food for our journey.

Join us Sunday morning as we come together to worship, celebrate the Eucharist, and be encouraged by each other’s presence.

Reverend is in the middle of his vacation, so he is probably someplace polishing off a box crate of bon bons, surrounded by … well, we know him, so we can only imagine.

Don’t forget to set your clocks forward or you’ll be late to church!

Pastor Jim

Rock of Ages

Opening Hymn 
Rejoice You Pure in Heart

The Lord Is My Light
By Frances Allisten
Gary Grout, Tenor

Sermon Hymn
More Love to Thee, O Christ

How Deep the Father’s Love For Us
Choral Setting by Larry Shackley
MCCCV Ensemble

Communion Distribution
A Voice Saith ‘All Men Are Mortal’
J.S. Bach
Carol Piekaar, Organist

Closing Hymn
Shall We Gather at the River

Jesu, Meine Freude
J. S. Bach
Carol Piekaar, Organist

Tea and Sympathy
Wednesday, March 16th
3 PM

Come and enjoy pleasant company, conversation and a good cup of tea!

Sunday’s Don’t Count
Lenten Cookie Challenge!

Thank you to all who brought cookies last week: Deb and Arlene, PattiDean, Jim, Carol, and Marilyn and Lynda! You increased our sweetness!

This week it is Brownies and Blondies!

There are no rules. You can buy or home bake, just bring whatever is your special favorite!

Wednesday, March 16th,
5.30 PM

All are welcome as we gather for a soup and bread supper. And just like meals at the mission ... prayers first ... then soup!

Lenten Vespers
Thursday, March 17th, 5 PM

During Lent we are changing some of the elements in our evening prayer service on Thursdays. We are introducing Anglican Chant instead of our Taize and adding some new prayers and reorientating the space we use for the service.

As a part of your Lent preparation please consider coming to experience this service, the music is of the highest quality, and it provides a great opportunity to reset during the week!

We hope to welcome you this Thursday!
We live stream all our services, and we have overhauled both our audio and our streaming system. Click on the image of the service below to go to the video itself.

Sunday, March 6th, First Lent Worship Service
Thursday, March 10th, Lenten Vespers Service
In Our Prayers...
Let us by prayer and intercession with thanksgiving
make our requests to God.

Gracious God,
Today we lift up the people of Ukraine, and their leader President Zelensky in their time of crisis. We remember the many ordinary people taking up arms for their homeland and we pray for those streaming out of Ukraine as refugees. We pray for wisdom and prudence for President Putin and we pray for the People of Russia, and for the many Russo-Ukrainians that a safe and amicable peace may be found for all. We pray for the people of Belarus and Poland, of Hungary and Rumania as they are impacted by the present conflict.

Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.

We pray for the renewal of the Church in faith, love and service.
We pray for Cecelia our moderator and for the life of this community.
We give thanks for the gift of your word,
the grace of the sacraments
and the fellowship of your people.

Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.

We pray for this local community
and for all people in their daily life and work.
We pray for the young and the elderly,
for families, and all who are alone.
We give thanks for human skill and creativity
and all that reveals your loveliness.

Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.

We lift up those who are celebrating life's joys and accomplishments, especially remembering Samantha and Benjamin on their wedding anniversary.

Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are in need;
for the sick, sorrowful and bereaved.
We pray for all who bring comfort, care and healing.
We give thanks for human love and friendship
and for all that enriches our daily lives.
In this church, we pray for Jim and Mitch, Mickey, LindaRae , Eric and Ted, Ramon and Ed, Rob, Alex, Boots, Sally, Valerie, Sandy Wright, Abner, Lowell, Rich and Jimmy, Tommy and Mike, Lori and Shawn, Barb Braden, Gregory, Matthew, Mike Parker, Ron, Fidel, Rev Ron, Owen, Ed, Addy Brady, Roberta, Leon, Ron Shonk, Peggy and Jeanne, Mike, Mark and Patrick, Dallas, Kevin and Shirley, Jeannie, Les and Joe, and Robert.
Lord, In your Mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Conqueror of death,
remember for good those whom we love but see no longer, remembering the life of Jalesa Battle. Comfort all who mourn and help us to live this day in the sure and certain hope of your eternal victory.

Let us commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,
to the mercy and protection of God.
Online Views 2979
In-Person Attendance
Thursday, Compline March 3rd 13
Sunday, Worship March 6th 39
Wednesday, Tea & Sympathy March 9th11
Wednesday, Soup Supper March 9th 4

Generosity for the Week of March 6th: 
General Fund: $2,845.43
Rents: $300.00
TOTAL: $3,145.43
May God continue to bless your generosity.

Spread The Word On Social Media:
A Church for All Souls
P.O. Box 2949, Cathedral City, CA 92235-2949.