Volume 10 Number 25                                              January 10, 2020
General News
Outreach for the Outback
Delone Catholic will be collecting money to support those devastated by the bushfires in Australia. Our goal is for the student body to raise at least $100 ($25 per grade) by Tuesday, Jan. 14. When the $100 goal is reached, the Interact Club and the Student Council will match that donation, with each organization contributing an additional $100! All donations will be made to the St. Vincent de Paul Society which currently has an Australian bushfire appeal underway.

Midterm Exam Schedule and Transportation Information
Midterm examinations will be given on Jan. 15-17. Students should report to homeroom at 8 a.m., if they have an 8:15 a.m. exam. For students whose first exam is at 9:45 a.m., please enter through the Main Entrance on South Oxford Avenue and go to the lobby until the first exam period is complete. 

Students are dismissed each day after their last exam. For most students, the second exam ends at 11 a.m., however AP students, instructional support students or students who have more than one class in the same department may be dismissed later. Please check with your student on what time his or her final exam is.

The exam schedule is as follows:
Exam Date
8:15 - 9:30 a.m.
9:45 - 11 a.m.
11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Jan. 15
Jan. 16
Foreign Language
Social Studies
Jan. 17

Maryland and Pennsylvania  buses will pick up students at 2:45 p.m. For students who need to wait for a 2:45 p.m. bus pick-up, parents must complete  this form   . Once this form is submitted, students must stay on the indicated dates until 2:45 p.m. No changes are permitted. Please contact  Mrs. Donna Tompkins   with questions.

Welcome Nights for Incoming Freshmen
If you have an incoming Freshman student, please make plans to attend one of our Welcome Nights with your student. At this time, you and your student will get important information from our Administration as well as complete course selection paperwork for the upcoming school year. The Welcome Nights are scheduled for Tuesday, February 11 and Thursday, February 13 at 7 p.m. You need to attend just one of the meetings, not both. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Hart if you are unable to attend.

Save the Date: 8th Grade Dance at Delone Catholic
Delone Catholic's 9th Grade class invites all 8th grade students to a dance on Feb. 1, 2020. All 8th grade students from any public or private schools are welcome to attend. Cost is $5, payable at the door. Please register online at www.delonecatholic.org or by clicking here.

Delone Catholic Music Association Spaghetti Dinner
For a printable version of this flyer, click here

Brothers Pizza Night to Benefit Delone Catholic Mini-THON

Hall of Honor: Induction Class of 2020 Announced, Class of 2021 Nominations Sought
Delone Catholic High School announces the selection of its Hall of Honor Class of 2020. This class, comprising five members, brings the total number of inductees to 25 in five induction classes. The Class of 2020 will be inducted in a series of events to take place on Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, in conjunction with the school's celebration of Founder's Day. Founder's Day 2020 celebrates the 156th birthday of the school's founding benefactor and namesake, Charles J. Delone, Esq.

The Hall of Honor inducted its inaugural class in conjunction with the celebration of the school's 75th Anniversary on Sept. 19, 2015. The Hall of Honor recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the school through consistent contribution of time, effort and/or financial resources or who have improved the school and its reputation through significant professional or community achievements.

Members of the Class of 2020 are:
Charles E. Glessner
James L. Groft '51
Joseph P. McCullough
Henry C. Noel '46
Sister Jane O. Small, SSJ '61

Full bios of each class member can be found by clicking here.

The Hall of Honor Class of 2020 will be inducted on Friday, Feb. 7. The event will begin with a school-wide Mass at 1:30 p.m. in the Old Gym. The class's plaques will be blessed during this Mass. An informal reception will be held for inductees and anyone interested in offering well-wishes in the Delone Catholic library following the Mass. A dinner and induction ceremony catered by the Altland House and hosted in the Delone Catholic cafeteria will begin at 5:30 p.m. The Mass and reception are free of charge and open to all. Tickets for the dinner are $35 and on sale until Saturday, Feb. 1. To purchase, please call 717-637-5969, Ext. 211, email  gslagle@delonecatholic.org or order online by clicking here .

The Hall of Honor nominating committee is seeking nominations for the induction Class of 2021. Eligibility requirements can be found in the Hall of Honor Nomination Form on the school website. Please submit nominations for the Class of 2021 by Sept. 1, 2020.

Inclement Weather Information and Flexible Instruction Days
The Delone Catholic Inclement Weather Policy is available by clicking here. For Maryland families who utilize the bus service, please refer to the charge below regarding different inclement weather closings and delays.

If Delone Catholic High School is closed for inclement weather, we will adhere to the Flexible Instruction Day procedure as outlined below: 
  • Announcements will be made indicating that Delone Catholic HS is closed via the ordinary channels (social media, radio, email, etc.)
  • A subsequent email will be sent indicating that we are using a Flexible Instructional Day.
  • Assignments will be communicated and/or made available online through Google classroom or via direct email from the teacher unless teachers have previously provided an assignment by an alternative means.
  • Teachers are expected to be available from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm during the FID to respond to students' questions.
  • Students will have two days upon returning to school to submit completed FID assignments.

Now Accepting Golden Apple Nominations
Honoring Outstanding Teachers and Principals
The Golden Apple Award will be given to six teachers and one principal in the Diocese of Harrisburg. The award will consist of the following:
  • Cash award of $5000.00
  • Certificate of Achievement
  • Golden Apple
  • Individual photo with Bishop Ronald Gainer
  • Group photo with Bishop Gainer
These will all be presented at the ceremony during the awards banquet, which will be held Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at the Diocesan Center.

Please consider nominating one of our outstanding faculty members for this prestigious award. 

The nomination and application forms are available on the D iocesan website under EDUCATION - Catholic Schools - Golden Apple Award - Resources.  The complete nomination packets are due in the Diocesan Education Office by February 28, 2020.

If you have specific questions, contact Mr. Daniel Breen, Superintendent of Catholic Schools and Secretary of Education at 717-657-4804 Ext. 222.

Employment Opportunities at Delone Catholic HS

Spread the Word about Delone Catholic High School

Placement Test Dates for Incoming Freshmen
Delone Catholic desires a smooth and strong transition from grade school to high school for every student. To help ensure incoming freshmen are placed in the courses where they can be most successful, we  require each student to take the  High School Placement Test (HSPT). The test covers English, science and math.

Testing will take place at Delone Catholic HS in the school cafeteria. Please enter through the gym entrance on the South Street side. Arrival time is 8:30-8:45 a.m. Testing begins at 9 a.m. and concludes at 1 p.m. Students are asked to bring #2 pencils and a pen. Cell phones need to powered off and put away during testing. Snacks and drinks will be available during the breaks. Students will be dismissed by 1:15 p.m.

The following two test dates are available:
Saturday, January 11, 2020 (snow make-up date: Saturday, January 18, 2020)
Saturday, February 8, 2020 (snow make-up date: Saturday, February 22, 2020)

To register for the test, please complete the  Placement Test Registration Form. For more information please contact  Mrs. Jennifer Hart, Director of Marketing and Admissions at 717-637-5969 Ext. 206.

Algebra II Trigonometry Placement Test
Any incoming freshman student who is currently taking an eighth grade Algebra class with an average of 87 percent or higher is invited to take the Algebra II Trigonometry placement test. If the student passes the test with at least a 75 percent, maintains an average of 87 percent or higher, and is recommended by his/her current teacher, he/she will be eligible to take Algebra II Trigonometry as a freshman when enrolling at Delone Catholic High School. 

The Algebra II Trigonometry placement test will be given on Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020 from 9-10:30 a.m. (snow make-up date is Saturday, March 7, 2020) at Delone Catholic High School. Students should report to the main entrance on S. Oxford Avenue between 8:45 and 8:55 a.m.  Students will be given 1 ¼ hour to complete the test and should be picked up by 10:30 a.m.  To register for the test, please complete  this form  no later than Friday, Feb. 14, 2020.  If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail Mrs. Candy Sneeringer.

Action Photos of Fall Sports and Activities Now Available
Fall Sports and Activities photos are now available for purchase from Hanover Studio Photography. Photos make excellent personalized holiday gifts. Photos can be viewed at Hanover Studio Photography's website. Place your orders today!

From the Alumni and Advancement Office
Alumni: Please Share Your News
You may have graduated or moved on from Delone Catholic High School, but we never stop caring about you or being interested in your life. Use this form to share news with your Delone Catholic family - or to brag about your classmates and friends.
From the Spiritual Life Office
From the Diocesan Vocations Office
"They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks...."  If you think that God is calling you to serve the Lord of the harvest as a priest, deacon, sister or brother, reach out to Mrs. Phenicie, Fr. Morelli, or Fr. Jonathan Sawicki, Director of Vocations at (717) 657-4804 or frjsawicki@hbgdiocese.org
SportsLeader Virtue of the Week
One pillar of the SportsLeader program is a weekly virtue that we incorporate into our athletic practices and throughout our school community. Every week, we will share them here to encourage the students to take the virtue into their homes as well!

This week our virtue theme is AWAREThe strength to perceive and notice the circumstances that surround you. Being AWARE is necessary for success in life! We need to be AWARE on this team, of what we are doing, what are teammates are doing and what our coaches want us to be doing.
From the Athletics Department
Save the Date: Spring Sports Meeting

Guidelines for Spectators
As we kickoff the start of the winter sports season, please take a moment to read the Guidelines for Spectators. Go Squires!

Youth Baseball Clinics (Boys in grades 4-8)
Registration is now open for boys in grades 4-8 for the Youth Winter Baseball Clinics. Sign up today to brush up on your baseball skills with the Delone Catholic baseball team. Coaches and players will be conducting age-appropriate baseball instruction with each group.Please register using this form by Friday, Feb. 7. Please contact Coach Dave Neumayer with any questions.

Boys's Assistant Lacrosse Coach - Offensive Coordinator Needed
The Delone Catholic Boys' Lacrosse program is seeking a qualified individual to fill a newly formed volunteer Assistant Coach - Offensive Coordinator position.

Qualifications for Candidates:
  • 4 years or more of competitive lacrosse playing experience
  • high energy, positive attitude with effective teaching techniques
  • passion for competition and the respect for the game
  • willingness and commitment to mentor young student-athletes in a Catholic high school environment
Coaching Duties
  • offensive drill creation, implementation and execution at practices
  • fundamental offensive lacrosse skill development for student-athletes 
  • roster  / depth chart management for offense
  • successful implementation of offensive schemes, concepts and overall character of the offensive unit.
  • work diligently to support and grow the positive culture of lacrosse at DCHS
Please send resume or inquiry via email to Athletic Director Tim Bonitz at tbonitz@delonecatholic.org

From Our Partner Schools and Parishes
Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg Night at the Hershey Bears

Mission Statement
Delone Catholic High School educates and challenges students 
spiritually, academically, physically, socially and aesthetically, 
within the traditions and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. 
This challenge will inspire students to encounter Jesus Christ personally and 
to "Be Doers of the Word."