June 2019
"Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare, and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruit."
-Anton Chekhov
It has been a wet spring here in Colorado. The weather has affected us all in different ways. The abundance of moisture is needed, but it will have consequences for our landscapes.

We’ve had an increase in moisture; we saw cooler temperatures and higher humidity levels in Denver. These three factors increase a breeding ground for fungal and bacterial pathogens that will continue to affect your landscape throughout summer.

It’s our job to inform you of the disease, symptoms, and well as damage to lookout for. These diseases often infect tissue in spring, but symptoms do not manifest themselves until mid-summer. Once infections have occurred it is important to clean up diseased leaf and twig tissue to help prevent further infections. Some diseases can be prevented with fungicide/bactericide applications in the spring. Call Autumn Tree, Lawn and Landscape right away if you notice any unuasal symptoms.
Beneficial Bug of the month:
Damsel Bugs
Damsel bugs (the scientific name is Nabid from the Nabidae species) are slender bugs that are tan colored. Some species of damsel bugs are black, but less common. They have large rounded eyes and long legs. These beauties are usually found in crops such as alfalfa or garden type settings. They also prefer grassy fields over manicured lawns or weed free fields. 

Damsel bugs are natural predators of aphids, moth eggs and small caterpillars. Other pests that they prey on are leafhoppers, small sawfly larvae, mites, Colorado Potato beetle eggs and nymphs. Damsel bugs help rid your garden of those undesireable pests.
Tree of the month:
Japanese Tree Lilac
Large lilacs encompass these small trees, but their globe shape towers over the popular flowering shrub. They grow between 15-20 feet tall and wide. Tree lilacs bloom in a large clumps of creamy white flowers in late June. Their fragrance is heavenly. It would be ideal to plant them near a patio for a sweet breath of air. Once the flowers are gone you are left with dense foliage that provides great shade throughout the summer. They are trouble free and drought tolerant once established. The Japanese Tree Lilac is a gorgeous addition to any landscape.
Mark your Calenders
Denver Botanic Gardens
June 4th
Celebrate Fatherhood!
Father's Day
June 16th
We're all ready!
First Day of Summer
June 21st