Spring2ACTion Materials and Events
Looking for Spring2ACTion Materials?

Pick up a complimentary yard sign from the ACT for Alexandria office, 201 N. Union Street, Suite 110.

Pick up will be from 10am to 4pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays between April 2-23, while supplies last. You can also pick up some business cards.

Having a Spring2ACTion event?

Hosting a Spring2ACTion event on or before the big day is a fantastic strategy to involve donors. Submit your event via our form to amplify its reach among donors, the media, and beyond. This opportunity ensures your event gains maximum visibility and participation!

Spring2ACTion Early Giving
April 10 - 23
Early Giving is approaching!

Early Giving an opportunity for donors to make their Spring2ACTion donation in advance, while still having it count toward your giving day totals.

So why should you be excited about Early Giving?

Not only is it an opportunity to get a head start on fundraising for your organization, but your organization can win $500 if you are the organization with the most donors and most dollars during this period (April 10-24). These prizes are sponsored by McEnearney Associates!

Our newest prize is for the Free Agent Fundraiser Challenge, organizations that successfully recruit one or more Free Agent Fundraisers and have their pages set up by the start of Early Giving, April 10th will be eligible for a $500 randomly drawn prize.

Be sure to reach out to your stakeholders to let them know how they can support you during Early Giving!

You can also see more details on all of the prizes (Leaderboard, Power Hours and ACTion Hero) by clicking below.
Spring2ACTion Office Hours
April 3 - 17
Spring2ACTion Office Hours are officially open from April 3-17!

GiveGab/Bonterra is providing Spring2ACTion support sessions in 20-minute increments, for 1 hour each business day during April 3-17. To accommodate a variety of schedules, there are morning, mid-day, and afternoon sessions available.
Impact Story:
Watershed Warriors
We encourage you to share your story so we can highlight you in our social media and emails!

"Watershed Warriors is a group of high school students who volunteer and teach hands-on environmental science lessons to 4th and 5th graders. Over the years, we have reached 400+ students in ACPS, and we have grown our volunteer numbers.

With the generous support from last year's Spring2ACTion donors, we were able to buy t-shirts for club members and sponsor a fun tie-dye activity to help our volunteers bond. Now, our volunteers can represent our non-profit at lessons, events, and everyday life!

Additionally, the funds raised are going towards supporting our first field trip since the pandemic! We will be taking 50 students to Four Mile Run, where they will work on planting and plant identification."
Spring2ACTion Ad Discounts -
Alexandria Times and
Alexandria Gazette Packet
In honor of Spring2ACTion, Alexandria Times is offering special advertising rates and an exclusive S2A insert on April 18.

During the last week of March, all of April, and the first week of May, all ads will be significantly discounted. Reserve
by 9am the Friday before the ad will run, plus save an additional 5% if you prepay.

Discounts include: Full page - $575, 1/2 page - $350, 1/4 page - $275, 1/8 page - $175 and 1/16 page - $90. Alexandria Times can create the ads at no additional charge.

For the special promotional insert on April 18, Alexandria Times will include facts/statements about nonprofits – including the nonprofit name and then up to 70 characters including spaces. For example: “ABC Bike Coop has given away 50 bikes a year for 10 years.” Email facts to Marty Devine at mdevine@alextimes.com by April 11 to be included.

Additionally the Alexandria Gazette Packet is offering special rates on social media posts and email blasts that promote Spring2ACTion.

For Spring2ACTion nonprofits, the Alexandria Gazette Packet is offering the opportunity to feature sponsored content with a hyperlink in their weekly Gazette edition, reaching out to email subscribers..

Pricing offers on Social Media Blast are at just $237, which will be shared twice on Facebook and X. Dedicated Email Blast is offered at 50% off for only $418.

Discounts on ads include: Full page - $962, Junior page - $775, 1/4 page - $286, 1/5 page - $125.

If your organization is interested in these special promotions please contact  Debbie Funk at debfunk@connectionewspapers.com and cc: sales@connectionnewspapers.com.

We will share other local publication promotions as we receive them.
Spring2ACTion Marketing Tips
Looking for ways to promote your organization for Spring2ACTion?

Share your Spring2ACTion organization link provided on your organization dashboard. Add the link to the bio of your social media pages, so your donors can have easy access.

Create new contentwhat can you share leading up to Spring2ACTion?
  • Past Spring2ACTion photos and videos
  • Impact Stories
  • Upcoming Spring2ACTion events
  • Matching grants and Free Agent Fundraisers
  • Spring2ACTion Goals and progression
  • Instagram Stories: Ask Me Anything & Add Yours

Follow ACT’s social media channels (FacebookInstagramX, and LinkedIn) and use #Spring2ACTion
ALX Dog Walk - Spring2ACTion Nonprofit Village
Saturday, April 20
The ALX Dog Walk is hosting a Spring2ACTion Nonprofit Village and inviting 25 Spring2ACTion participating nonprofits to join in promoting their organizations through this fun and widely attended community event. Each participating nonprofit will have the opportunity to host a plastic-free event table. The cost is $25 and includes a table and two chairs.

The participation deadline is April 5 and 3 spots remain!

Click on the link below to learn more about the Nonprofit Village and to register. Please note this optional event is hosted outside of ACT for Alexandria and space is limited. Questions? contact Julie Chapman at julie.chapman@alxdogwalk.com.
Spring2ACTion Sponsors
Hometown Hero
Power Hour Sponsor
Early Bird Sponsor
ACTion Hero Sponsor
Corporate Partners
Questions about Spring2ACTion? Contact Brandi Yee at brandi.yee@actforalexandria.org