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Dear Families,

As was announced last week, we are so excited to be launching StoryMakers for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. StoryMakers is a fantastic new program designed to engage children in the stories of the Bible through vibrant visuals, seasonal "zines," and developmentally appropriate social-emotional reflection.

Our aim is to begin enjoying more in-person activities this spring as COVID hopefully continues to dissipate. For now, we are offering free StoryMakers at-home kits to complete at your own pace during the season of Lent.

A Word on Faith at Home

Clergy and scholars alike agree that enduring Christian faith is "caught more than taught" and that the majority of spiritual formation happens at home a wildly intimidating thought for most parents! That's why I'm so glad to share that each StoryMakers kit comes with a leader guide that parents can use to engage the materials together with the whole family.

In addition, everyone who signs up will receive weekly emails with videos to accompany the lessons. As a bonus, St. Bart's is now on the Parent Cue App. Simply download the app and search for "St. Bart's" to have faith-at-home content delivered directly to your mobile device.

StoryMakers kits will be available for pickup at St. Bart's on Sunday, February 27 or Ash Wednesday (March 2). Kits can also be shipped to your home if necessary. Learn more and sign up below.

Registration Deadline: February 24

Sign Up for StoryMakers

Please know that my prayers continue to be with you during these most unusual days. As we prepare for the season of Lent, I encourage you to spend some time considering how you might like to grow spiritually and engage in community at St. Bart's. We are here to support you on your journey. Don't hesitate to reach out anytime.

Whether in-person or online, we would love to see you soon!

Brightest Blessings,

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The Reverend Zack Nyein

Senior Associate Rector


We Want to Hear from You!


These are anxious times, and it is our fervent desire at St. Bart's to surround our young people with a community of love, grace, and encouragement to face the challenges of today. 

We know it takes a village. Studies have shown that it takes meaningful connections with six adults outside the immediate family to make faith "sticky" — for church to make a difference in young persons' lives after high school.  

Did you know that we are blessed with the tremendous gift and responsibility of caring for more than 600 young people and their families who consider St. Bart's their spiritual home?


In the presence of wayward disciples and seasoned sinners, Jesus extends a most radical welcome: "Let the children come!"   Please take a few moments to complete the survey below, and prayerfully consider how you might take part in building up this great village of faith where young and old seek God's beloved community, together.  

Thank you!

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The Burning of the Palms

At the conclusion of the 9:00 a.m. service, outside, on February 27


Join us at the 9:00 a.m. service on February 27 when we will burn the palms from Palm Sunday 2021 to create the ashes for Ash Wednesday. This ancient ritual signals the end of the season after Epiphany and the beginning of Lent, the season when we remember Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness and prepare our hearts for Easter.

For those participating in StoryMakers, the at-home kits will be available for pick-up before or after the service at the St. Bart's Central welcome desk. 

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Choristers are Back!


Our choristers are back to rehearse with Mr. Pattavina twice a week. New members are welcome — this is a perfect time to join. To find out if the chorister program might help develop and support the musical interests of a young person you know, visit the link below.

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