St. Bede's E-News
We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date
on the latest information from the parish
and from around the Diocese of Atlanta and wider Church.
Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website.
You can go to
and look under the "Connect With Us" tab
at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.
The deadline each week for submission to the E-News is
Wednesday at 10 am.
Please send your submissions ready to go into the newsletter,
text and images attached in an email to the Parish Administrator.
Laura's email address is
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Sunday, March 24, 2024
The Sunday of the Passion:
Palm Sunday
Worship in English at 10 am
Worship in Spanish at 2:30 pm
We will also be streaming our worship live
St. Bede's YouTube Channel
If you would like to preview the scripture lessons and hymns for the upcoming Sunday, you can find Sunday's bulletin uploaded to the church website each week on Thursday afternoon. From the home page of the website, scroll down to the colorful "Worship" icon, and click on that. Then scroll to the bottom of the "Worship" page and you will see where the bulletin for Sunday has been posted under "Downloads".
Holy Week & Easter Schedule
The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, March 24
(begins outdoors with the Liturgy of the Palms)
10 am - Holy Eucharist
2:30 pm - Santa Eucaristía
Maundy Thursday, March 28
7 pm - The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
with Communion & Foot-Washing
Bilingual in the Nave
Good Friday, March 29
Noon - The Liturgy of Good Friday,
English in the Nave
7 pm - Stations of the Cross -
Bilingual, Outdoors
Holy Saturday, March 30
(begins outdoors)
8 pm - The Great Vigil of Easter
the First Eucharist of Easter
Easter Day, March 31
10 am - Festal Holy Eucharist
11 am - Noon - Festive Easter Reception, Commons
Easter Egg Hunt
2:30 pm - Santa Eucaristía
Huevos de Pascua después de la misa
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Adult Formation
will be on hiatus for a few weeks.
We plan to resume in Mid-April
with a new series on
Understanding Our Spiritual Types
Also in Mid-April
We will offer another installment of our
Newcomer's Café.
Newcomers will be invited
to learn more about St. Bede's
and the Episcopal Church.
Newcomer's Café will take place on
Sundays, April 14 & 21.
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Children's Faith Formation
offered during 10 am Worship
Instead of Sunday School being either before or after worship, children will be invited to gather together during the time of the Sermon and the Prayers of the People for a special story or activity that is tailored just for them. Children will come to worship with their families and will be invited to process out for this special time during the signing of a hymn. They will then return at the Passing of the Peace to join their families and the congregation for Communion.
All 3 year olds through 5th graders are welcome to join us. Older children are welcome as helpers and younger children may join with a parent, grandparent, or other caregiver.
Please know that children are always welcomed to remain with their families for the full worship service if that is their preference.
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Join us for any of these
groovy upcoming Youth Activities:
March 24th - Join us at 9 am for donuts and the rehearsal of the Passion Reading. After the 10 am worship we'll have lunch, watch a movie together and fill goody bags for our Easter Egg hunt.
March 31st - Come join us in celebrating EASTER and singing ALLELUIA again! The youth will meet in the Nave immediately before 10 am and 2:30 pm worship to spread the eggs on the lawn for our Easter egg hunts.
Sunday, April 7th - Join us for either 10 am or 2:30 pm worship and bring your own lunch. We'll depart St. Bede's at 11:15, go to Stone Mountain, hike to the top and have lunch together. After lunch (and lots of picture taking) we'll return to St. Bede's by 2:15. Rain date - Sunday, April 14th. Please let Judah or Beth know if you'll be joining us so that we have enough drivers.
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Easter Flowers and Music
If you would like to give a gift
in honor or in memory of someone
for the Easter flowers and music,
special giving envelopes are in a basket
on the table in the Commons.
Please fill out the front of the envelope
and place in the offering basin on Sunday morning,
or send to the parish office
no later than Monday, March 25
in order to be listed in the Easter bulletins.
You can also email Laura
in the parish office
with information about your Easter dedication.
Please be sure to include the dedication
as you would like it acknowledged in the bulletin
and indicate whether you are giving
in memory or in thanksgiving.
You can make your contribution either by check
or give online through Realm.
If you give online through Realm, please be sure that you also email your dedication to Laura in the parish office.
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Renewing our Grounds
by Kim Padgett, Junior Warden
We’re fortunate to have such beautiful and abundant grounds here at St. Bede’s! What a gift for our community that our green space is just the place for us to quietly be with nature, play or reflect, walk our dogs and play with our kids, read, pray, throw rocks in the creek; exercise, and a place to worship.
The Vestry recently decided to move forward with working with a landscape planner to develop a plan for the area along the Midvale Road entrance driveway and extending through the building entrance area down to the edge of the upper parking lot near the car bridge. Before the implementation of that plan, we will also work with the landscaper to engage in a “grounds reset” of our property that will include cleaning up our existing grounds by removing ivy and bracken from trees and bushes, trimming, edging, mulching, and otherwise cleaning up our property around the building to achieve a fresh clean look.
We’re at work to identify funding for this project, and want to open up to the parish an opportunity to give toward beautifying our landscape. Both parts of the project – the landscape plan and the “grounds reset” work will cost around $4,500. If you are excited about the idea of revealing the deeper beauty of God's creation on the grounds of St. Bede's, please consider making a gift to support this effort to enhance our grounds and provide a welcoming space for all who come to St. Bede’s. Click on the link below and select "Grounds Renewal & Planning" from the fund list.
“… [in] the natural world, what is - I experience the most extraordinary grounding, connection, healing, and even revelation. One little hopping bird can do me in!”
— Richard Rohr
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Thank you to all who have returned
their 2024 "Offer to God" pledge cards!
As of March 14, we have received
83 pledges totaling $450,000.
Thank You!
If you have not already,
we hope that you will prayerfully discern
your response to God's gifts in your life
and make your pledge of financial support
to all that God is doing
in and through St. Bede's.
If you need a pledge packet,
please contact the parish office at:
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Over the years, the St. Bede’s family and friends and guests have enjoyed receptions, special meals, and casual gatherings, all presented by a faithful group of members who have offered their time and talent in providing hospitality to so many. The Hospitality Committee would like to organize into 5 weekly rotating teams to provide a bit more structure to the ministry.
The plan will be similar to other Sunday worship responsibilities, e.g. Altar Guild, Ushers, Greeters, Flower Guild, by having these 5 teams in place. This will offer the opportunity for many more of you to participate in the planning and preparation of our Hospitality functions. It is also a great way for new members to become involved in St. Bede’s parish life.
Please contact Nancy Ward ( for more information.
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The Bread Guild is
Calling All Bakers!
Do you love the communion bread each Sunday at St. Bede's? Are you a baker or someone who would like to learn how to bake bread? Please consider joining St. Bede's Bread Guild as one of our bakers. As a bonus, we do not have meetings in this ministry. Please reach out to Jody Klein, Chair of St. Bede's Bread Guild at or text to 678-372-9396 with subject line "St. Bede's Bread Guild" to learn more.
In 1974 a group of women and their supporters
organized their ordination to
the Episcopal priesthood
in a bold act of civil disobedience.
This is their story.
The Philadelphia Eleven
A Documentary Film
Reception, Screening and Panel Discussion
Wednesday, April 17
Reception at 4 pm
Screening at 5 pm
Candler School of Theology
Emory University
Reservations are required for this event.
For more information, contact
Rev. Canon John Thompson-Quartey
The Sisters of Bede
Request Your Input
Over the past 14 years, the Sisters of Bede has developed a significant amount of money in the Sisters of Bede account. The money accumulated for various reasons, such as the exact project we had designated the funds to go towards did not need the entire amount or the designated project never got off the ground. We want to put that money to work. In the belief that all the Sisters of Bede have contributed to raising these funds, we asked you for your ideas. Thank you for your excellent response.
Your responses have been cataloged in the document linked below. Each project was researched and then assigned a dollar amount needed to complete the project. For the large-scale projects, a proposed budget estimate was listed.
There are two sections to this survey:
Ideas costing under $5000
Ideas costing over $5000.
Women of the parish are invited
to fill out both sections of the survey.
Hard copies of the survey are available on the round table in the Commons. You may print a survey yourself and return the survey to the basket in the Commons. You may also email a copy of your survey to Barbara Helms at
All surveys are due by March 24.
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Save the Date
May 11, 2024
St. Bede's 14th Annual High Tea
The High Tea is a fun, social event at St. Bede's. The silent auction and raffle are not only popular but an important part of a successful outcome. Donations of a gift basket or item(s) to include in a basket are needed. Please label your donations "High Tea" and leave in the office. A basket work day is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26th, at 1 pm. Come join in the fun of creating silent auction and raffle items.
As we all watch the tragic events of violence escalate in Jerusalem and Palestine, it is so important to keep the people of the Holy Land in our prayers.
In addition to our prayers, St. Bede's has also transmitted a gift of $500 to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) for relief efforts related to the travesties of this conflict. Sadly, one of ERD's strongest and longest-standing partners in the Diocese of Jerusalem is the Al Ahli Arab Hospital - the Anglican hospital in Gaza that was severely damaged by explosion and where hundreds of people were killed. Please keep relief workers on the ground in your prayers as they attempt to offer care and relief.
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Caring for God's Creation
During Lent we will offer prayers and scripture readings from
The Episcopal Church's Creation Care resources
Reading God’s goodness in the diversity of life
Gracious God, you reveal your goodness in the beauty and diversity of creation; in the circle dance of earth and air and water; in a universe rich in processes that support growth and coherence, distinctiveness and community; and above all in the gift of Jesus Christ, who emptied himself to serve your world. And so we offer thanks and praise to you, one God in three persons: the Author and Source of all, Christ the Incarnate Word, and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Links to the Scriptures are below.
Genesis 1:11–12, 20–22 Psalm 104:25–32
Revelation 5:11–14 Matthew 13:31–32
Please contact Martha Robert at or 404.374.7643 with ideas, suggestions, or questions about the Caring for God's Creation.
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Family Ministries Micropractice
Join our households with
birth through elementary aged children
in this simple intentional practice
as we bring our learning from the lectionary
into our everyday lives.
You may wish to conclude this micro-practice with this prayer:
God, you — who rode a donkey — are full of surprises! There is always more we can learn about you. As we grow and explore the world around us, may we find joy and curiosity and humility when learning something new. Amen.
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Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
Has Resumed!
Join with others for a study of the Book of 1st Kings.
All are welcome.
Bring whatever translation of the Bible you like.
6: – 8 pm on Wednesday nights
on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month
in the Commons Hallway Classroom
(across from the Julian of Norwich Center)
Contact Fred Murphy for more information.
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Healing Our Racism
Book Discussion Group
Next meeting:
Monday, March 25 at 2:00pm on Zoom
February's selection is
By Dr. Arline T. Geronimus
Meeting Time: 4th Monday of each month at 2 pm on ZOOM
Please join Muriel Diguette and other members/friends of St. Bede's to discuss current books pertaining to the issues of racism and white privilege.
Email Muriel for the Zoom link to join the discussion.
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Mostly Mysteries
Book Discussion Group
Next meeting:
Monday, March 25 at 7:00 pm on Zoom
March's selection is
The River We Remember
By William Kent Krueger
Meeting Time: 4th Monday of each month at 7 pm on ZOOM
You're invited to join members and friends of St. Bede's to discuss favorite mysteries and thrillers.
Email Cathe Echterhof for the Zoom link to join the discussion.
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McLemore's Musings
We hope you are enjoying this feature in St. Bede's E-News - McLemore's Musings. Many of you have met the Rev'd Bill McLemore who has joined the St. Bede's community. Bill has been a priest for over 57 years and has served parishes all over the Episcopal Church. Bill is the former archivist of the Diocese of Atlanta and authored the 100th anniversary book on the history of the Diocese. Bill is also an artist and has used his artistic skills and sense of humor for many years to draw hundreds of cartoon that comically comment on life in the Episcopal Church. Each week we will share a cartoon here that Bill selects from his collection. Enjoy!
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St. Bede's Prayer List
A note about our prayer list:
We have reorganized our prayer list and are trying to make it more manageable going forward. Names will remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks unless otherwise requested. If you have placed someone on the prayer list and you would now like that person removed, please notify the office. Please request removal only for names which you have placed on the list. We are always happy to request prayer for our parishioners and our extended community.
Please contact Laura Pittman in the church office to add or remove names from the prayer list.
Laura Pittman
In our St. Bede’s community,
prayer has recently been requested for:
Connie Aylor
Jennie Couture
Nancy Bruce
Prayer has been requested on a more long-term basis for:
Al and Regina Studwell
Sarah Jane and Jim Ohl
Mary Rodriguez
Helen Abraham
Aree Bancroft
Laura Ribas
Hilda Bell
Nancy Waring
Frances Bowen
Ann Foote
Robin Schreiber
Cameron Maddox
Peg Harriss
Sue Ellen Lampros
Prayer has also been requested for these in our wider community:
Kathy Rogers, daughter of Sydney Lund
Barry Lamon, friend of Larry Bing
Heather Gartner, friend of Larry Bing
Allen Barringer, friend of Sean Kilpatrick and Pat Miller
Fay Key, friend of the St. Bede's community
Eleanor Pearlman, granddaughter of Gwen Heaton
We pray for those who have died:
Roger Paynter, friend of Chad Vaughn
Connie Bennington, cousin of Jan Swoope
We give thanks for those serving our country in the military:
Josh Bowers
Will Grimm
We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week:
3/22 Matt Faulkner
3/25 Alan Huston
3/27 Fran Snider
3/30 Kay Howington
3/30 Geoff Flanagan
We pray for those who are to be baptized on Easter:
Miriam Needham*
Angel Antonio Santana-Castrejon
*A pastoral note about Miriam's baptism: Miriam Needham grew up in the Salvation Army which practices dedications and commissionings as rites of Christian Initiation, but not water baptism. Miriam was later ordained in the United Methodist Church, but she has spent most of her ministry in the Episcopal Church - serving for 18 years as the Director of the Training and Counseling Center (TACC) at St. Luke's where she was regularly invited to participate in worship and preaching at St. Luke's during that time. For the past twelve years, Miriam has been an active member of St. Bede's. Through her time in the Episcopal Church, the centrality of the symbol of baptism has become very important to her and she now desires to participate in the sacramental rite of baptism - even tough she is already fully a member of the Body of Christ.
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From around the Diocese
and the wider Church...
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Bishop Wright's Weekly Podcast
Did you know that Bishop Rob Wright has a weekly podcast? You can take a spiritual "deep dive" each week with Bishop Wright and his special guests and grow deeper in faith and understanding as you listen and learn.
Explore For People, Bishop Wright's Podcast, Here
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the magazine of the Diocese of Atlanta
The new Pathways is now available online! Through original photography, articles, and interviews, Pathways shares inspiring stories from Middle and North Georgia — examples of spiritual growth.
Read Pathways Here
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Would you like to keep up with news from around the broader Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion? Episcopal Journal and Cafe is a convenient place to find out things going on around the Church. You can even subscribe to get news sent to your email inbox.
Click Here for Episcopal Journal & Cafe
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Friend in Christ,
As violence escalates in Ukraine, over one million people have already fled the country — and the borders are flooded with many more people desperate to leave.
Almost all of them are women and children who have had to seek safety on their own, leaving their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons behind.
As this crisis continues to evolve, we are working with Anglican agencies and our other partners to provide humanitarian assistance, and urgently ask for your help.
Your emergency gift today will support our immediate response, providing cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needs as this crisis unfolds.
Our faith networks are currently on the ground in the border areas of Poland, Hungary and Romania, and we will continue to coordinate with them in order to help those who have been displaced. Specifically, our partner ACT Alliance is helping families on the Hungarian border, and our Anglican partners are mobilizing both an immediate and long-term response in Poland, Romania and Hungary.
Yours faithfully,
Robert W. Radtke
President & CEO
Episcopal Relief & Development
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