“I place trust in God, my creator, in all things; I love Him with all my heart" ~St. Joan of Arc

October 24, 2024

Dear School,

Our students and staff were blessed to participate in a virtual prayer service with other Catholic schools from five California dioceses on Monday. It was touching to hear the special intentions for missionary work around the world shared.

We will be sending home the More Than School Envelopes with the oldest or only children tomorrow, October 25th. Please remove and review all items. Sign and return the signature page along with the envelope the next school day. There is a Trunk or Treat parking pass inside the envelope. Please display the pass on your car's dashboard for Trunk or Treat parking.

Mark Your Calendar

Please save the date for these events:

  • Friday, October 25th - Formal uniform, 8:30 am Mass
  • Friday, October 25th - Trunk or Treat 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Friday, October 25th - 7th Grade Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraiser starts
  • Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade at 8:30 am
  • Thursday, October 31st - American Heart Assembly at 2:00 pm
  • Friday, November 1st - All Saints' Day Mass at 10:00 am
October Calendar

Formal Uniforms

Now that the weather has cooled down, formal uniform sweaters/vests will be required on formal uniform days beginning on Friday, November 1st.

Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser

The 7th Grade class will be hosting a cookie dough fundraiser to offset the cost of their Leadership Camp next school year. We are asking all school families to participate by purchasing or selling Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough and other treats. Brochures and order forms are being sent home tomorrow and are due by Friday, November 15th.

The items will be delivered in December and distributed before the Christmas holiday. The class that sells the most items will win a Free Dress Party with cookies and milk! Only one order form per family is necessary. Each student's class will receive credit for the number of items the family sold. The 7th Grade class thanks you for your support, every little bit helps us reach our goal! Make your holiday baking easier by purchasing some cookie dough!

School Portraits

All school portraits are online and ready to view. You should have received an email from Simonson Photography with a direct link to view and order your photos. If you did not receive the email, please contact Simonson Photography at and please include the school and your child’s name.

All orders placed by Monday, October 28th will be delivered to St. Cecilia Front Office. After this date, all orders will be shipped to the address provided and shipping fees will incur.

Trunk or Treat

Our Trunk or Treat is on Friday, October 25th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on the school blacktop. Families are invited to park in designated spots on the blacktop and decorate the trunks of their cars. Students will walk around to each "trunk or treat" station. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated trunks! Gates will open at 6:15 pm for participating vehicles. Trunk decorating will take place from 6:30 pm -7:00 pm.

NEW THIS YEAR! Pumpkin Decorating Contest: We're hosting a pumpkin decorating contest, and there will be prizes awarded! Please drop off your decorated/carved pumpkins on Friday, October 25th in the morning so students may vote before the event. Please click here for a message from your Trunk or Treat Committee.


Students may come dressed in their Halloween costumes and must follow the school costume guidelines. Students must be accompanied by an adult during the event. There are also volunteer opportunities! Click the button below to RSVP and/or sign up to volunteer.

Trunk or Treat Sign-up

Halloween Fun at St. Cecilia School

Halloween is the vigil of All Saints Day. We will be celebrating on Thursday, October 31st with our annual costume parade in the morning. Students should arrive at school already in costume. Students who choose not to wear a costume should arrive in casual uniform.

In order to keep our students safe, and in line with our school values, we have costume guidelines that must be adhered to. We encourage positive historical role models for costumes (Ben Franklin, George Washington), comic book heroes (Superman, Spiderman, etc.), the saints (St. Cecilia, St. Francis, St. Paul), and fictional literary characters. If you have any questions, please contact the Front Office. 

Halloween Costume Guidelines

  • No grotesque, bloody, gory or violent costumes.
  • No witch or vampire costumes (including "cute" witches/vampires).
  • No full face makeup. Example: full face makeup is clown makeup; light makeup is lipstick, eyeshadow and blush
  • No hair dyeing.
  • Masks may be worn only during the parade (no scary, grotesque, or monster-like masks).
  • No Scream or Jack Skellington.
  • Costumes must be modest; no costume that suggests immodesty/promiscuity.
  • No costume that is degrading toward women, men, or any culture.
  • No weapons. Examples: guns, swords, etc.
  • Shoes must be worn; no skateboards, rollerblades or skates at any time.

Scholastic Book Fair Thank You

We would like to send a huge thank you out to all of the parents and students who visited our Scholastic Book Fair. Thanks to your generous purchases of books and school supplies, our school earned over $ 2,500 which will be used to update and enhance our library collection. We have already added over 130 new titles to our school and classroom libraries! A special thank you goes out to the parents who took the time to volunteer at our event. We could not have done it without your help! Our students love to read, and your support of their growing literacy is priceless.

Kids Heart Challenge

Kids Heart Challenge starts soon, and we are proud to support the American Heart Association through this service-learning program. Students will learn how to have happy and healthy hearts and brains, while raising lifesaving donations to help others with special hearts. Plus, your family can learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR through Finn’s Mission! Sign Up TODAY at or by downloading the FREE AHA Schools application.

Students who sign up early will be recognized at our assembly on Friday, October 31st!

All Souls Remembrance Board

During the month of November we remember our loved ones who have gone before us and all those who died and are most in need of our prayers. If you would like to share a photo of a family member or friend for our remembrance board, please send it in an envelope to the Front Office. Be sure to include your child's name and homeroom on the back of the photo so we can return it to you.

Our 2024-2025 ACT Catalog is available!

ACT stands for Adopt a Class Today and is an opportunity to sponsor a unique experience for one of our classes with a $500 donation. You may visit ACT Sponsors will be invited to a special event with the class during Catholic Schools Week. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mrs. Anoc at

Thank you to our 2024-2025 ACT Sponsors!

Amoy Family

Brkich Family

Ciaffone Family (x2)

Elle & Terence Lim

Eric & Cristina Montijo

Esteban Family (x2)

Free Family

Gargantiel Family

Gazzano Family

Gomez Family

Harte Family

Huerta Family

Jim & Linn Stalnaker

Leopold Family

Nguyen Family

Ogaz Family

Prescott Family

Roberto Family

Tiongson Family

Tran/Ho Family

Zinn Family

Zizzo Family

Anonymous Donor

Anonymous K5 Donor

Gala Volunteers Needed

Earn some of your fundraising volunteer hours by signing up to volunteer. We are looking for volunteers to sell Gala Target Opportunity tickets before and after school. We are also looking for volunteers for the evening prior and the day of the Gala. Please click the links below to sign up!

Gala Opportunity Ticket Sales Volunteer Sign-up 
Gala Event Volunteer Sign-up

Gala Dance Practice


  • Thursday, October 24th at 6:15 pm at St. Cecilia
  • Saturday, October 26th at 3:00 pm at IMpowered Fitness (1071 E. Main Street, Tustin, 92780)
  • Sunday, October 27th at 10:00 am at St. Cecilia

FINAL Dress Rehearsal on Thursday, November 7th:

  • Men: 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm
  • Couples: 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm
  • Ladies: 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Ciao Bella Blowout Salon Fundraiser Reminder

Ciao Bella Blowout Salon is hosting a fundraiser for our school for the entire 2024-2025 school year. For every blowout they will give $10 back to our school. The Starlight Gala is the perfect opportunity to schedule a blowout! Be sure to mention our school when scheduling an appointment and show this flyer.

PTG Corner

Please join us for our next PTG meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 12th at 7:00 pm. As a reminder, you can earn one (1) service hour for attending. Hope to see you there!

If you have any PTG related questions please contact PTG President, Roxanne Gandara at

Jamba Juice

Jamba Juice sales resume this week. Stop by the table outside the front office on Friday, October 25th after school dismissal for a refreshing treat. 

Message from Moms Group

It was so nice to see you all this morning and we can’t wait to see you again on Thursday, November 7th.

Please join us for prayer, fellowship, and an amazing breakfast spread. We have a fun gathering planned for the next meeting; come prepared to test your saint knowledge with trivia and games. It’s sure to be a morning filled with joy and some friendly competition - you may even learn a thing or two. RSVP here 

Coaches and Team Parents for Winter Sports

We are still looking for coaches and team parents for the Girls A (7th & 8th) and Girls B (5th & 6th) teams. The Boys teams have coaches that have expressed interest. We are still in need of team parents for Boys 5th, 6th, & 8th grade teams. Please email your interest to Mr. Tran,

We are finalizing our teams tomorrow morning and jerseys will be ordered. Please contact Mr. Michael Tran today if your child's form has not been turned in.

Annual Christmas Boutique

The St. Cecilia Parish Craft Ladies are ready to open their Annual Christmas Boutique in November! All proceeds benefit the St Cecilia Church and St. Cecilia School. The boutique is located in the Parish Hall and open to the public on the following dates and times.

Saturday, November 2nd from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday, November 3rd from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Special Preview - Grades 4 through 8 will attend the boutique with their teacher on Friday, November 1st. This special preview is also open to our parents to shop on Friday, November 1st from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm.

High School Information

JSerra Catholic High School Admissions link

JSerra has opened their Class of 2029 applications. Click here for the October Admissions Newsletter.

Santa Margarita

Catholic High School

Admissions link

Applications for the Class of 2029 are open.

Cristo Rey Orange County High School

Admissions link

Applications for the 2025-2026 school-year are open. Open House is October 24th at 6:00 pm.

Mater Dei

Admissions link

Freshman applications for the 2025-2026 school-year are open. Monarch Spooktacular event is on Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Rosary High School

Admissions link

Class of 2029 applications are open. Open House is Monday, October 28th, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Servite High School

Admissions link

Applications are open for the 2025-2026 school-year. Open House is Sunday, October 27th.

Prayer Requests

We pray for the repose of the soul of Dorothy Herold, maternal great grandmother of Turner (2nd), Ellis (1st), and Penny (K4) who passed away at 98 years old. We are keeping the Hickman and Herold families in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Would you like us to pray for a family member who is sick, deceased, or has welcomed a new baby? Please submit these and other prayer requests on this form.

Yours in Christ,

Mary Alvarado


Last Newsletter
Prayer Requests
2024-2025 Lunch Duty Volunteers
Winning Score Volunteers
2024-2025 School Calendar
2024-2025 Tuition and Fees
More Than School
Medication Authorization Form
Ciao Bella Fundraiser
Uniform Dress Code
Lands' End
Ice Cream Sale Volunteers
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