August 2019
Pastor's Greeting
 Blessings to all my loved sisters and brothers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am writing my monthly greeting while on my vacation in Finland. Taking vacations, or time-off is essential for all of us, whether we are working or retired. A deflection from everyday routine, lets us examine our relationship with God and reflect on life in general.

Life is a gift. Faith is a gift. These gifts must be opened and used openly to really appreciate their value. We are meant to live our lives through our faith and worship, and serve God and those closest to us, throughout our whole lives. Just as Tuomo Karvonen said in a July sermon at our church, even though we are on vacation, we never take a vacation from our faith. We have the privilege of being full time followers of Jesus. Sometimes this journey is made stumbling and out of breath, other times the path is much easier.

I hope, that summer and vacation time have given everyone the opportunity to recharge their batteries physically, mentally and spiritually. It is comforting and wonderful the know that the source of our power works all throughout the day and year.
Thankfully remembering each of you in my prayers,

Pastor Mia
President's corner
Even though we are enjoying the summer season it does not mean silence in our congregation. Our congregation is a living congregation and there will always be changes and development, but the Lord’s word does never change. It is like a rock and it is our refuge. Pastor Mia has explained already earlier about the progress of the church building sales process. The sales deal as well as our own rental agreement will be signed during fall. You can trust that our operations will continue without any big changes even after closing the deal.

Congregation’s spiritual life has continued lively and an especially gratifying new initiative has been the video broadcasts via internet so that also we who stay the summer time outside of Lake Worth area can join the Sunday services and other events. That way the connection to the congregation remains more living, though coffee socials we need to arrange by ourselves. Pastor Mia and the crew, thank you very much.

I wish to everyone all the best and blessings!

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
(Ecclesiastes 3)

Pertti Pietarinen
Council President 

August Birthdays
Volunteers of the Month
Kristen and Tuomo Karvonen! 
In memoriam
Irja Vainionpää

Heikki Vettenranta
"Oi saanhan joukkoon autuaitten kanss
ystäväini ja omaisten
mä päästä kerran
luo armon Herran.
Oi saanhan sen!"
(VK 631)
July Office Update

We have worked diligently to arrange our new office space to accommodate the folks from Iglesia Cristiana. We have accomplished a lot, but there is more work to be done in the fall. Below a few pictures of the work we have done to our church office, new meeting room, and pastor’s new work space.

July at our Congregation

 Attendance at Sunday worship services has been small, but there has been a very welcoming and warm atmosphere.
The last two Sundays in July, on the Finnish side, were conducted by volunteers. Worship services, with the assistance of our music director Michael, were led by Marja-Liisa Palonen, Tuomo Karvonen, as well as, Sauli and Elina Stolt. English services were led by Deacon Beverly Slaughterbeck. Heartfelt thank-you to all who helped out!
Music News - Summer
Music has played a big part during our services and prayer groups over the past few months. Thank-you to everyone who has given their talents to our church and to the glory of our God. Even though our numbers are smaller during these summer months, the Holy Spirit is alive within our congregation and we come together to serve and worship with thankful hearts.

We have been privileged to hear some new music during our summer services. On August 18 th ,at 10 am, our newly formed music group will present a bilingual worship service. Please come to church and pray and sing along!

We are expecting a busy fall season ahead, during which we will hear a variety of old traditional hymns and choir music, as well as, new praise music. We look forward to seeing you all at our prayer and praise services, music concerts, coffee hours, Bible and music lectures, and prayer meetings! There are some big and exciting changes coming to our church in the fall, and especially now, we must remain strong in our faith. We hope everyone embraces these changes and returns to us with open hearts and minds, newly energized to sing and play and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Enjoy your time off and have a Blessed summer!  

Michael Poutiainen
Preschool News - August 2019
The summer has been hot and the days seem to be flying by at supersonic speed.

We have had fun playing pirates, making Father’s Day surprises, celebrating America’s birthday and learning about the Ocean and the creatures that live there. Now as August arrives -we will begin our Space theme. We will observe the 50 th Anniversary of the 1 st manned moon landing, and learn about our universe, the planets and stars. We’ll make space ships and play astronaut.

In mid-August we will say good-bye to our departing kindergardeners, greet new young students, learn school rules and procedures and get ready to start a new school year filled with music, art, yoga, learning and play. Stop by and visit us some time!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Pirjo Komonen Campitelli 


Thank-you to Hilja Lievonen for sewing our new table cloths!!

Church is Closed August 1 - 17!
The church will be closed from August 1-17. We will reopen on Sunday, the 18th, with a combined
service at 10 am. In case of emergency please contact Hanna Kiuru at (561-398-8288).

Pastor Mia can be reached by email: Michael and Pastor Mia will be back on August 22nd .

Have a Blessed Summer!

They feast on the abundance of Your house;
    You give them drink from Your river of delights.
For with You is the fountain of life;
    in Your light we see light.
Continue Your love to those who know You,
    Your righteousness to the upright in heart.
(Ps. 36:8-10)