This Week at St. Barnabas | |
Tuesday, September 12th
10:00am - Tuesday Bible Study in Library
6:00pm - Newcomers Class in Ramsay Hall
Wednesday, September 13th
12:00pm - Noonday Eucharist
6:00pm - Outdoor Prayer with Recreationists near the Labyrinth
6:30pm - Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, September 14th
6:30pm Becoming Beloved Community in the Library
Saturday, September 16th
10:00am - Nursing Home Bingo
10:00am - Pumpkin Patch Volunteer Training in Ramsay Hall
Sunday, September 17th
8:00am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I*
9:00am - Sunday School, Grades K-5 in EYC Building
9:15am - Adult Christian Formation in Ramsay Hall
10:30am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II*
2:00-4:00pm - Jr. EYC, Grades 6-8 in EYC Building
3:00pm - Pumpkin Patch Volunteer Training in Ramsay Hall
4:00-6:00pm - Sr. EYC, Grades 9-12 in EYC Building
6:00pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Monday, September 18th
6:00pm - Vestry Meeting in the Library
*Childcare Available
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Sunday, September 17th
8:00am | Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30am | Holy Eucharist, Rite II
6:00pm | Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Join us at St. Barnabas as we celebrate Holy Eucharist! All above service times are available in-person. The 10:30am service can be accessed in-person or online via Facebook Live.
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Volunteers Needed • Save the Dates
Volunteer Trainings*:
Saturday, 9/16 | 10-11am
Sunday, 9/17 | 3-4pm
Sunday, 9/24 | 5-6pm
Pumpkin Unloading:
Thursday, 10/12 | 2pm-until
*Refreshments will be provided. Volunteers must only attend one session.
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Sponsorship Opportunities
The St. Barnabas Pumpkin Patch is a fundraiser benefiting youth ministries including projects like renovating our playground, youth mission trips, and weekly children's ministries. Please consider becoming a sponsor.
Your sponsorship helps us defray cost, and is an opportunity to promote yourself in the community at our festive annual event!
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Pre-K 4 Openings at Little Lambs
Little Lambs Mother's Day Out has some Pre-K 4 openings available for this school year (2023-2024)! If you or someone you know may be interested, please send an email to or fill out the application linked below.
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September is Hunger Action Month
Second Harvest is conducting a Food Drive in conjunction with Rouse’s at two locations in the Lafayette area.
Help to Restock Our Food Pantry
Stop by Rouse’s on September 22 (Johnston) to purchase a food bag for $10.00. Drop off the bag here in the orange bin in the Narthex.
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An Invitation to Join
Becoming Beloved Community
Becoming Beloved Community (BBC) is a movement of the Episcopal Church that provides a positive, theologically, and biblically based ideal that orients the work of racial healing, reconciliation, and justice.
Since 2020, St. B. parishioners have met to engage in this work of spiritual formation, providing opportunities throughout the year for prayer, self-reflection, education, dialogue, and action.
In 2023-24, BBC will meet on the second Thursday of the month.
Please join us for our first meeting of the fall term: September 14, at 6:30pm – St. B. Library
Questions? Contact Janet Pecot or 734-891-2600
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Save the Date • Saturday, Oct. 14th • 10:00am–Noon
Bridging the Gap: Truthful Conversations & Racial Healing
St. James Episcopal Church in Alexandria
Join us on Saturday, October 14, to hear the remarkable story of the Rev. Avery Hamilton and Mr. Dean Woods, two men from different backgrounds who have come together to honor the legacy of the Colfax Massacre. The massacre occurred in 1873 in Grant Parish, Louisiana, and resulted in the deaths of over 60 Black men who were asserting their constitutional rights.
Avery and Dean's talk will highlight how they have worked together to establish the Colfax Memorial Organization to correct a false historical narrative and offer a place of remembrance and reflection.
St. Barnabas's Becoming Beloved Community invites you to join us in attending this historic event. More details about registering, carpooling, and attending the event to come next week!
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Healing House Volunteer Training
Healing House's last volunteer training session of the year is coming up: Fri. 9/15 8:30 – 3:30 and Sat. 9/16 8:30 – 1:30.
The support groups at Healing House are conducted by volunteer facilitators who are trained to observe, listen and respond to children who are grieving. A facilitator is not a counselor but serves as a caring companion in our support groups.
Volunteers are a vital part of the care and support provided for grieving children and their families at Healing House. They are special, selfless people who willingly give their time and talents to provide support and compassion to children who are experiencing the most difficult period in their lives.
If you would like to attend training, please complete the online Volunteer Application. Space is limited and your spot can only be reserved once we receive your completed volunteer application.
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BarnaBITES Fellowship Ministry
The first round of Barnabites dinner & fellowship groups will begin meeting in September. If you would like to participate but did not sign up during the ministry fair, please email Arielle regarding your interest. We hope you'll take part in this fellowship opportunity!
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Episcopal Church Women
Hi, ladies! It is time to once again get our ECW group going after our summer break. Our first meeting will be on Saturday, September 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Felicia Kinning (517 Roselawn Blvd., Lafayette).
This will also be a "going-away" party for Wendy DeRoche. We ask that if you are attending to please bring an appetizer or side dish. Our hostess will graciously be providing ham for the main dish, as well as her home for the gathering. Thank you, Felicia! If you are attending and would like to bring something, we would appreciate you e-mailing: Sharon Falgout to confirm your attendance.
We so look forward to seeing you ladies there!
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Taco Tuesday with LGBTQ+ Folks and Friends
LGBTQ+ Folks and Friends will meet for Taco Tuesday on September 19, 2023 from 6-7:30 pm in the EYC. Everyone is invited for food, fun, and fellowship.
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Diocesan Medical Mission to Honduras
All are welcome to join our yearly Medical Mission to Honduras, this year from Jan 4 to Jan 11, 2024. You don't have to be a doctor, a nurse, or speak Spanish; you need only answer God's call to help others. We go under the auspices of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana, and are invited by the Iglesia Episcopal in Trinidad, Honduras, a town in the mountains. We hold medical, dental, and eyeglass clinics in mountain villages that seldom see care. We need parishioners to pray with us, have fun with us, show people around, carry stuff, etc. On the job training available! For more information, email Scott Hamilton, MD.
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Please mark your calendars for the following dates and make plans to join in the fun!
October 14, 2023 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Bridging the Gap: Truthful Conversations & Racial Healing
St. James Episcopal Church, 1620 Murray St, Alexandria, LA
May 3-4, 2024
Diocesan Convention in Alexandria
More information to come
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Help us keep our St. Barnabas community informed! Please use the form linked below to submit announcements for the St. B weekly email newsletter and Sunday bulletins! Announcements can include events happening at church, in the Lafayette/Acadiana community, or elsewhere in the diocese or state.
*Announcements for the weekly email must be submitted by Friday at 4pm.
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