St. Benedict's is a welcoming community sharing and spreading
Christ's love through worship,education, fellowship, and outreach
Join us for in-person service every Sunday at 8:00 or 10:30 am.
Live streaming services are available at 10:30 am via our
Compline, a brief service of prayers and readings for the close of day,
Online Giving
Updated Worship Guidelines
In light of the data collected from our recent survey, we have updated our worship practices and guidelines.
BEGINNING THIS SUNDAY, JULY 4, we will follow CDC guidelines for gatherings:
- Vaccinated people aged 12 & older can choose whether or not to wear a mask according to their own comfort level.
- We ask unvaccinated people aged 12 & older to continue both masking and social distancing.
- For children under 12 we will allow each family to decide what's best for their kids around masking.
- No more need for pre-registration for worship or assigned seating.
- The last six rows on the right side of the nave will be reserved for those who choose to continue social distancing.
Now that we are back in church for services please start wearing you name tag. If you don't have a name tag please contact Monty at to request a new one. Wearing name tags really is a help for Jenna and for each of us as we welcome new parishioners and visitors and maybe refresh our memories on old friends.
Serving in Worship
Lectors and Intercessors
Have you ever thought about reading in church? St. B's needs lectors (readers) and intercessors (those who lead the prayers of the people) on Sunday mornings. It is so important that the assembly hears God's word read by people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, voices... reflecting the diversity of the body of Christ. This is a great ministry for folks looking to get more involved! If you have read in the past, it's time to start up again. If you've never done it but would like to, we'll help you prepare! Sign up below for your preferred dates.
While Valerie is away on music staff at Cincinnati Opera this summer, we are pleased that Jim Zellers will be with us to play the organ and lead the choir. Jim most recently played at St. Benedict’s during the summer of 2019, and will be our guest musician this Sunday, July 4th through Sunday, August 1st. Welcome back, Jim!
July 11
St. Benedict's Day: Worship, Festive Lunch, Cornhole Fun!
August 1
Blessing of the Backpacks & Children's Formation Returns (1st Sundays)
October 3
Celebration of New Ministry with Bishop Wright - 3:00 pm
October 10
Blessing of the Animals - 4:00 pm
The Feast of St. Benedict
Sunday, July 11th
There will not be an 8:00 am service this day.
Wear your picnic clothes to church, and join us for a BBQ picnic lunch & cornhole fun following the 10:30 service.
Donations of $5/person ($20 max per family) to defray costs.
Bring your picnic blanket or folding chairs - we will eat together in the upper parking lot in the shade of our fabulous oak trees!
Bring your cornhole game for some friendly competition!
Sign up below to let us know you’ll be attending and to volunteer and/or bring a dish.
The Women's Bible Study group will take a summer break
and gather again in September.
St. Benedict's worship is slowly but undeniably getting back towards "normal" as COVID rates continue to fall, vaccinations increase, and as the Bishop and CDC have loosened restrictions. We've got acolytes, processions, ushers, and we are able to pass the plate again: for the sake of developing our own generosity and gratitude, and for the financial life of the church. Please bring your offerings, cash or check, and place them in the plate. One more small step in our regathering for church.
Baptism is full initiation, by water and the Holy Spirit, into Christ's body the church. People of all ages are baptized at St. Benedict's. If you desire Holy Baptism for you or your child, or are even just curious about baptism, please reach out to Mo. Jenna. I am trying to get a sense of how many folks might be desiring baptism this Eastertide and beyond.
Dan Woodard, III
Mary Cahill-Roberts
Greg Smith
Henry Yates
Diana Brown
Debby Frye
Katie Strike
Isabel Lancaster
Campell Witkiewicz
Be a part of making the nave beautiful for online worship. The Flower Guild is looking for volunteers to help with arranging flowers for the nave every week. If interested, contact Beth Tyler.
A reminder to all parishioners that St. Benedict's is committed to the various care needs of its member families. A dedicated group of volunteers are continuing to offer their time to serve our church community within various pastoral care capacities, including prayer requests, transportation, meal delivery, Eucharistic visits with Diocesan-approved safe protocols, and more. Mo. Jenna is also readily available for prayers, calls and/or visits for those in need.
Do not hesitate to reach out to Kerry Thomas or Anna Best about Pastoral care needs for yourself, your family, or your friends. We are here to help and serve!
Small Groups and Social Clubs
Small groups are a wonderful way to deepen connections within our St. B's community; strengthen, renew and nourish our faith; and grow closer to God.
Support El Refugio while shopping
Help at-risk students and families
Do you have St. Benedict's related news that needs to be communicated to your fellow parish members? Click here for an easy form to convey the needed information to the office.
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church | 678-272-4300 | 2160 Cooper Lake Rd. SE