environmental literacy new and updates graphic of ocean mountains and desert
Feb. 10, 2023
photo of a heart shape in a rock
One of my favorite forms of pareidolia (the human ability to see shapes or pictures in random patterns), is finding hearts in nature. I often think this is Earth’s way of reminding us of the intrinsic relationship we have with our planet. (This photo of a heart shape in a rock was taken by Crystal Starr Howe.)

Last month, I had the amazing opportunity to discuss Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer with the San Diego educators who participated in our Winter Book Club. Our conversation centered on the relationship between humans and the land, how we can help students feel and grow their connection to nature, and the ways that we all want to learn how to bring the lens of California Indian education to our instruction. What stuck out to me the most, was the idea of having gratitude for the land that results in a duty to care for the land. As you move through this month, consider how our love for the plants and animals around us lends itself to a need for us to take actions to sustain the environment for others to fall in love with it. 

Be sure to check out and bookmark the SDCOE Environmental Literacy webpage where you can see upcoming events and resources updated regularly. Please share this newsletter sign-up link with others so they can receive future Environmental Literacy News and Updates.

San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Environmental Literacy Coordinator

San Diego Children and Nature (SDCaN) Executive Director
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San Diego is often associated with beaches and sunny skies, but east of the city there is a sanctuary of oak woodlands, pine forests, expansive meadows, seasonal creeks, and undisturbed wildlife. Cuyamaca Rancho State Park has over 100 miles of trails, on which the students of SDCOE's Cuyamaca Outdoor School explore. Outdoor educators at San Diego's original 6th Grade Camp choose from a variety of experiences to share with their students. Students can climb into a rock canyon where the sparkling waters of Harper Creek flow, or they can trek to the top of jagged Stonewall Peak, a 5,700-ft peak overlooking Lake Cuyamaca. With a focus on building science thinking through the crosscutting concepts, Cuyamaca Outdoor School connects the amazing field experiences students have at camp to the learning they are doing in science classrooms. Cuyamaca Rancho State Park offers fabulous outdoor opportunities to San Diego's 6th graders and also to the public. The hiking trails are well-marked and usable for hikers with a variety of experience. With all the rain and snow we have been getting this winter, you can expect flowing streams and the beginning of soon-to-be many spring blooms.
Photo Source: E. Traub
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Environmental Educator Leaders Network logo
In March, the Environmental Educator Leaders Network (EELN) will host the SoCal Environmental Literacy Showcase from 4 to 6 p.m. on March 16 at the San Diego County Office of Education at 6401 Linda Vista Road in San Diego. This free event will bring formal and informal educators together to highlight the importance of environmental literacy in the classroom. Teachers can register to attend today.

Our amazing environmental programs can register today to host a table at the event to showcase their offerings through interactive exhibits. Teachers will be eligible to win prizes and have the opportunity to learn about the classroom and field based experiences available to them. We hope to see you all there!
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For Environmental Educators
View all the professional learning opportunities and register on the Environmental Literacy webpage.

BEETLES Professional Learning 
Join us to improve your skills for leading outdoor student learning. These research-based strategies will focus on supporting students to think critically, engage in outdoor instruction, and support high-quality teaching and learning experiences.

Hike, Network, and Learn
Join the EELN to explore a San Diego outdoor space on March 23! Spend the morning with fellow nature lovers and try on a fun outdoor learning strategy.

NGSS Refresh 
This workshop will provide a refresher or introduction to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for environmental education program instructors. Consider how NGSS connects to your field or in-school program and how to highlight the dimensions of NGSS for students.

Local Places Spotlight
Join EELN from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on April 24 to network with colleagues and explore a local place. Visit Olivewood Gardens to learn about their educational programming. Follow up the learning with an optional social hour.

Job Opportunities 
  • We will post and update EELN open positions as they become available for the network to see. This document will be updated regularly, so you may want to bookmark it for future use.
For Environmental Educators and Classroom Teachers
View all the Environmental Educators Leaders Network events on the Environmental Literacy webpage.

Nature Journaling Club
Develop your nature journaling skills and explore local nature! Nature journaling improves your observation skills, supports wellness, and supports learning for adults and children! Join us to learn new techniques and support bringing nature journaling into classrooms, field experiences, and your life.

San Diego Environmental Education Showcase!
  • Come the SDCOE main campus in Linda Vista March 16, 4 to 6 p.m., to get inspired to take your students outdoors in the spring. Learn about how to use the schoolyard, meet local nature programs, and find out how environmental literacy connects across the subjects. There will be raffles, learning, and fun!
  • Register to attend the showcase.  
  • Register to host a table.

Learning in Local Nature 
This one-day virtual professional learning for K-8 teachers will focus on environmental literacy in science and how to use your campus as an outdoor classroom. Identify local environmental phenomena and get tips on connecting with community partners. Learn from experts in the field and collaborate with other classroom educators from across Southern California. Substitutes will be reimbursed!

Spring Book Club 
Join formal and informal educators in San Diego as we read a nature focused book together. Books will be sent to the first 30 registrants. We will meet from 4 to 6 p.m. on May 4 to discuss what we learned from the book and how it connects to our instruction.

Hike, Network, Learn 
Connect with formal and informal educators in San Diego as you enjoy the amazing nature in our county. Bring your partner teachers, your friends, and your favorite environmental colleague to explore the outdoors at the Living Coast Discovery Center on May 13 from 9 a.m. to noon.
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EcoBlitz Microcredential 
The EcoBlitz microcredential is available to K-12 educators, environmental educators, park rangers, museum educators, and others. Join a team of California-based National Geographic Explorers and National Geographic certified educators in an interdisciplinary environmental education and community science program!

Statewide Conference for Environmental & Outdoor Educators
Join the Association for Environmental and Outdoor Educators (AEOE) May 5 to 7 for Educating for Change — a weekend of learning, networking, and fun in the redwoods. The conference includes about 30 workshops, a keynote speaker, an awards ceremony, resource fair, live and silent auction, evening entertainment, and more. Lodging and meals are offered onsite on Saturday and Sunday and both camping and cabin dorm accommodations are available for Friday and Saturday night. The call for workshop proposals is now open. 

Virtual CA Environmental Literacy Project Conference
On March 4, join educators from across California to learn, network, and collaborate around relevant environmental topics, lessons, and activities. Workshop sessions available for all educators, community partners, and environmental enthusiasts! View the Environmental Literacy Project Conference flyer for more information and to register for the virtual conference.

The Advanced Inquiry Program 
This is a unique opportunity for students to earn their master’s degree through web-based coursework from Miami and face-to-face experiential learning and field study at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. The AIP focuses on conservation, environmental stewardship, and driving social and ecological change, and students may earn either a Master of Arts in Teaching in Biological Sciences or a Master of Arts in Biology. See the Advanced Inquiry digital brochure for more information.

Project WET
The USGS California Water Science Center, Water Energy Education Alliance, and California Project WET program invite middle and high school educators to a unique Project WET workshop experience exploring the role of California water science research in managing California’s water resources, our place in Earth’s systems, and how modeling increases access to STEM careers, supports student success, and enhances community resilience. Find more information and register online.
CA Environmental Literacy Initiative District Innovation Webinar Series 
Join the California Environmental Literacy Initiative’s District Innovation Hub in an interactive online series showcasing the work of inspiring equity-focused leaders in environmental literacy and school sustainability. From 4 to 5:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month, you will hear in-depth accounts of district success stories, followed by informal discussions and networking with like-minded colleagues. Folks who lead, work in, or support California’s school districts are especially encouraged to join. Register to attend the innovation webinar series.

EcoLogik STEM Workshops
Join STEM professionals for a variety of workshops exploring the real science conducted in America’s National Parks. Participants will use technology to investigate real-world problems and learn ways to solve them, empowering them to preserve and protect nature and sparking an interest in STEM. These workshops are free to the public, and will be located at Cabrillo, libraries, and other community spaces around the county. Register for these free workshops on the Cabrillo National Park website.

Ms. Smarty-Plants Assemblies, Field Trips and Classroom Visits
The Water Conservation Garden and Ms. Smarty-Plants™ are providing fantastic free, fun programs for your students this school year. She can visit your school in person, or you can visit us at The Garden to explore our garden exhibits. She will inspire students about water conservation, gardening, and science! Water Districts throughout the county are funding these programs for schools. Please reach out to their education team to see if your school qualifies for a free program. Please email SmartyPlants@thegarden.org or visit the Water Conservation Garden website.

Energy is Everything
The Energy is Everything program aims to develop the next generation of energy workers by raising exposure to high-value energy career pathways for K-12 disadvantaged students. Energy is Everything is a multi-disciplinary program aligning with California state standards and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills; focused on energy and environmental topics. The program guides students in applying science and engineering practices (researching, designing solutions, redesigning, notebooking, and communicating). Simultaneously, helping them build their conceptual knowledge, Energy is Everything intends to increase STEM skills, especially in energy and water resource management. As students deepen their understanding of human impacts on the environment, they shift their behavior and decisions towards living more sustainably. Learn more about the Energy is Everything program.

Exploring Conservation Science Field Trips
The Community Engagement team has been working since 2005 to make San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance's scientific staff and facilities available to challenge, engage, and inspire students from middle school to college. Their approach provides the opportunity to share a full, in-depth look at the work of conservation biology and the many fields of study that help guide conservation decision-making. Their specialized facilities offer the chance to work firsthand with the tools and techniques used in conserving endangered species. All of their programs are developmentally appropriate, relevant to real-world problems, and emphasize understanding through inquiry.
The Community Engagement team offers a 2.5-hour lab field trip program, titled Exploring Conservation Science, to interested science teachers and their classes. This program is open to all interested middle school, high school, and undergraduate classes, and includes visits to both the Beckman Center and the adjacent San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido. For more information and to reserve a field trip, please refer to the Exploring Conservation Science website.
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bobcat climbing a rock
Photo Source: E. Traub
Among the wildlife that you may encounter on the trail in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park is the elusive bobcat. Between 28 and 37 inches long, bobcats resemble large domestic cats. Do not be mistaken by their cute looks; bobcats are stealthy hunters, known for stepping their hind paws onto their front paw tracks to reduce sound. Bobcats are a native species in California and hold an important role in keeping the biodiversity of our state healthy. If you hope to encounter a bobcat on the trail, keep your eyes open and voices low. They camouflage well and will not stick around if they hear loud humans.
To have your event or resource considered for a future edition of SDCOE’s Environmental Literacy News and Updates provide your information via this Google form.
If you have any questions or comments about Environmental Literacy News and Updates, please contact one of our Environmental Literacy Science team members.
Environmental Literacy Coordinator
Science Administrative Assistant
Get up-to-the-minute information about what's happening at SDCOE and in our districts across the county.