First National Support Group for
Educators Assaulted by Students
In May of 2019, we are launching a new monthly support group series, Educators Assaulted by Students. This group is open to all teachers, custodial staff, bus drivers, lunch staff, substitutes, secretaries, and others who have been assaulted by a student. This non-clinical, psycho-educational peer support group will give participants the opportunity to meet others who share similar experiences, learn about healthy ways to cope with their victimization, and become educated about the healing process.

This series will offer participants a confidential space to discuss the impact a victimization has had on their careers and everyday life and better understand the impact of trauma. Registration is required to participate in the Educators Assaulted by Students support group series. A total of twelve (12) participants will be accepted. All of Victim Assistance Program’s support groups are free and confidential.

If you are interested in participating in this support group, please contact us by calling 330.376.7022 x218 or emailing . Additionally, we are looking to partner with Summit County schools to distribute support group materials to increase awareness of this new service available to school personnel. Please call 330.376.7022 ext. 218 to request a poster or flyers.
NCVRW - Thank You!
Thank you so much to all of our friends and colleagues within the community who helped us make our open house a meaningful way to celebrate (NCVRW) National Crime Victims' Rights Week. We are so grateful for the amazing support for our agency's founder, Rev. Dr. Bob Denton, and for the opportunity to celebrate the realization of his vision. We were thrilled to unveil the Summit Victim Assistance Academy "Rev. Dr. Bob Denton Training Facility" in his honor!

As part of our National Crime Victims' Rights Week commemoration, we also presented the Rev. Dr. Robert A. Denton Outstanding Victim Service Award to Cuyahoga Falls Fire Chief Fred Jackson in recognition of his faithfulness, dedication, and commitment to victims of crime and trauma. Thank you to all who helped us celebrate these two outstanding members of our community, who dedicate their careers to helping those in need.
SVAA's The Essentials of Victim Advocacy
June 2019 Session
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Do you want:

  • to help individuals in crisis?
  • to understand the impact of trauma?
  • to become a victim advocate?

Attend SVAA's Essentials of Victim Advocacy, our nationally approved prerequisite training to become a comprehensive Credentialed Victim Advocate. Complete this 40-hour hybrid course and use the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) model of crisis intervention to aid individuals impacted by victimizations and traumatic events.

Out with the Old, In with the New!
We are pleased to announce our new marketing suite. Browse our available materials below! Our " 24/7 Crisis Response" and " Advocacy Services" brochures are also available in the following languages:
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Nepali

If you or your organization is able to display any of the below brochures in your office or lobby, please contact us at 330.376.7022 x205.