IVth SUNDAY AFTER THE HOLY CROSS — الأحد الرابع من زمن الصليب المقدس
Year 112 - Issue No. 41 ||Oct 9– 15, 2022
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Scriptural Contemplation for the week
We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:5
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September 30, 2022
Dear Friends,
Greetings and Peace!
Each year, the Catholic Church in the United States observes October as Respect Life Month. We take this time to focus on the beautiful gift given to us by God, the gift of human life. As Catholics, we each have a responsibility to protect and defend the lives of others beginning at conception and ending in natural death.
This year, we are called to serve moms in need. Pregnant women are in need of assistance and support, especially for those who contemplate or get an abortion. Let us support those mothers who need guidance and care. Life won in our country with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. This is a historic moment in the fight for life and it is also an opportunity to reach out to those mothers who are suffering. An abortion ends a priceless and unreplaceable life, and we can make a difference with our efforts. All life is precious and without God’s gift of life, we would not be here. The right to life is unalienable, and we derive it from God in Whose image we are created, and Who is the source of our dignity as a human person.
We must be aware that the world advocates a very different view of life, instead it promotes a culture of death. In the absence of faith in God, people believe they own and dispose of life as they see fit. Instead of being cared for and loved, a person is instead valued only for their societal function and usefulness. This is detached from God and His guidance. Life is not a commodity, but something precious and wonderful. It is not about my comfort, but about respecting every human life as a gift from God.
While there are challenges, we have the ability to continue to build a culture of life. Prayer is one of the most important foundations for promoting a culture of life. We can help by holding Hours of Adoration and praying the Rosary. Let us continue to pray for the preservation of life from the womb to the tomb and for all people and governments to respect life as the gift we know it to be given to us by God. Keep praying and assist in any way you can to promote and protect life. In Christ, the Gospel of life is proclaimed. I ask you to pray, reflect, promote, and live the Gospel of Life.
With my sincere best wishes and prayers, I remain
Yours in Christ, +A. Elias Zaidan
Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles
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I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. JOHN 6:51
June 19, 2022 – June 11, 2023
Why Now?
24. When we receive Holy Communion, Christ is giving himself to us. He comes to us in all humility, as he came to us in the Incarnation, so that we may receive him and become one with him. Christ gives himself to us so that we may continue the pilgrim path toward life with him in the fullness of the Kingdom of God. The fourteenth-century Orthodox theologian Nicholas Cabasilas described this sacrament by saying, “unlike any other sacrament, the mystery [of the Eucharist] is so perfect that it brings us to the heights of every good thing: here is the ultimate goal of every human desire, because here we attain God and God joins himself to us in the most perfect union.”31 Through this sacrament, the pilgrim Church is nourished, deepening her communion with the Triune God and consequently that of her members with one another. .
Maronite Christian formation &
First communion classes
ages 5 five to 12 twelve.
Sundays Noon to 1:00 pm
REGISTRATION FORM IS ON: www.staparish.org
Contact: Mrs. Maryl Smith,
stacatechism@gmail.com || 513-961-0120
Free & snacks provided.
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THIS Sunday October 9, 2022, after the Celebration of the Divine Liturgy.
At the Thomas Retreat house in Milford. Immediately Following the Divine Liturgy until 4:00 pm.
5361 S Milford Rd, Milford, OH 45150
The Parish will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks.
Parishioners and friends whose last names begin with the following letters are invited to bring an item(s) in the categories listed below for the pot luck: A – I: Salad J – R: Side Dish S – Z: Dessert
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M.Y.O. M.Y.O.— Meeting,
Friday October 14; 7:30 pm
St. Joseph Sodality, Thursday October 13, 2022, 11:00 am
Join our parish groups!
Yes, it is back again!
Festival cooking dates
Monday November 14, grape leaves.
Friday November 18, kibbeh & parsley.
May God bless the work of your hands
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September 28, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I write to thank all those among you who participated in the Synodal Consultation Phase (November 2021 to May 2022) and offered feedback regarding how we can enhance our common journey of evangelization, Our eparchial report shared most of the primary conclusions presented in the final report from the Maronite Church, including:
• Listen to and communicate more effectively with all believers, especially the people on the periphery, the marginalized, and the poor and underprivileged.
• Educate and guide pastors on effective ways to synodality.
• Provide additional support for and emphasis on adult faith formation to allow all to journey together more effectively.
• Call for active participation of young people in liturgical celebrations and the life of the parish.
I will work with all our parish priests to develop a diocesan framework to actively address these primary conclusions and keep you posted on our progress in the next few months.
Sincerely, +A. Elias Zaidan.
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Thanks be to God. Here is the status of the Parish and Eparchy dual capital campaign results as of August 16, 2022. (3 years since its launching, on August 16, 2019). Last day for donors to be recognized on a yet-to-be-determined plaque is December 31, 2022, although increased donations from current donors and first-time donations from new donors will be appreciated and needed anytime after that date.
The goal of the 3 years capital campaign is:
The update, safety and usefulness of our campus
Completed projects:
Restrooms in small hall. 2020 ($40,830)
Roof & wall leakage, Roof insulation, 2020 ($26,549)
The Church renovation: 2021 ($243,971)
Formation ctr. & Rectory. 2022/2021 ($59,127)
Projects in progress:
o Large Hall (floor, restrooms, kitchen, A.C.)
o Retaining walls, Parking Lot & Courtyard
Donations reported on 9/14/22:……………540,994.20
Expenses 1/1/19 to 9/14/22:………………..420,213.89
Account Balance as of 9/14/22:………...….186,199.02
Capital Campaign Committee, Mike Misleh (Chairperson), Linda Sawma (Vice Chairperson), Gaby Batshoun, Adel Chemaly, Linda Conour, John George, Subdeacon Tom Simon, and Rick Thiemann.
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The ordained are sent forth every week to bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound of the Parish Family. Visitation can be weekly or bi-weekly depending on the health of the homebound individual. Out of respect to every individual's privacy, we simply ask that the family of the individual contacts the church. Please call Church directly at 513-961-0120 or complete the form VISIT TO THE SICK at: www.staparish.org
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St. Anthony’s prayer chain. We pray for each other.
Our prayer chain is so far 28+5 prayer warriors strong, from its launching on Pentecost!
Please register to be a prayer warrior and share your prayer intentions.
Praying for others strengthens relationships, both with each other and with God the Father.
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Word of the week
Scrumptious : (Adj.) Something really delicious, appetizing or attractive to the taste. (Yummy!)
Example: What a scrumptious treat!
بالعربي: لذيذ، طيب
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When planning your estate
Please consider supporting your spiritual home of St. Anthony of Padua through Legacy Giving, (a tax-deductible way of giving through your will, insurance policy, retirement assets, or charitable trust). With God you will always receive more than what you give.
Consider your Church as one of your children…
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Something to think about:
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain
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October 2022, prayer intention
We pray, May Our Lady of the Rosary intercede for all the spiritual and temporal needs of Our Eparchy, parish and families, from east to west
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