St. Bede's E-News

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date

on the latest information from the parish

and from around the Diocese of Atlanta and wider Church. 

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. 

You can go to and look under the Connect With Us tab

at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.

The deadline each week for submission to the E-News

is Wednesday at 10 am.

Please send your submissions ready to go into the newsletter,

text and images attached in an email to the Parish Administrator.

Laura's email address is

Sunday, October 15, 2023

20th Sunday after Pentecost

Please join us as we gather together

to worship God this Sunday!

Worship in English at 10 am

Worship in Spanish at 2:30 pm

We will also be streaming our worship live


St. Bede's YouTube Channel

Make a Gift to St. Bede's

Sunday Formation

for All Ages

"Getting To Know You"

Come and hear from some of our new clergy as they share stories from their spiritual journeys and what they are excited about in ministry at this time.

This Sunday, October 15,

we will hear from

The Rev'd Iñaki Guevara

Please join us in Room M-110 at 11:30 am

after 10 am worship.

This Fall we are trying

something NEW

with Children's Faith Formation!

Instead of Sunday School being either before or after worship, children will be invited to gather together during the time of the Sermon and the Prayers of the People for a special story or activity that is tailored just for them. Children will come to worship with their families and will be invited to process out for this special time during the signing of a hymn. They will then return at the Passing of the Peace to join their families and the congregation for Communion.

All 3 year olds through 5th graders are welcome to join us. Older children are welcome as helpers and younger children may join with a parent, grandparent, or other caregiver. 

This is an experiment and we will see how it works for a few months and then evaluate if it will continue at that time. Please know that children are always welcomed to remain with their families for the full worship service if that is their preference.

This Sunday, October 15th: Join us for the Pride parade. We will attend the 10:00 worship service and then travel to the Chamblee Marta station, grab lunch and walk in the parade. We will return to the church by 4:00.

Sunday, October 22nd: Worship at 10:00 and 2:30, then join us for class from 1:30 - 2:15.

For more information contact

Beth Cannon

Newcomers Café

A Three-Week Welcoming Gathering

October 15, 22, and 29

in the Parish Hall at 11:30 am

Our Invite-Welcome-Connect Team will offer a Newcomers Café on three consecutive Sundays in October - October 15, 22, & 29. All three Sundays are open to newcomers and to all parishioners who would like to know more about the Episcopal Church and St. Bedes and discover more ways to become involved.    

Below are the dates and topics.

October 15 – Chad Vaughn, our Rector, will offer a presentation on “An Overview of the Episcopal Church.”

October 22 - Jim Helms, our parish archivist, will offer a presentation on “The History of St. Bede's.” Other long-time parishioners will be invited to share their stories of St. Bede’s as well.


October 29 - A tour of the building will be offered along with a visit from ministry leaders, Vestry members, and staff to help folks make connections and get involved. Always great to put a face with a name!


There will be snacks and beverages provided during each Newcomer Café.


Looking forward to seeing everyone. All are welcome!

Upcoming Sunday Adult Formation Series:

Reflecting on

Environmental Justice

and Faith

October 22 - November 19

We are excited to be offering a series of 5 adult formation classes to learn about and reflect on environmental Justice. Each Sunday at 11:30 am between October 22 and November 19, there will be a different focus to guide our learning and reflection. We will learn from people with extensive experience in environmental justice and we will learn from each other. Bring your curiosity, passion and faith. We will culminate the series with an exploration of actions for us as individuals and as a community.

October 22 - What is environmental justice?

We will discuss a definition of environmental justice and explore what scripture and other Christian texts may inform our relationship with environmental justice. This class will be facilitated by Carol Kemker, a member of St. Bede’s with 34 years of environmental experience leading efforts to improve public health and quality of life through environmental protection.

October 29 - Sustainability a Tool for Achieving Environmental Justice.

This class is based on material from Care for Creation. Kim Padgett and Lynnsay Buehler will facilitate a reflection on sustainability as a positive step towards environmental justice and greater care of God’s creation.

November 5 - Interfaith Practice and Environmental Care: Stories from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and from our Lives and Homes

The Rev. Dr. Barbara (Bobbi) Patterson, an Episcopal Priest and retired Professor in the Religion Department at Emory University will be with us to offer perspectives on climate change, our responses, and future-facing as a positive spiritual practice of engagement, entwined with aspects of her learnings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.  

November 12 - Climate Change: Impacting All, Some more than Others

November 19 - What can/will/are we doing to promote justice as we share God’s creation?

Carol Kemker will conclude our series with a brainstorming session on what actions we might take going forward as individuals and as a parish. There will be fun ‘starter’ concepts and actions to build upon. Bring your ideas to share!

Please join us for this series of reflections on how our Christian faith calls us to be in relationship with others through environmental justice. 

Former St. Bede's Parishioner

"Tommie" Thompson Zaher

to be ordained Deacon

on Saturday, October 21 at 4 pm

at the Cathedral of St. Philip.

All are invited to attend the ordination or join the live stream.

(If the link does not yet work, it should closer to the date.)

Join the Ordination Live Stream

St. Bede's Jar Grippers!

The Invite, Welcome, Connect Team has developed a new gift to share with newcomers to St. Bede's - rubberized jar grippers to help open stubborn jars. These will be given to visitors and newcomers to allow them to take home a memento of St. Bede's to their home kitchens.

We also will have St. Bede's jar grippers available for sale to all members before and after church this Sunday. They are $5 each and the proceeds go to help support our Invite, Welcome, Connect ministries to newcomers.

These would make wonderful stocking stuffers for your family or a small gift for a friend. Or how about giving one to someone you think would like to know more about St. Bede's? We think this is a great way to promote St. Bede's.

The Diocese of Atlanta proudly sponsors

Atlanta Pride Festival at Piedmont Park

October 14 - 15

Come by the Diocese booth (numbers O26 and 27) and say hello!

This year we will provide multi-sensory prayer stations designed by Free Range Worship.

Volunteers are needed! The Diocese is looking for enthusiastic clergy and lay volunteers to help staff our booth. Sign up here to be a part of this exciting event.

The parade is Sunday, October 15. The parade kicks off from the Civic Center MARTA station at noon. We can accommodate up to 200 marchers, so don't miss out! Sign up here to reserve your spot to march alongside us.

Let's stand together, celebrate love, and show the world what unity and acceptance truly mean. We can't wait to see you there!

For more information on Diocese Pride events contact

Jacob Clifton Albritton at

If you are interested in participating in the parade

and would like help connecting with other folks from St. Bede's

who are also going, please contact

Laura Pittman


October 28 at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall

Pizza and Salad provided

Meal will also include dairy free, gluten free &

vegetarian options

Suggested donation $10 per person

After a time of eating and conversation, we'll watch the 2019 film Dark Waters. This film ties in with the Fall Adult Formation series focusing on environmental justice and care for the Earth.

Dark Waters

PG-13, 2 hours

Starring Mark Ruffalo as Rob Bilott,

with Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins, Bill Pullman, Mare Winningham,

and Bill Camp

The film is based on the true story of a tenacious and courageous young attorney named Rob Bilott. Bilott uncovers a troubling secret that connects a growing number of unexplained illnesses and deaths in people and animals to one of the world's largest corporations: DuPont. Rob's compassionate relationships with the people of his West Virginia hometown, as well as his growing concern for the countless others who have been affected by this secret, lead him to persevere over many years in working to expose the truth and to seek help for those who have been harmed. In the process, he risks his position as a partner in his law firm, his relationship with his wife (Anne Hathaway) and children, and his own health.

After we watch the film, we will have a short conversation about where we saw and heard God and Compassion in the film, and ways in which we noticed our own life stories connecting with what we have seen in the movie. We'll end the evening with Night Prayer.

A sign up sheet is available on the round table in the Commons.

"First Night Bags"

Diocesan Service Opportunity

The 113th Diocesan Annual Council is going to be at the Cathedral on November 10-11. This year, our youth-led service project will impact a very vulnerable group of people: kids in foster care.

Children are removed from their families every day because of abuse or neglect. Too often, these children have to carry trash bags filled with their belongings to their new foster home. For a vulnerable child or teen in crisis, having a backpack that belongs to them and is full of some basic practical and comfort items can show them that they matter and are loved by God and others, even in the midst of chaos. 

Watch the video detailing the project from Youth Missioner Holle Tubbs.

First Night Bags will be assembled on the Saturday of Annual Council, and many items are needed for all age groups. Learn more about the Service Project and give.

Learn More about First Night Bags

Episcopal Relief and Development

Assists with Libya and Morocco Relief

The Outreach Committee is happy to report that Episcopal Relief and Development has now partnered with the International Blue Crescent R&D (IBC) to assist Libya and Morocco in their crises. IBC has over 20 years of experience responding to crises in remote and hard to reach villages also known as “last mile” communities.

St. Bede's has made donations of $500 to Morocco to aid earthquake victims and $1,000 to Libya to aid flood victims.

If you wish to make a gift toward this effort, you may place a check in the collection plate marked for aid to "ERD Libya and Morocco". You can also make an online donation using the ERD link below.

Anita Montelione

Karen Werner

Chairs of Outreach

Click here to make a donation to ERD

Family Ministries Micropractice 

Join our households with

birth through elementary aged children

in this simple intentional practice

as we bring our learning from the lectionary

into our everyday lives.

Healing Our Racism

Book Discussion Group

has been postponed

until Monday, Oct. 23rd at 2:00pm on Zoom

Meeting Time: 4th Monday of each month at 2 pm on ZOOM

Please join Muriel Diguette and other members/friends of St. Bede's to discuss current books pertaining to the issues of racism and white privilege.

Email Muriel for the Zoom link to join the discussion.

Mostly Mysteries Book Group

Monday, October 23 at 7 pm on Zoom

Meeting Time: 4th Monday of each month at 7 pm on Zoom

If you would like to take part, please email Cathe Echterhoff and she will send you the link. 

Medical Equipment Found

A tote bag containing a medical device was found in the church parking lot on Sunday afternoon, October 1. If you know anything about this item, please contact Laura Pittman in the church office.

Laura Pittman


McLemore's Musings

We hope you are enjoying this feature in St. Bede's E-News - McLemore's Musings. Many of you have met the Rev'd Bill McLemore who has joined the St. Bede's community. Bill has been a priest for over 57 years and has served parishes all over the Episcopal Church. Bill is the former archivist of the Diocese of Atlanta and authored the 100th anniversary book on the history of the Diocese. Bill is also an artist and has used his artistic skills and sense of humor for many years to draw hundreds of cartoon that comically comment on life in the Episcopal Church. Each week we will share a cartoon here that Bill selects from his collection. Enjoy!

St. Bede's Prayer List

Prayers have been requested for:

Jennifer Valdez, cousin of Sarah Jane Ohl

Ben Harrison, cousin of Sarah Jane Ohl

Carla Van Hoffman and her Israel Tour Group, friends of Beth Cannon

Anita Montelione

Jean Davis

Peggy Franks, friend of Tony and Laura Sellers

Carolyn Snider, friend of Suzanne Shapiro

Brian Metcalf, brother-in-law of Susan Reef

Margery Buehler English, aunt of Lynnsay Buehler

Jodi Collins, cousin of Sarah Jane Ohl

Lisa Frank, friend of Larry Bing

Jennifer Meyers, sister of April Whitt

Elizabeth Ashworth, friend of April Whitt

Susan Semple, sister of Kim Padgett

Mel Stills, brother-in-law of Gwen Cordner

Ron Lillie, brother of Loretta Vail

John Montelione, brother of Anita Montelione

Beth Cannon

Jennie Couture

Dave and Robin Hering, friends of Larry Bing

Darlene Smith, friend of Larry Bing

Victoria Hendrix, sister of Connie Coralli

Balbona Family, friends of Larry Bing

Jean Petersen

Donareen Oakley

Carter Garrett, family member of Sarah Jane Ohl

Jim Baldy, friend of Susan Reef

Michelle Schultz, sister of Doris Bushart

Paige Bushart, sister-in-law of Doris Bushart

Helen Hernandez and her son Derek, ESOL Student

Kath and Ken Turner, friends of Claudia Fedarko

Marge & Sharon Emerling, friends of Helen Loeb

Margie Klein

Kay Howington

Dixie Snider

Mary Rodriguez

Andy Matia, friend of Ann Foote

Eleanor Pearlman, granddaughter of Gwen Heaton

Diana Segovia, cousin of Zulma Gutierrez

Caroline Spires

Timothy Knapp, friend of Susan Reef

Denise Benson, friend of Susan Reef

The Sujia Family

Robin Schreiber

Allen Townes Cunningham, sister of Rob Townes

Mellie Frippen, friend of Nora Cruz-Diaz

Anne Jones, sister of Claiborne Jones

Joan Davis

Carmen Graciaa, friend of Laura Martin

Jim Poulos, husband of Carol Kemker

Helen Abraham

Fay Key

Aree Bancroft

Laura Ribas

Jane Wiggins

Hilda Bell

Nancy Waring

Jim Ohl

Frances Bowen

Sydney Lund

Ann Foote

Cameron Maddox

We pray for those who have died:

Bob Bruce, brother of Nancy Bruce

Mary Eleanor Harrigan Parsons, mother of Orisha Parsons

Carmalita Smallwood, friend of Dee Weems

Cindy Robinson, friend of Susan Reef

We give thanks for those serving our country in the military:

Joshua Bowers

Will Grimm

We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week: 

10/13 Fred Murphy

10/13 Savannah Spires

10/16 Barbara Tyler

10/16 Brianne Willard

10/17 Ann Foote

10/18 Elizabeth Mizell

10/19 Anita Maloof

From around the Diocese
and the wider Church...

To stay up to date

on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta,

sign up for Connecting, the Diocesan E-newsletter.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith,

which is the weekly meditation

from Bishop Rob Wright

sent by email on Fridays.

Bishop Wright's Weekly Podcast

Did you know that Bishop Rob Wright has a weekly podcast? You can take a spiritual "deep dive" each week with Bishop Wright and his special guests and grow deeper in faith and understanding as you listen and learn.

Explore For People, Bishop Wright's Podcast, Here


the magazine of the Diocese of Atlanta

The new Pathways is now available online! Through original photography, articles, and interviews, Pathways shares inspiring stories from Middle and North Georgia — examples of spiritual growth.

Read Pathways Here

Click here to shop at the Cathedral Bookstore

Would you like to keep up with news from around the broader Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion? Episcopal Journal and Cafe is a convenient place to find out things going on around the Church. You can even subscribe to get news sent to your email inbox.

Click Here for Episcopal Journal & Cafe

Click Here to Make a Donation to ERD

Friend in Christ,

As violence escalates in Ukraine, over one million people have already fled the country — and the borders are flooded with many more people desperate to leave.

Almost all of them are women and children who have had to seek safety on their own, leaving their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons behind.

As this crisis continues to evolve, we are working with Anglican agencies and our other partners to provide humanitarian assistance, and urgently ask for your help.

Your emergency gift today will support our immediate response, providing cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needs as this crisis unfolds.

Our faith networks are currently on the ground in the border areas of Poland, Hungary and Romania, and we will continue to coordinate with them in order to help those who have been displaced. Specifically, our partner ACT Alliance is helping families on the Hungarian border, and our Anglican partners are mobilizing both an immediate and long-term response in Poland, Romania and Hungary.

Yours faithfully,

Robert W. Radtke

President & CEO

Episcopal Relief & Development

To learn more about the programs and offerings

of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing,

click on the link below.

The Absalom Jones Center