Spring Forward Into March!
The Salisbury Business Center welcomes the Plein Air Carolina artists to our Lobby Gallery at 301 S. Main Street for the ‘Into the Open’ Artists Exhibition.  En plein air is a French term meaning “in the open air”, a centuries-old tradition.

All are invited to meet and greet the artists at the Artists’ Opening Reception Friday evening, March 2 nd , from 5:00pm – 8:00pm . The reception is FREE and open to the public.

The exhibition will be on display from March 2 - May 25, 2018 (M-F 8am-5pm).
Artist Joyce Canaugh-Wood
Artist Sharon Forthofer
Artist Barbara Garwood
Welcome Railway Crossfit to Main Street
We have new neighbors! Railway CrossFit has a new location ~ at 314 S. Main Street in Salisbury, right across the street from the Salisbury Business Center

Railway CrossFit started humbly in a 400 square-foot space off S. Lee Street in downtown Salisbury in a rugged warehouse building, the business only visible through a garage door opening. Owner Brandon Wilson created a workout room in this space, “really just a box” says Wilson, to start small with quality workout programs, rather than focusing on aesthetics, and go from there. The space was quite hidden and a well-kept secret in the Salisbury downtown! 

But…no more!

The new facility on South Main Street is much larger and offers exponentially more visibility for the company. Wallace Properties, owner of the Mid-Century Modern building, has plans in place for exterior improvements to this and the neighboring buildings, with the aim to create an attractive destination in the city’s South quarter. Wilson says he is excited about the opportunities in the new location, and hopes more businesses will consider moving to the South Main Street corridor. We already see the street lined with cars morning through night.

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is a workout regimen where high intensity functional movement is applied in a constantly varying program with combinations of weight lifting, gymnastic and metabolic conditioning. The new facility at 314 S. Main Street fits the growing company’s goal to provide all an effective, safe program and environment to comprehensively accomplish fitness goals.   Welcome, Railway Crossfit!

Railway Crossfit | 314 South Main Street, Salisbury NC | (336) 247-2546
Financial tips – at your fingertips!
Finance is one area of running a small business where it’s especially helpful to have expert guidance. There are some impressive blogs out there written by finance professionals that create a valuable resource for entrepreneurs who want a better understanding of finance and a comprehensive source to which to refer.

These blogs range broadly in focus and tone, but they all provide valuable, actionable tips for small business owners and entrepreneurs. See what these top finance blogs picked as their favorite post of the year and learn a little more about small business finance:

To better understand available small business funding and financing options, here are five more blogs that show you what’s out there, how to best take advantage of them, with winning strategies for scoring the capital you need to grow your company.
Welcoming Community Groups
The Salisbury Business Center was pleased to host not one, but TWO tour groups to our facility last month. 
Leadership Rowan toured the Salisbury Business Center facility last month. The Rowan County Chamber of Commerce presents this elite program where participants get an in-depth view of community issues, develop skills to assume leadership roles and are exposed to community involvement opportunities. Participants study the qualities that make an effective leader, and are then challenged to apply their talents by volunteering for local boards and commissions and possibly running for elected office. How exciting to see Rowan's up and coming leadership at SBC!

Over 20 students from Rowan County high schools visited the Salisbury Business Center and Integro Technologies with their Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Career Coach , Omar Crenshaw. After a presentation by Integro Vice President Shawn Campion in our state-of-the-art auditorium, the students, who have a focus on electrical and machining technologies, toured the Integro manufacturing facility. Campion gave the students sage advice about jobs vs. careers and the resume as a living document. The group asked interesting and insightful questions. What better resource than Integro Technologies to explore these career paths!
We are proud to be mentors and a shining example for groups such as these. Give us a call at (704) 209-4589 to arrange a tour for your group!
RCCC Job Fair Tuesday March 13th
Rowan-Cabarrus with NCWorks Career Center hosts the 2018 Spring Community Job Fair :
March 13, 2018 | 10:00am - 1:00pm
New Life Baptist Church
1281 Biscayne Dr., Concord, NC 28027
Employers can register through the  College Central Network .

Spring Forward, March 11th: Daylight Saving Time
This year’s Daylight Saving Time (DST) takes place on March 11, in which most of us set all clocks forward an hour (unless you have a smartphone or another device with Internet connection that automatically changes the time at 2:00 am that morning to free you from the hassle).

Some interesting DST tidbits:

  1. “Spring forward" and "Fall back” is an easy way to remember how to set your clock when daylight saving times begins and ends. Set your clock forward one hour at 2 a.m. on March 11. We’ll be setting clocks back again by one hour at 2 a.m. on November 4.
  2. In the United States, daylight saving time began on March 21, 1918. U.S. government officials reasoned that fuel could be saved by reducing the need for lighting in the home.
  3. A standardized system of beginning and ending daylight saving time came in 1966 when the Uniform Time Act became law. While it was a federal act, states were granted the power to decide if they wanted to remain on standard time year-round.
  4. Arizona (except for the Navajo, who do observe daylight saving time on tribal lands), Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands do not observe daylight saving time.
Enjoy your extra hour of sleep now!
It goes away March 11th!
Authored by Susan R. McHugh | Salisbury Business Center