االأحد التاسع من زمن العنصرة

The Transfiguration of the Lord
عيد تجلي الرب
J esus climbs Mount Tabor to pray, and while he was praying, He is transfigured before Peter, James, and John. These three glimpse Christ’s true nature in order to be prepared for the scandal of the Crucifixion. “ This is my beloved Son ,” a voice resounds from within the cloud. This is my Son, blazing forth the radiance of a billion stars. He spoke with the glorified figures of Moses and Elijah, the greatest men of the Old Testament, representing the Law and the Prophets. Jesus reveals himself in complete majesty, he who commands the sun, Creator of the stars of night. His brightness manifests a quality of glorified bodies, “ who will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father ” (Matt 13:43). No wonder St. Peter wants to stay on that mountain—he has been granted the beatific vision. It is a transformative experience, meant to strengthen the Apostles’ faith. But faith comes more through hearing than through seeing. And so the Father’s voice commands them to “ Listen ” to his beloved Son. The Father has said all He need and can say, and all we need to hear, in his Son. But how many are listening?
Some have not seen what we have seen, because they refuse to listen and refuse to believe. They do not see anything beautiful in the Divine Liturgy or in the Church. They do not see the Father’s providential love in the waters of the sea or the lilies of the field or the stars of the night sky. They do not see the image of God in the human person, and so they destroy people—even babies—without a thought, because they have not listened. The Father’s voice begs us, commands us: Listen! let us make certain that we are listening to God’s beloved Son as He speaks through the Church. Having heard His voice and seen His face, (continues on page 3)(continues from page 1) may we manifest the radiant and beautiful face of God to every other person by loving them with Christian affection.
May Our Lady, the Star of the New Evangelization, show us how to see Christ in others, and to magnify his glory among them.
Congratulations to our sister parish of St. Ignatius of Antioch Maronite Catholic Church on purchasing a new facility located on 50 Nutt Rd. Centerville, OH, 45458. 

This Sunday, August 4th, 2019, is the first day that the Divine Liturgy is celebrated in the new home. We congratulate Fr. Alex and our beloved friends and relatives on this milestone!

His excellency, Bishop Zaidan
Will be visiting the parish and will be celebrating the Divine Liturgy in honor of our Blessed Mother’s Assumption on Sunday, August 18
The liturgy will be offered for our parishioners’ deceased relatives and will be followed by a complimentary brunch and a discussion and video presentation about the Eparchy’s upcoming Capital Campaign and St. Anthony’s own facilities.
Additional information will soon be mailed to all parishioners.
Our attendance at the Sunday, August 18 Liturgy, brunch, and Capital Campaign Presentation is greatly recommended and appreciated.

The Capital Campaign Committee Members: 
Fr. George Hajj, Pastor and Spiritual Adviser, Mike Misleh, Chairperson, Adel Chemaly, Linda Conour, John George, Linda Sawma, & Rick Thiemann
August 11, after the Divine Liturgy, we will bid farewell to our dear parishioners Salwan, Lina, Milad and Rita Sakal, who will be moving back home to Iraq, after that Lina received a PhD. In architecture from U.C.
A family bbq and potluck is organized by the Batshoun, Chemaly and Majrouh, families for them on August 11 at St. Anthony’s.
If you would like to contribute in the potluck, please contact Mr. Samer Majrouh (call or text at: 859-609-1066)
May the Lord bless our parish families!
The Maronite Convention!
Cincinnati 2020
JULY 8 - 12

Together we can have a phenomenal convention

Parish council elections will take place this coming November. Please think of persons to nominate for our parish council.
Estate Planning
Consider the Church as one of your children
One of our most important acts of stewardship is the final distribution of our life’s accumulation. How we distribute our estate speaks volumes about our values and our concerns for our loved ones. Bequests to our Home Parish, of St. Anthony, affirms our belief in the mission and ministry of our Maronite Church. 

Please remember: St. Anthony of Padua, Maronite Catholic Church and 
the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon when planning your estate.
Please remember to register your Kroger Plus Card to benefit St. Anthony's.

It is a ONE TIME registration online at:

Register your card, and assign, St. Anthony of Padua carrying the Non-Profit Organization (#NPO) number is:  PV014

Thank you from, St. Anthony's. Every bit, helps.
2530 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH, 45206
Telephone: 513-961-0120 || Fax: 513-861-5075 || email:[email protected]