Holy Week is a time to reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this sacred time, we remember Jesus’s actions, reflect on his teachings, and recommit to living as his disciples here on Earth. We hope this schedule helps you plan to observe these holy days, both on your own and with your church family here at St. Barnabas.
Tuesday in Holy Week, March 26th
9:00am - Tuesday Morning Bible Study in J. Ernest Library
10:30am - Chrism Mass & Renewal of Vows at St. James, Alexandria
12:00pm - Morning Prayer in Sanctuary
6:00pm - Lenten Series: Prayer as a Way of Life in Ramsay Hall*
Wednesday in Holy Week, March 27th
12:00pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
6:00pm - Evening Prayer in J. Ernest Library
7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday, March 28th
7:00pm - Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing & Stripping of the Altar*
9:00pm - 7:00am - Gethsemane Watch & Prayer Vigil
Good Friday, March 29th
12:00pm - Stations of the Cross
7:00pm - Good Friday Liturgy*
Holy Saturday, March 30th
7:00pm - The Great Vigil of Easter*
Easter Sunday, March 31st
8:00am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I*
10:30am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II*
Children's Easter Egg Hunt to follow the 10:30am service
*Childcare available