St. Benedict's is a welcoming community sharing and spreading
Christ's love through worship,education, fellowship, and outreach
Join us for in-person service every Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:30 am.
Live streaming services are available at 10:30 am via our
Compline, a brief service of prayers and readings for the close of day,
Online Giving
In accordance with the CDC's newest guidelines, we now require masks to be worn indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
Masks can be provided for you in the narthex.
Zoom - Thursday, October 21
6:30 pm
Passcode: 120749
Stewardship FAQ in person - Sunday, October 31
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”
(I Cor 3:6-7)
On October 10 we began our annual Pledge Campaign. Taking inspiration from St. Paul's words to the early church at Corinth, our theme this year is “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave growth.” (I Cor. 3:6-7). Fourteen years ago, a small group of faithful servants planted St. Benedict's. Over the years, the parishioners of St. Benedict's have faithfully watered so that God could bless and grow our parish. Now is the season for us, as current parishioners, to continue this watering and partner with God as we grow into our next season together as a community. Over the next 5 weeks, please prayerfully consider a financial pledge for St. Benedict's in 2022, as well as the other resources of time and treasure you will offer to God in this place. To make your pledge, please use the button below.
A Reflection on Stewardship from Brandon Parrish
It’s easy to think of stewardship as an obligation or responsibility we have to the Church in exchange for the benefits we receive: fellowship, community, and care. After all, modern life conditions us to think transactionally about almost everything. But one lesson I’ve learned from the last 18 months is that stewardship is anything but transactional. For me, stewardship is the outward expression of love for the Church without the expectation of direct benefit.
October 24
Guest Preacher: Lang Lowery (St. Benedict's Founding Vicar)
November 7
All Saints' Sunday
November 14
Annual Meeting 9:10-10:10 am
November 28
Advent 1: All-Parish, All Ages, Advent Fun: 9:15-10:15 am outdoors!
Guest Preacher Lang Lowery
8:00 and 10:30 this Sunday
Welcome The Rev. Canon Dr. Lang Lowery, our guest preacher this Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30! Lang is best known to St. Benedict’s for being the founding vicar of Church and School, and he will tell us some of St. Benedict’s own story this week.
Lang currently serves as Canon for Christian Enterprise in the Episcopal Church and Diocese of Atlanta. His responsibilities include real property development, financial and leadership consulting. Lang is also Director of the Episcopal and Anglican Studies at Candler School of Theology and is a member of the faculty at Emory University. Previously, Canon Lowrey was President of General Seminary and founding Vicar of St Benedict’s Church and School, Chairman of The Episcopal Charities Foundation, and trustee of Day One, Pace Academy, and Rabun Gap Nachoochee School.
Lang draws on a long career in turnaround management, restructuring, corporate finance, and along with his investment connections, helps organizations transform and grow organizations. He twice was selected to serve as Chairman and CEO of two Fortune 500 firms facing difficult challenges, implementing complex turnaround plans and securing robust equity events.
Lang is an alum of Georgia Tech, Georgia State, and Emory University, is married and has four children and three grand-children.
Read in Worship
Sign up for this Sunday!
St. B's needs lectors (readers) and intercessors (lead the prayers of the people) on Sunday mornings. It's so important that the assembly hears God's word read by people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, voices... reflecting the diversity of the body of Christ. This is a great ministry for folks looking to get more involved! Email Saralee Parker with any questions.
Annual Spirituality Conference
Understanding Jesus Means Understanding Judaism
Cathedral of St. Philip
Amy-Jill Levine, Ph.D.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Jesus and his first followers were Jews, thoroughly grounded in Jewish Scripture, Jewish ethics and theology, and Jewish hopes. To understand the New Testament is thus to recover part of Jewish history. How has knowledge of this common history become lost? How might understanding the New Testament in its historical context provide not only a new way of approaching Jewish-Christian relations but also a new way of celebrating our common roots? Our topics include the Our Father prayer, the Parables of the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan, Jesus’ comments on observing Torah (Jewish Law), and Jesus’ relations to women and to gentiles. Read more & register...
Church of the Common Ground Outreach
Join us in making lunches for the Church of the Common Ground. We will gather in the kitchen after the 8:00 service (around 8:45) monthly on the dates below for sandwich making and packing lunch bags.
November 7, December 5
Our monthly children and youth formation program, Building Faith Brick by Brick will have Sunday School, Nov. 7 at 9:30 am. We’ll explore a Bible story with Lego and meet in the upper parking lot.
Acolyte training is postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date.
St. Cecilia Children's Choir
We are excited to announce a newly formed Children’s Choir led by Ms. Judy Guard!
St. Cecilia Children's Choir (K - 2nd grade)
Wednesdays at 5:30 - 6:00 pm in the Upper Parking Lot
Holy Baptism
November 7 - 8:00 am or 10:30 am (All Saints Sunday)
January 9 - 8:00 am or 10:30 am (Baptism of Our Lord)
April 16 - 8:00 pm (Great Vigil of Easter)
April 17 - (Easter Day)
Women's Bible Study
All are welcome.
This fall the Women's Bible Study group will resume their discussion of the Gospel of John at 10:30 AM on Mondays. For now, because of the virulence of the Covid virus and especially the Delta variant, we will continue to meet via Zoom.
Password: biblestudy
Men's Bible Study
All are welcome.
Join the Men's Bible Study for fellowship and discussion of the Gospel of the week each Thursday at 7:30 am on zoom.
Elizabeth McNeill
Connie Skripko
Lindsay Wills
Elizabeth Pietrusza
Annie Strickland
Aiden Purify
Mo. Jenna Strizak
Hunter Smith
Frannie Cubbage
Cooper Loadholtes
Mateo Jaureguiberry
Mike Kidd
Christie Brown
Tamara Siemon
William Vaughn
Hulan Webb
Whitney Adams
Andrew Webb
Ryan Frank
Sylvia Beeler
Now that we are back in church for services please start wearing you name tag. If you don't have a name tag please contact Monty at to request a new one. Wearing name tags really is a help for Mo. Jenna and for each of us as we welcome new parishioners and visitors and maybe refresh our memories on old friends.
Be a part of making the nave beautiful for online worship. The Flower Guild is looking for volunteers to help with arranging flowers for the nave every week. If interested, contact Beth Tyler.
St. Benedict's is committed to the various care needs of its member families. A dedicated group of volunteers are continuing to offer their time to serve our church community within various pastoral care capacities, including prayer requests, transportation, meal delivery, Eucharistic visits with Diocesan-approved safe protocols, and more. Mo. Jenna is also readily available for prayers, calls and/or visits for those in need.
Do not hesitate to reach out to Kerry Thomas or Anna Best about Pastoral care needs for yourself, your family, or your friends. We are here to help and serve!
Small Groups and Social Clubs
Small groups are a wonderful way to deepen connections within our St. B's community; strengthen, renew and nourish our faith; and grow closer to God.
Support El Refugio while shopping
Help at-risk students and families
Do you have St. Benedict's related news that needs to be communicated to your fellow parish members? Click here for an easy form to convey the needed information to the office.
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church | 678-272-4300 | 2160 Cooper Lake Rd. SE