Calendar & Event Information
Jan 18: NO SCHOOL - MLK, JR. Day
Feb 1-4: IOWA Tests (7th grades only - Model A & B)
Feb 1&3: IOWA Tests for Model B students (Part I & II)
Feb 12: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice 
Feb 15: NO SCHOOL - President's Day
Mar 12: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday 
Mar 29 - Apr 5: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break 
May 31: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
June 3: Last Day of School for Students

For more information, read the ...
Student Pickup Procedures
Picking your student up from school? Here are the Afternoon Pick Up Procedures. Feel free to use the parking spots located in the purple box (see below) and have your student walk to your location. These parking spots are located across from the football field and tennis courts.

Looking to avoid congestion after school? Pick your student up at 1:40 p.m. to miss the 1:20 p.m. rush! Students can wait in the commons/gymnasium until you arrive at the school.
After School Rules/Procedures
Students staying after school are relocated to the commons and/or gymnasium from 1:20 - 2:20 p.m. The bus riders will leave the Junior High building at 2:20 p.m to get onto their transfer bus to take them to the high school before getting on their home bus at this location. While in the commons and gymnasium...
  • Face coverings must be worn at all times
  • Students can complete homework, read a book, or study
  • Students must stay in their assigned seat the entire time. 
  • Students are allowed to use their cell phones. No social media (Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.) usage is allowed to be used during this time. 
  • Students can be picked up at any time from 1:20 - 2:20 p.m. When leaving the commons or gymnasium for pickup, students must report straight to the front of the building. 
  • Students will not have access to the academic wing or their lockers after 1:20 p.m. 
Car riders will still follow normal pickup procedures and leave the building from the front entrances at the conclusion of the school day.
Click Below to Read the Superintendent's Letter on the Bus Pick Up Schedule Change:
Announcements for Parents

IOWA Testing - 7th grade, February 1-4
Students in Grade 7 will be taking the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) on February 1-4. The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills is a nationally-normed achievement test that compares your child’s achievement to that of students across the nation. What is this test used for? IOWA test scores are used: (1) to guide efforts to adapt instruction to the needs and abilities of students; (2) to provide a measure of each student’s level of cognitive development that captures important information not represented in school grades or in other measures of school achievement; (3) to identify students whose predicted levels of achievement are markedly discrepant from their observed levels of achievement.

Parents/guardians can help their child to do well by making sure s/he gets a good night’s sleep, has breakfast, and arrives at school on time. Students are not expected to study for the Iowa Tests. The results of this test have no impact on students’ grades or movement to the eighth grade. Score reports will be made available to parents during the Spring of 2021. If you have any questions about the IOWA tests, please contact Chuck Wiggins [email protected]  or Beth Holtrey [email protected].

Model B At-Home Virtual Learning students will have two options to take the IOWA tests: (1) Come to school during the regular school day on February 1-4 (four days total) at 7:30 a.m. and take the tests with their Model A In-Person Learning classmates. All students will wear face coverings. Social distancing (3 feet or more) will be attempted, but cannot be guaranteed; (2) Come to school on February 1 and 3 starting at 2:30 p.m. (two days total) and take the test only with other Model B At-Home Virtual students who have selected this option. All students will wear face coverings and social distancing (3 feet or more) can be guaranteed. The parents/guardians of Model B students have been emailed this information with a link to select Option 1 or 2. Questions on this topic can be directed to building principal, Jon Franks, at [email protected] or 937-748-3953.

-----------------------------------------Previous Announcements-----------------------------------
Past Junior High Principal Updates
To view past Junior High Principal Updates, please visit the Junior High main webpage and scroll down the right hand side of the page.

Eighth (8th) Grade Model B At-Home Learning School Supply Pickup
Eighth (8th) Grade Model B At-Home Learning Students need to pick up their copy of the book, Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different: A Biography. Students will begin using this book in class during the week of January 19 - 22. The Junior High main office is open for pickup starting Monday, January 4, 2021 from 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please feel free to pick up the book at your convenience.

Black History Month Contest
Open to All K - 12 Students: Calling all Springboro area students! Students are invited to compete in the Black History Month Contest. The contest is a part of the Black History Month celebration sponsored by Parents Empowering All Children of Color (PEACOC) in conjunction with the City of Springboro, Clearcreek Township and the Springboro Community City School District.

PEACOC is excited to provide an opportunity for Springboro area students to celebrate unsung Black heroes during Black History Month.

Basic information: The Black History Month Contest is open to all students in Kindergarten through 12th grade who live in Springboro or Clearcreek Township. All submissions must be received electronically at [email protected] before 5pm on January 29, 2021. Contest winners will present their essays during an awards ceremony on February 26, 2021. Additionally, contestants in first, second, and third place will receive a monetary award from PEACOC and be recognized by local officials. Submissions that do not meet the criteria, that plagiarized others work, or do not include a complete application form will not be considered.

Please submit the intention to apply form by January 8th at the PEACOC website.

For more information about PEACOC’s Black History Month Contest, please email PEACOC or see the website.

COVID-19 Health Information
As a reminder, it is critical that if your student, or a family member in your household, has been tested for COVID-19 and you are still awaiting results, please remain home until the results of the test are known. Do not have your student report to school while you are awaiting results. Also, if your student or a family member in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home to self-quarantine.
Do not report to school if either of these scenarios apply to you or your family. Only, if we work together, as a district, as parents, and as community members can we continue to maintain a safe school environment for all of our students and staff.
Please review further information related to health procedures for attending school on our website - (Clinic Nurse Information Tab)

School Fees Update, 2020-21
This school year is unlike any other. In particular, as it relates to school fees, we wanted to share a few details on the particulars of school fees given the structure of this current school year.
As all students in Springboro Schools are given the option of transitioning between our Model A (in-person) and Model B (at-home/virtual) by quarter, this proves difficult when assessing school fees mid-year. Given this, we will review the school fees for our Model B students at the conclusion of the school year. In the event a Model B student did not receive all items within the school fee structure, those particular fees (or fee) will be prorated by quarter, and a credit or refund will be applied. Again, this will be done so at the end of this school year for any student who was in Model B during a particular quarter.

School Fees
School fees for the Junior High are now able to be viewed and paid online through Pay Schools Central. To access Pay Schools Central, click on the ‘Parents’ tab on the main webpage for Springboro Schools -

In addition, schools fees can be paid by check made payable to ‘Springboro Junior High School.’ Please contact the main office at 937-748-3953 with any questions. 

As a reminder, eighth grade students attending the 2021 Washington, D.C. trip must have their fees paid in order to attend the trip. 
2021 Washington, D.C. 8th Grade Trip Information
Springboro's annual 8th grade student trip to Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg has been postponed to May 4-7, 2021.

This trip was originally scheduled for November of 2020.
Updated Payment Information: Six Hundred dollars ($600) was due by Monday, November 23, 2020. The final balance for the trip will be due on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. As a reminder, the total cost of the trip is anticipated to be in the range of $785-$887. The final cost of the trip within this range will be based on the total number of students attending the trip.  
All payments can be made by sending a check/money order to Classic Student Tours (Springboro Junior High School does not accept payments) or paying by credit card on their website
For more information , please visit the Washington, D.C. Trip Webpage at Updated information can be located on this webpage throughout the 2020-21 school year. 

The 8th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip is an exciting experience for students, aligning with 8th Grade Social Studies standards.

The only form turned back into the Junior High School is the Eligibility Criteria Form. The permission slip and all money payments are to be submitted directly to the tour company, Classic Student Tours. Springboro Junior High School does not accept money payments for the trip. 

All 8th grade Washington, D.C. trip questions can be directed to the trip advisor, Mr. Guinther, at [email protected]
Student Safety Reporting

If you believe your child is being bullied, harassed, or you suspect any type of suspicious behavior, contact your child’s principal or report the incident through our Student Safety Reporting System.

Thanks for reading this Junior High Principal Update.
Follow us on Twitter @Springboro_SJHS

Principal, Jon Franks | Assistant Principal, Alisha Jung
PeachJar is an electronic flyer communication tool that will send you emails regarding important PTO information and other district and community updates. Register for PeachJar.
Springboro Schools
Engage. Prepare.
Inspire. Challenge.

Springboro Junior High School
1605 S. Main Street
Springboro, OH 45066
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.