Holy Week at St. Barnabas

Holy Week is a time to reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this sacred time, we remember Jesus’s actions, reflect on his teachings, and recommit to living as his disciples here on Earth. We hope this schedule helps you plan to observe these holy days, both on your own and with your church family here at St. Barnabas.

Tuesday in Holy Week, March 26th

9:00am - Tuesday Morning Bible Study in J. Ernest Library

10:30am - Chrism Mass & Renewal of Vows at St. James, Alexandria

12:00pm - Morning Prayer in Sanctuary

6:00pm - Lenten Series: Prayer as a Way of Life in Ramsay Hall*

Wednesday in Holy Week, March 27th

12:00pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

6:00pm - Evening Prayer in J. Ernest Library

7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday, March 28th

7:00pm - Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing & Stripping of the Altar*

9:00pm - 7:00am - Gethsemane Watch & Prayer Vigil

Good Friday, March 29th

12:00pm - Stations of the Cross

7:00pm - Good Friday Liturgy*

Holy Saturday, March 30th

7:00pm - The Great Vigil of Easter*

Easter Sunday, March 31st

8:00am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I*

10:30am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II*

Children's Easter Egg Hunt to follow the 10:30am service

*Childcare available

Lectionary Page

Sunday, March 31st

8:00am | Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30am | Holy Eucharist, Rite II

6:00pm | Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Join us at St. Barnabas as we celebrate Holy Eucharist! All above service times are available in-person. The 10:30am service can be accessed in-person or online via Facebook Live.

View Prayer List Here

Sunday, March 31st

Volunteer Schedule

*Please click on the 'Sunday Volunteers' image for volunteer schedule.

VOLUNTEERS: It would be appreciated if you try to find a replacement by contacting other servers when you decline a service to help fill vacant positions.

Special Services

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Gethsemane Watch & Prayer Vigil

"So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?" Matthew 26:40

The Gethsemane Watch and Prayer Vigil will begin in the sanctuary immediately after the Maundy Thursday service (9:00pm) and conclude on Good Friday (7:00am). 

A police officer will be on-site throughout the night so that you may feel safe as you keep your hour of watch in the church.

Prayer guides will be available. Multiple people may sign up for the same time slot; however, please consider claiming a vacant slot when signing up. 

Sign Up for Gethsemane Watch

Easter Egg Donations

Please consider dropping off your extra Easter eggs in the basket in the narthex in the next few weeks in anticipation of our annual Easter Sunday egg hunt!

The intention is not for anyone to go out and buy eggs just for this, but to re-use the plastic egg shells that your children and grandchildren are already using or taking home from school and other events.

It’ll get those plastic eggs out of your closets and homes and bring so much joy to the little ones on Easter morning!

Join us for our annual Easter egg hunt!

After the 10:30 Easter Sunday service all children age 0- 5th grade are invited to hunt eggs! Bring a basket, but we have extras if you need one!

Candies are nut-free and hopefully non melt. There will be a “littles” zone for children 0-4 to ensure everyone is safe and gets plenty of eggs!

The hunt will take place in the grassy areas around St. B (or inside the sanctuary if the weather is bad).

Questions or concerns? Contact Jennifer Bolling.

*EYC members remember to meet in EYC building at 11:30, or after communion to hide eggs!


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Prayer as a Way of Life concludes Tuesday, March 26th

Join us for a Lenten journey into what Jesus calls “your secret room,” building individual prayer practices. The 6-week series will be a blend of lectures, small group discussion, and workshopping.

This week: Staying Awake in Gethsemane. How do we continue our watch with Christ? What, and who, have we gathered for our saunter?

If you’re interested in a practical approach to mindfulness and deepening your conversation with God, we think you’ll enjoy this experience.

Classes meet each Tuesday in Lent from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Childcare is available for each session.

Register for Prayer as a Way of Life


Come help us prepare Hardtner for the 2024 Summer Camping Program!

Bring your work gloves and trusty tools to camp for a day filled with projects, connection, and dare we say fun?! We need as many people as possible to get camp ready for its ministry. Lunch will be provided.

Questions? Contact Haley Wiley.

Sign Up for Hardtner Work Day

Summer Registration

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Summer is right around the corner, and it’s not too late to sign your child up for an experience like no other at Louisiana’s premier Episcopal summer camp!

Selected as one of “America’s Best Summer Camps 2023” by Newsweek, Camp Hardtner isn’t just about games; it’s about making memories, finding joy, and discovering new things about yourself.

Campers will find an experience that will stick with them all year long and possibly for life. An experience of relationship, community, belonging, and self-worth–all built upon the foundation that God’s love surrounds us and transforms our lives.

Register for Camp Hardtner 
Register for MDO 2024-2025

Across The Diocese

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Diocesan Convention registration will remain open until April 26. Everyone who plans to attend any of the Convention events should complete the short registration form. Look for a separate email tomorrow with Instructions and a link to begin the online registration process. The registration form will also be available on the diocesan website. Questions? Contact Joy Owensby.

The Diocesan Convention meets once a year to discuss the church year going forward, elect people for various positions, and hear from people of all walks of life. There are some pieces we approve and vote on, including the budget for the year and different resolutions. If you have a resolution to be considered for our 2024 Diocesan Convention, please submit no later than May 1, 2024, to Mary Shaddock Jones via email.

  • The 45th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana will open May 3, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. with Eucharist at St. James, Alexandria, followed by a catered reception in the Parish Hall.
  • On Saturday, May 4, Convention registration will commence at 9:00 a.m. in the Pineville Convention Center at Country Inn & Suites. The business meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.
  • Childcare will be available for all Convention events.
  • As we move closer to the date of Convention and more information becomes available, we encourage you to stay informed on the latest updates by visiting the Convention Hub on the diocesan website.

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The Presiding Bishop is Coming to Western Louisiana!

Mark your calendars now: the Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, will visit our diocese September 20-22, 2024.

His agenda will include a diocesan-wide event, a gathering for clergy only, and preaching at Sunday morning worship.

Given his recent health issues, keep in mind that his itinerary will be limited to what is appropriate for his energy levels and continued well-being, and his travel will be restricted to the diocesan see (the Alexandria area).

We are very excited Bishop Curry will be with us, and we will provide more details about his visit as they become available.

Bishop Jake's Blog
Diocesan Calendar
Recent Diocesan Newsletter
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Help us keep our St. Barnabas community informed! Please use the form linked below to submit announcements for the St. B weekly email newsletter and Sunday bulletins! Announcements can include events happening at church, in the Lafayette/Acadiana community, or elsewhere in the diocese or state. 

*Announcements for the weekly email must be submitted by Friday at 4pm.

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