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Spring to Action – Get Involved!

It has seemed that I have been on another planet for the last 5 weeks…since getting the vaccine, traveling a bit and assisting my child’s recovery from COVID-19….it has made me appreciate our health advocacy community. HealthAdvocateX has been the leading the way to provide relevant, timely and credible information on a host of medical topics, including COVID-19.

My husband would not have gotten his COVID-19 shot without the help of our network and resources that helped identify a location when he became eligible to receive it (just last week).

One topic that typically arises in health advocacy is CHRONIC PAIN. Most (80%) of us have to deal with chronic pain at some time in our lives. We recently reviewed a powerful film that addresses a NEW, evidenced-based and non-medication treatment to address and reverse chronic pain. 

We are very excited to offer an exclusive, live, virtual film screening of This Might Hurt, May 16 with a follow-up live panel discussion with the film-maker, Dr. Schubiner (featured in the film) and advocacy community. You can also get 2 CEs (Licensed Social Workers, ​​Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists, Licensed Mental Health Counselors and BCPAs (Board Certified Patient Advocate).

There are many other activities this month to participate in – we hope to see you at an event!
Here's to your good health,

Robin Shapiro (Board Chair) and the Team at HealthAdvocateX
HealthAdvocateX is powered by YOU! We are only able to deliver programs and support because of donors and supporters like YOU, which is why we are asking you to donate to us through the GiveBIG campaign.  

Early giving for GiveBIG is now open. Please join us in the continuing our work with a gift to HealthAdvocateX. As a thank you, we are giving away a HealthAdvocateX coffee mug for each gift of $150 or more. 

Professional Networking - May 2021
When: May 6, 2021 | 4pm – 5:30pm (PST)
Where: Online via Zoom (Register Here)
Cost: $15 for Members | $20 for Non-Members

Join Professional Advocates and other allied professionals in a virtual networking event designed to support your health advocacy business. Be ready to learn and share what is working in terms of business development and practice. Note: You do not have to be a HealthAdvocateX member to attend this event! The objectives of Professional Networking sessions include:
  • Grow your network of advocates you know and trust
  • Exchange ideas about advocacy best practices
  • Learn new information related to health advocacy
  • Receive peer feedback on challenges and opportunities

Interested in becoming a HealthAdvocateX Member? Click here to learn more.
Community Conversation - May 2021
When: May 10, 2021 | 11am – 12pm (PST)
Where: Online via Zoom (Register Here)
Cost: FREE!

We will be hosting another open conversation about COVID-19, lead by Dr. Dale Reisner, Medical Director (OB/GYN Quality & Safety), Swedish Health Services.
This Might Hurt - Live Virtual Screening + Q&A
When: May 16, 2021 | 4pm – 6pm (PST)
Where: Online (Register Here)
Cost: Admission with Donation | 2CEs Available for Purchase (BCPA and NASW – MSW/LMH)

This Might Hurt is a documentary that opens the conversation about how we treat pain in our country by highlighting an emerging treatment, Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET). Featured on National Public Radio, EAET has shown to be effective in a large randomized controlled trial and recommended as a “pain management best practice” by the National Institute of Health’s task force to combat the opioid epidemic.
Directed by Kent Bassett and Marion Cunningham, This Might Hurt follows a group of patients through their EAET treatment with Dr. Howard Schubiner. Dr. Schubiner has been treating chronic pain for nearly two decades and is a leading researcher in the field of pain medicine.
The film will be followed by a virtual panel discussion which will include Dr. Howard Schubiner, other clinicians and patient advocates from the Pacific Northwest region.
Other Programs / Events / Opportunities You May Enjoy
HealthAdvocateX Calendar
May 6: Professional Networking (Register Here)
May 10: Community Conversation (Register Here)
May 16: This Might Hurt - Virtual Screening + Q&A (Register Here)
June 3: Professional Networking (Register Here)
June 14: Community Conversation (Register Here)
July 8: Professional Networking (Register Here)
July 12: Community Conversation (Register Here)
August 4: Professional Networking (Register Here)
August 9: Community Conversation (Register Here)
September 9: Case Review (for Professional & Partner Members only)
September 13: Community Conversation (Register Here)
October 7: Professional Networking (Register Here)
October 11: Community Conversation (Register Here)
November 4-5: **Save the Date** HealthAdvocateX Annual Conference
December 2: Professional Networking (Register Here)
December 13: Community Conversation (Register Here)
Programs & Presentations
Although HealthAdvocateX speakers can give presentation on many topics, here are a few of our popular presentations: 

  • Advance Care Planning (In partnership with Honoring Choices)
  • Taming Your Medicine Cabinet
  • The ABCs of an Effective Doctor Visit
  • Patient Know More...Patient No More!
  • The Emerging Field of Health Advocacy 
  • Safe & Sound in the Hospital: A Short Course in Patient Safety 
  • Volunteer Health Advocate Training: Understanding the Role & Skills to Be Effective

To schedule a speaker for your community, please submit your request here: http://www.washaa.org/request-a-presentation.html

Have a topic you wish we offered? Let us know - let's talk!

Do you have something you would like to share with the HealthAdvocateX community?

Please submit ideas to info@HealthAdvocateX.org