The article suggests five solutions, the first being to use an annuity to create a certain income stream every month. The second is to create a portfolio that’s geared specifically to produce income. This may be weighed heavily towards bonds. The third solution is to base withdrawals on the performance of your accounts. And the next is to consider that retirement spending is like a bell curve in retirement. Spending is higher early in retirement for many people and trends down except for medical expenses. So, you may not always spend as much as you spend early on because there are only so many aspirational things a person feels like doing. The final solution is to rely on an advisor to create income for you.
While all of these solutions have merit, I think the best solution is determined by first determining what your priorities are. Think about what an ideal day, month and year may look like in retirement, then use elements of several of the solutions outlined above to help you create your proper distribution plan.
Oftentimes, I find talking through an issue to be helpful. Sometimes when our ideas are only in our heads they sound different than when we say them out loud. I encourage you to speak to someone about your plans and determine an appropriate path. Don’t leave it to guesswork.
Until next week,
David C. Treece,
Financial Planner
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