The November Virtue of the Month is LOVE FOR GOD. The virtue of Love for God, or Charity, is a gift from God, place or infused in our souls at Baptism, that gives us the strength to love the Lord our God as the sovereign good, and purely for His own sake. | | |
All Saints Day
On Tuesday, we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints.
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Open House
Please share with new families that we will hold an Open House on Thursday, November 10 from 8:30-11 a.m.
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Veterans Day Celebration
All Veterans and their families are invited to a special Veterans Day Mass and gathering at St. Anastasia Catholic Church and School on Friday, November 11, 2022.
Please join us at St. Anastasia Catholic Church at 8:15 a.m. for Mass. *Students in grades Pre-K-5 who want to attend Mass with a veteran will check into school late that day (after Mass) and will be marked excused tardy.
After Mass and a special blessing, all are invited to St. Anastasia School for a performance by our award winning band, coffee and fellowship. Please help to spread the word!
“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
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Pre-K News
Welcome to the Pre-K News! Click here for updates!
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Pumpkin Patch Day in Pre-K
Our little pumpkins in Pre-K enjoyed a fun-filled Pumpkin Patch Day on Friday!
Check out some photos on Facebook.
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Kindergarten News
Last week in Mrs. Roberts’ kindergarten class, their story focused on compliments. They learned about how to give them and how to receive them. Their follow up activity included sharing a compliment with a friend and creating a compliment web! What a beautiful activity to share with the class!!
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First Grade News
Painting and carving pumpkins in Mrs. Crull’s/Mrs. Flynn’s 1st grade!
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Mrs. Ebie’s class had some Halloween science fun on Monday! | | |
Box of Joy Service Learning Project
It's that time of the year again! The third graders will again be organizing the Box of Joy Service Project through Cross Catholic Outreach for the next two weeks.
The third graders are each filling a box at home, but would also like your help to fill even more!
This link has a wonderful short video on children around the world receiving their box from last year. We sent in 158 boxes last year!
If you would like a box for your classroom or for your unit please contact Mrs. Ellwood at Donations of small items, Christmas letters, or monetary donations are welcomed (no food). There is an Amazon Wish List if you need ideas, click HERE.
Please send in all donations by Monday, Nov. 14. The third grade will have a "Packing Party" where they will fill extra boxes from supplies donated.
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Middle School News
The middle school students had a “mad scientist” stop by to perform an experiment with dry ice on Halloween!
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Positive Office Referrals
Congratulations to these amazing students for receiving Positive Office Referrals!
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Sports News
Congratulations to the Varsity Volleyball team! Undefeated Treasure Coast Athletic Conference Champions!
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Congratulations to the Varsity Soccer team! Runners up in the Treasure Coast Athletic Conference!
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Christmas Corner News
The annual PTO Christmas Corner is coming soon! This year, the event will feature gifts from Wonderland Gift Shoppes and offers a range of affordable, quality gifts, including top name-brand gifts! Volunteers who wish to work the event will need to participate in a zoom training session scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 9th at 10:30 a.m. If unable to attend the training, a video session will be available by request. Please see the sign up for available slots for set up on Monday, Nov. 28 and to work the shop on Tuesday, Nov. 28 and Wednesday, Nov. 29. The shop will take place in the Parish Center and is one of the biggest fundraisers for the PTO each year. The children love secretly buying gifts for their family and friends at this event! Thank you!
Please click here to sign up!
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Spirit Shirt Reorder
Our PTO is excited to offer a reorder on the Rams Spirit Shirts. We must have a minimum of 36 shirts ordered. All shirts must be paid for via your student's FACTS account. Please fill out the form below by Friday, November 4 to order a t-shirt. This will be the last time to get this year's Rams Spirit Shirt! Youth sizes are $20 and adult sizes are $25. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hughes at
Click HERE to order.
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Save the Date
Join the PTO for the Tacky Christmas T-shirt Mother-Son Dance on Friday, Dec. 9th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Parish Center. Pre-K 3 through 8th grade students welcome! Contests, hot chocolate bar, DJ, dancing, and lots of festive fun! $5 per person. Use the QR code on the graphic to RSVP on the Google form. For information, contact Mrs. Hughes at
Click here to RSVP.
The PTO is looking for a sponsor for the DJ. If you know of a company or family interested in sponsoring the DJ, the cost is $400. Please contact Mrs. Hughes for details. Thank you!
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Order the 2022-23 Yearbook Today!
It's never too early to reserve your copy of the 2022-23 St. Anastasia Catholic School yearbook. Order by December 31 and the cost is $30. After December 31, the cost goes up to $35. Click here to order. School code is #17269.
8th Grade Parents! You may build your business card size ads now. Click the link to buy your ad today. Only 8th graders may purchase ads and only one ad per student.
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Upcoming Dates
November 10 - Open House
November 11 - Veteran's Day Celebration (School in Session)
November 14 - 7th Grade Parent & Grandparent Mass
November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Break
November 28-30 - Christmas Corner
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St. Anastasia Catholic School Mission Statement
The mission of St. Anastasia Catholic School is to provide a safe and nurturing environment rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, where Catholic doctrine and values are integrated with a challenging curriculum. The faculty, staff, and priests work together with families to develop graduates who are disciples of Christ, reflective and critical thinkers, responsible citizens, and healthy and balanced children. Inspired by the school's crest, the faculty and staff agree to commit their lives to being disciples of Christ, build and participate in the Parish Community, and develop their own unique Christian Character in the image of Jesus Christ.
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St. Anastasia Catholic School
(772) 461-2232
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