St. Anthony News

March 1, 2024

2023-2024 School Calendar

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A Message From The Principal

Dear St. Anthony Families, 

Lent continues to be a time of personal and spiritual growth. I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the significance of this liturgical season and how it ties into our shared commitment to nurturing the holistic development of our students.

Lent, a time of reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth, provides a unique opportunity for individuals to delve into their inner selves, fostering a deeper connection with their faith and values. It is a season that encourages self-discipline, self-awareness, and a conscious effort to align our actions with our principles.

Recently, we have observed a noticeable increase in behaviors that may be inconsistent with the guidelines outlined in our school handbook. Lent invites us to consider not only our relationship with our faith but also our interactions with others and the choices we make. It is a time to encourage personal growth and strengthen the values that bind our community together. By fostering an environment of empathy and reflection, we can guide our students towards making choices that align with the principles we hold dear.

As we progress through this Lenten season, let us work together to instill a sense of mindfulness, responsibility, and respect in our students. By doing so, we contribute not only to their personal and spiritual growth but also to the overall harmony and integrity of our school community.

I Invite students and families to share your lenten promises with each other. This could be as simple as a casual conversation around the dinner table. Talking and completing this sentence stem:

During Lent, I promise to ____________.

For older students, invite them throughout the Lenten season to reflect back on their Lenten promise through discussion or journaling. Below are some guided prompts you may consider:

  • What are ways you can uphold your Lenten promise? What are some steps you can take to keep it?
  • If you are struggling with upholding your Lenten promise, what can you do? What are some ways you can remain committed?
  • Name 2 people you would like to share your Lenten promise with. How could they support you? 
  • After Lent → Reflect back over the past 40 days. How did your Lenten promise deepen your faith? 

Next week, our 2nd and 3rd graders will begin state standardized testing. This is the first test in a much longer testing season for students in all grade levels. Please help your child to prepare for testing by getting a good night's sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and encouraging them to show what they know on each and every test!  

Don’t forget to do your homework, go to church on Sunday, and remember who we are - we are St. Anthony Spartans. 

Love and light, 

Mrs. Schepers

“Body and soul, I am marvelously made!”

Psalm 139:14

Queridas familias de San Antonio,

La Cuaresma sigue siendo un tiempo de crecimiento personal y espiritual. Quería tomarme un momento para reflexionar sobre la importancia de este tiempo litúrgico y cómo se relaciona con nuestro compromiso compartido de fomentar el desarrollo integral de nuestros estudiantes.

La Cuaresma, un tiempo de reflexión, arrepentimiento y crecimiento espiritual, brinda una oportunidad única para que las personas profundicen en su ser interior, fomentando una conexión más profunda con su fe y sus valores. Es una temporada que fomenta la autodisciplina, la autoconciencia y un esfuerzo consciente para alinear nuestras acciones con nuestros principios.

Recientemente, hemos observado un aumento notable en comportamientos que pueden ser inconsistentes con las pautas descritas en nuestro manual escolar. La Cuaresma nos invita a considerar no sólo nuestra relación con nuestra fe sino también nuestras interacciones con los demás y las decisiones que tomamos. Es un momento para fomentar el crecimiento personal y fortalecer los valores que unen a nuestra comunidad. Al fomentar un ambiente de empatía y reflexión, podemos guiar a nuestros estudiantes para que tomen decisiones que se alineen con los principios que valoramos.

A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada de Cuaresma, trabajemos juntos para inculcar un sentido de atención, responsabilidad y respeto en nuestros estudiantes. Al hacerlo, contribuimos no sólo a su crecimiento personal y espiritual sino también a la armonía e integridad general de nuestra comunidad escolar.

Invito a estudiantes y familias a compartir sus promesas cuaresmales entre sí. Esto podría ser tan simple como una conversación informal alrededor de la mesa. Hablando y completando esta oración:

Durante la Cuaresma, prometo ____________.

Para los estudiantes mayores, invítelos durante la temporada de Cuaresma a reflexionar sobre su promesa de Cuaresma a través de debates o escribiendo un diario. A continuación se presentan algunas indicaciones guiadas que puede considerar:

  • ¿De qué maneras puedes cumplir tu promesa de Cuaresma? ¿Cuáles son algunos pasos que puedes tomar para conservarlo?
  • Si tienes dificultades para cumplir tu promesa de Cuaresma, ¿qué puedes hacer? ¿Cuáles son algunas formas en las que puedes seguir comprometido?
  • Nombra 2 personas con las que te gustaría compartir tu promesa de Cuaresma. ¿Cómo podrían apoyarte?
  • Después de la Cuaresma → Reflexiona sobre los últimos 40 días. ¿Cómo profundizó su fe su promesa de Cuaresma?

La próxima semana, nuestros alumnos de 2.º y 3.º grado comenzarán las pruebas estandarizadas estatales. Esta es la primera prueba de una temporada de pruebas mucho más larga para estudiantes de todos los niveles de grado. ¡Ayude a su hijo a prepararse para los exámenes durmiendo bien por la noche, comiendo un desayuno saludable y animándolo a demostrar lo que sabe en todos y cada uno de los exámenes!

No olvides hacer tu tarea, ir a la iglesia el domingo y recordar quiénes somos: somos San Antonio Espartanos.

Amor y luz,

Sra. Schepers

“¡Cuerpo y alma, estoy maravillosamente hecho!”

Salmo 139:14

Faith & Service
Prayer for Students

Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon these students
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may
devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.


Important Dates: 

  • 3/1- 2pm Stations of the Cross
  • 3/7- NJHS Induction Ceremony 6pm
  • 3/8- 2pm Stations of the Cross
  • 3/13 Regular Dismissal, 3:00pm
  • 3/14- 1:30 Dismissal, Spring Break
  • 3/15-3/22- No School, Spring Break
  • 3/25- Classes Resume
  • 3/28- Holy Thursday
  • 3/29-Good Friday, 9am Living Stations, 1pm dismissal.
  • 4/1- Easter Monday, No School

Fechas importantes:

  • 3/1- 2pm Estaciones de la Cruz
  • 3/7- Ceremonia de inducción de NJHS 6 p.m.
  • 3/8- 2pm Estaciones de la Cruz
  • 3/13 - Salida normal 3:00pm
  • 3/14- 1:30 Salida, vacaciones de primavera
  • 3/15-3/22- No hay clases, vacaciones de primavera
  • 3/25- Se reanudan las clases
  • 3/28- Jueves Santo
  • 3/29- Viernes Santo, estaciones de estar a las 9 a. m., salida a la 1 p. m.
  • 4/1- Lunes de Pascua, No hay clases

St. Anthony Students Experience Lent

6th-8th grade students have been completing a daily Lenten journal. Ask them to share it with you! This is a daily homework assignment in Mrs. Ventresca's Religion classes. 


The mass band earned a superior rating with their piece Malagueña in the CYO music contest on Saturday, February 24 at Bishop Chatard High School. Keidy Garcia, Santiago Ochoa, Layla Trujillo-Jimenez, Freddy Julian, Heidi Julian, Ashley Velasquez, Marisol Rodriguez-Flores, Dulce Delarosa, and Kamila Lazala participated in the small band category.

Keidy Garcia, Santiago Ochoa and Freddy Julian performed guitar solos and all earned superior ratings.

Kamila Lazala, Ashley Velasquez and Edgar Ibarra also earned superior ratings on their piano solos.


Cardinal Joseph E. Ritter Memorial Scholarship

Cardinal Joseph E. Ritter was born on July 20, 1892 in New Albany, Indiana. He was the first Archbishop of Indianapolis and is known for his groundbreaking efforts in desegregating the Indianapolis Catholic schools in 1937. He was made Cardinal in 1961 while serving as the Archbishop of St. Louis. Joseph Ritter was the only Archbishop of our Archdiocese ever to be named a Cardinal. While in St. Louis, he continued his work of integrating the Catholic schools. Cardinal Ritter serves as an example for our students, staff ,and graduates. We honor his efforts toward achieving social justice by awarding this memorial scholarship in the amount of $500 to deserving 8th grade students who plan to attend Cardinal Ritter for their freshman year.

Application Deadline April 30, 2024

Monsignor John Ryan Scholarship

Monsignor John Ryan was a pastor at St. Anthony Parish for 35 years and Dean of the Indianapolis West Deanery for over 20 years. He was very dedicated to his people and always concerned about the education of the students in the West Deanery. This scholarship of $2000 is awarded to a student who attends St. Anthony, St. Anne, St. Gabriel, St. Joseph,, St. Michael or St. Susanna.

Application Deadline May 3, 2024

Joyner Scholarship

The Joyner Scholarship is offered to any African American student in grades 8-11 who attends Cardinal Ritter High School. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded during the fall of the following school year. 

Application Deadline May 3, 2024

For More Information & To Download Applications


We are conducting a candidate search for the position of Business Associate at St Anthony Catholic School. Must be bilingual with excellent organizational skills and be able to work with financial information including spreadsheets. Interested candidates should contact Mark Robinson at [email protected] . 

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