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Sunday School is

THIS Sunday at 10:20

in the parking lot!

Lake Hickory Haunts is NEXT Sunday, October 17!

We will meet at FPC at 6:30.

Please bring or venmo $15 for your ticket and bring extra cash in case you want to buy anything once there!

RSVP Below!

RSVP Here!
SR. High Lake Hickory Haunts.png
Let Us Know if you can Help!

The Stewardship Dinner is October 24th!

This is the our time to show the congregation our thanks for their constant love and support!

We will help out by running food, holding signs that express our thanks, and guiding cars through the drive thru process!

If you come to any youth event in the month of October make it this one!

Kendall and the Sr. High Advisors