Earth Day is April 22 -- this might be the perfect spring day to go outside!
Children with visual impairments use their senses to learn about the world around them.
Take your child outside. If you’re going for a walk, push them in their stroller or wheelchair, or use this as an opportunity for your child to practice walking with their white cane. Or, just sit on a blanket in your yard or at a park.
Think about the words you might use to describe nature to your child – windy, sunny, cloudy, quiet, fresh. Talk about the weather that day and what you’re wearing. “Let’s wear our sunglasses and hat because the sun is bright.”
Listen to the sounds of nature and take a deep breath. Label what you hear or smell. Follow your child’s lead. What are they interested in? Maybe it’s the big rock or the crunchy leaves. Do you hear any birds? Just focusing on one sense at a time is enough for your child if they are sensitive to new experiences.
Read more about this sensory Learning Experience HERE.