St. Benedict's is a welcoming community sharing and spreading
Christ's love through worship,education, fellowship, and outreach
Join us for in-person service every Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:30 am.
Live streaming services are available at 10:30 am via our
Compline, a brief service of prayers and readings for the close of day,
Online Giving
Updated Worship Guidelines
In accordance with the CDC's newest guidelines,
we now require masks to be worn indoors,
regardless of vaccination status.
Masks can be provided for you in the narthex.
This fall the Women's Bible Study group will resume their discussion of the Gospel of John by initially gathering on September 13, 2021 at 10:30 AM and thereafter on succeeding Monday mornings. For now, because of the virulence of the Covid virus and especially the Delta variant, we will continue to meet via Zoom. All are welcome.
Password: biblestudy
Church of the Common Ground Outreach
Join us in making lunches for the Church of the Common Ground. We will gather in the kitchen this Sunday after the 8:00 service (around 8:45 am) and monthly on the dates below for sandwich making and packing lunch bags.
August 22, September 12, October 17, November 7, December 5
Low Country Boil
Can You Help?
We are looking for some specific help to ensure a successful dinner and auction on Aug. 28. Please let us know if you:
- 1) have outdoor lights that we can borrow to string along the outside of the tents.
- 2) have large outdoor fans that we can borrow to keep the air flowing and minimize insects.
- 3) can pick up 100 chairs and 13 long tables on Friday, Aug. 27 between 10AM & 4PM, and then bring them to St. B's on Saturday morning. This will take 2-4 people and 2 trucks.
- 4) can load up the 100 chairs and 13 tables on Saturday evening after the event, and then take back to the supplier on Monday, Aug. 30, between 10AM & 4PM. This will take 2-4 people and 2 trucks.
- 5) loan us your outdoor burner and large pot (the type used for frying turkeys or doing shrimp boils).
Low Country Boil and Auction
It's Almost Here!
August 28 at 7:00pm
Thanks to Lynn Strickland and her team, fabulous food awaits. We will be outside on the upper parking lot, under a big canopy tent. And thanks to Sam Belcher and his talent, the live auction will be back as well! Parting with your money will be so much fun!
You can buy tickets using the button below, or in-person on the cobblestones this Sunday, Aug. 22. Raffle tickets will also available (you don't have to be present to win) so bring cash or a check. Remember, all proceeds will go to Mission and Outreach. Questions? Ask Bob Porter, Ann Canipe, Ellen Gaffney or Saralee Parker.
Serving in Worship
Lectors and Intercessors
St. B's needs lectors (readers) and intercessors (those who lead the prayers of the people) on Sunday mornings. It is so important that the assembly hears God's word read by people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, voices... reflecting the diversity of the body of Christ. This is a great ministry for folks looking to get more involved! If you have read in the past, it's time to start up again. If you've never done it but would like to, we'll help you prepare! Sign up below for your preferred dates.
Let's have some fun and go bowling with Betty Kidd!
Friday, August 27 at 7:00 pm
$2.35 plus shoe rental.
Register below or call Betty at 770-436-5114 to RSVP.
Mo. Jenna is away on vacation and will return on August 25. For pastoral emergencies, please contact Kerry Thomas or Ann Canipe, and they can reach a priest on call. For all other parish needs, contact parish administrator Monty Johnson.
Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm: Six Sessions
September 8, 15, 22, 29; October 13, 20
Confirmation: Sunday, Oct. 3 at 3:00 pm at St. Benedict's with Bishop Wright
Youth 8th grade and up are invited to join Mo. Jenna to prepare for confirmation. Each session we'll eat dinner together, and using Rowan Williams's book Being Christian, we'll explore Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, and Prayer, and discern what ministry God might be equipping and empowering YOU to do. Please sign below by August 27. If you have questions, contact Mo. Jenna-- she'll get back to you when she returns from vacation.
Sunday School
9:30 am
September 12, October 3, November 7, December 5
We’re beginning this year with a once-a-month gathering using Building Faith Brick by Brick. We hear bible stories, do some wondering together, and reflect on the scripture using Lego bricks!
We are gathering kids of all ages together: 3 and all the way up to middle and high schoolers. Read more...
Do you have some extra, well-loved Lego bricks sitting around the house? St. B's Children's Formation can use them! Please bring them to the bin in the church office, or contact Katie Loadholtes - 404-518-2070.
Also, are you a Lego lover? Love storytelling and creating with kids? You might be called to help occasionally with Children's Formation! The commitment is not every week; let Katie or Mother Jenna know, and let's have a conversation!
Are you interested in Holy Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception into the Episcopal Church? Are you not sure, but just curious? Please let Mother Jenna know! The following dates are coming up, and we'd love to prepare for these joyous sacraments:
Holy Baptism
October 3 - 3:00 pm (Celebration of New Ministry)
November 7 - 8:00 am or 10:30 am (All Saints Sunday)
Confirmation, Reception, Renewal of Baptismal Vows
October 3 - 3:00 pm (Celebration of New Ministry with Bishop Wright at St. Benedict's)
Now that we are back in church for services please start wearing you name tag. If you don't have a name tag please contact Monty at to request a new one. Wearing name tags really is a help for Mo. Jenna and for each of us as we welcome new parishioners and visitors and maybe refresh our memories on old friends.
October 3
Celebration of New Ministry with Bishop Wright - 3:00 pm
October 10
Blessing of the Animals - 4:00 pm
Cheryl Waybright
Scott Dray
Chris Wiley
Scott Siemon
Emily Jett
Frank Meadows
Rebekah Bradbury
Crawford Bracci
Jay Robinson
Rachael Bradbury
Mary Simpson
Crain Montemaxor
Chandler Morrow
Jana Loftin
Patty Montemaxor
Lucinda Patrick
Charlie Caldwell
Eliana Harmon
Mimi Palmer
Joan Thomas
Benjamin Dauphin
Be a part of making the nave beautiful for online worship. The Flower Guild is looking for volunteers to help with arranging flowers for the nave every week. If interested, contact Beth Tyler.
St. Benedict's is committed to the various care needs of its member families. A dedicated group of volunteers are continuing to offer their time to serve our church community within various pastoral care capacities, including prayer requests, transportation, meal delivery, Eucharistic visits with Diocesan-approved safe protocols, and more. Mo. Jenna is also readily available for prayers, calls and/or visits for those in need.
Do not hesitate to reach out to Kerry Thomas or Anna Best about Pastoral care needs for yourself, your family, or your friends. We are here to help and serve!
Small Groups and Social Clubs
Small groups are a wonderful way to deepen connections within our St. B's community; strengthen, renew and nourish our faith; and grow closer to God.
Support El Refugio while shopping
Help at-risk students and families
Do you have St. Benedict's related news that needs to be communicated to your fellow parish members? Click here for an easy form to convey the needed information to the office.
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church | 678-272-4300 | 2160 Cooper Lake Rd. SE