Saints Alive!

December 18 - December 24, 2024

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Christmas Services

Join us for Christmas, Saints!


Come to St Columba’s Chapel, beloved Saints, for the celebration of Christmas! Come hear the story of the angels, of Mary and Joseph, and a Babe lying in a manger—a Babe that will change everything not just for shepherds and wise ones long ago and far away but for you and me. This is the night of miracles. All you need to do to be a part of it is come to Bethlehem to see this thing that has happened—!


Christmas Eve


Intergenerational Christmas Pageant and

Holy Eucharist, Rite II, at 5 PM

Come early for a seat!


Christmas Carol Sing and Holy Eucharist

8:45 PM Carol Sing

9 PM Christmas Eucharist

10 PM Réveillon in the Parish Hall (details below)

 Join us! And Merry Christmas!



Reverend Anne


Please note: If you are looking for a Christmas day service:

Emmanuel in Newport, at 10AM with The Rev. Noel Bailey Robinson and The Rev. Kevin Beesley. "Noel on Noel at Emmanuel" Sounds festive!

Office closed: December 25th – January 1st.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Epiphany Tea, January 5th,2024,

Reserve your tea below!

After all the holiday bustle, what could be nicer than a simple way to entertain friends and family, or to give yourself a treat?


On Sunday, January 5th, from 3:00pm - 5:00pm,

we're having an Epiphany Tea!


You may come and enjoy a sit down tea anytime from either 3-4pm or 4-5pm or pick up your tea-to-go.

$20 per person.


The fire will be lit in the parish hall and music will be playing while you visit with one another and enjoy! 


We look forward to your visit!

**Epiphany Tea - helpers needed.

Please contact Rindy Sabatino directly to help with this fun-filled affair!

Reserve your tea here - tickets


Winter Solstice at Norman Bird Sanctuary

Winter Solstice

at Norman Bird Sanctuary

with Rev. Anne and NBS staff.

Wednesday, December 18th at 3:30PM.

no registration required.

for more information click here.


“Blue Christmas” at Trinity, Newport

This dark time of year is not a happy time for many people.

They are missing loved ones, or just feeling alone and “blue.”

Trinity Church, Newport,

offers a “Blue Christmas” service on

Wednesday, December 18, at 6 PM.

We will pray, and share, and light a candle against the dark night that surrounds us, and take that light in our hearts. All are welcome.

Trinity Church 1 Queen Anne Square, Newport (off Spring Street)

For more information parish 

Let's go Christmas caroling!

Friday, December 20th!

Starting at St. Columba's

and traveling by car from Newport to Middletown to Portsmouth from 2-5pm. for questions please talk with Spencer Sacco directly.

Bring joyful noise

out into the world!

Christmas Réveillon

This Christmas we will continue what has become a well-loved tradition at St. Columba’s, the Réveillon after the late Christmas Eve service. Rather than shivering in the cold parking lot to wish each other a Merry Christmas, we’ll gather in front of a toasty fire in the parish hall, raising a glass (or two) of prosecco or non-alcoholic beverage while enjoying a few delicious Christmas treats.

Please come join us:


Sunday, December 24th following the 9:00pm Christmas Eve service. 

Outreach: The Fifth Loaf

St. Columba's community is excited about giving to the Martin Luther King food pantry. Each month we will be asking for specific needs where the shelves are deficient. Baskets will be in the back of the church as well as the parish hall for our contributions which will be delivered as the end of the month. If each of us will donate just one of these items we will share in the feeding of the 5,000. 

December needs

a variety of canned goods:

Canned vegetables, Spam, etc.

Budget planning and pledges, Thank you!

2025 pledge form 
2025 Volunteer form 


Kathleen Woodhouse 12/18

 Lily McColough 12/20

Nancy Scott 12/24

December Scribe

Audrey MacLeod Pfeiffer

Parish Calendar


Epiphany Tea! Please join us January, 5th from 3-5PM.Tickets can be purchased thru our newsletter “Saints Alive”, which should arrive in your inbox on Wednesdays (let me know if it doesn’t!) The newsletter can also be found and accessed on the website

Christmas Pageant: Contacts: Anne Coogan ( or Paul Bolles-Beaven (


Winter Solstice at Norman Bird Sanctuary

with Rev. Anne and NBS staff.

Wednesday, December 18th at 3:30PM. Stay tuned: registration required thru

"Blue Christmas" at Trinity Newport: Wed. December 18th at 6PM

December 20th Christmas Caroling- Meeting up at St. Columba's,2PM. For more information Contact Spencer Sacco at

December 24th - Pageant at 5PM and Holy Eucharist 9PM

Réveillon after the 9PM service in the parish hall.


December 25th - Christmas Day Service will be at, Emmanuel in Newport, at 10AM with The Rev. Noel Bailey Robinson and The Rev. Kevin Beesley.

"Noel on Noel at Emmanuel" Sounds festive!


Office closed: December 25th – January 1st. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 29th – ONE service at 10AM Lessons and Carols.




Save the Date… A look ahead.


Vestry meeting: Wednesday January 8th at 6:00 PM in the parish hall.


Office closed: Monday, January 20th MLK Day


Annual Meeting: Sunday, January 26th at 11AM in the parish hall.


Executive Committee meeting: Wednesday January 29th at 5:30 PM in the parish hall.


Weekly Programs


The Fifth Loaf – Outreach for MLKCC: December needs:

A variety of canned goods: Canned vegetables, Spam, etc.


Education For Ministry (EFM) at St. Columba's

Tuesday at 6:30 PM in the parish hall.


Bible Study: Understanding Jesus, Wednesday at 9:00 AM in the parish hall.


St. Columba’s Choir Practice: Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the Chapel.


Sunday School & Infant Care

During the 10:00 AM service in parish hall.

Children ages 2.5 – 12 are invited to attend Sunday School, led by Anne Coogan, Director of Religious Education. Infant nursery is being refreshed. (changing table and rocker available).


Rev. Anne sermons are available on YouTube Sunday afternoons at:

Rev. Anne Bolles-Beaven. They can also be found on our website on Mondays.


Prayer List

Meg, Mabel, Gay, Charlotte, Bishop Rockwell, Frank, Arlene, John, Bill, Mary, Pam, Stephanie, Tupelo, Beverly, Bob, Jeb, the Macleod family, John, Jan, Bill, Cindy, Joanne, Greer and Peter. 


We pray for justice and peace in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Collect & Readings

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Micah 5:2-5a

Hebrews 10:5-10

Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

Canticle 15

Service participants for Sunday December 22,2024

Thank you volunteers!

8:00AM Service participants

Altar Guild ~ Jeff Richard

 Usher ~  Chuck DiTucci 

Reader ~ Sara Chadwick  

Prayers of the People ~ Charlotte Richard

Eucharistic Minister ~ Rindy Sabatino

Coffee Hour ~ Rindy Sabatino

10:00AM Service participants

Audio and Technology - Paul Bolles-Beaven

Altar Guild – Judy Allpress

Ushers – Liz Drayton and Barbara Pierce

Crucifer – Jenn Clancy 

Readers – Bill Steel and Tim Rogers

Prayers of the People – Nancy Piazza

Eucharistic Minister – Kate Field 

Coffee hour – Eve Stern and Lissy Dellenbaugh

St. Columba's Information Page
To find information and Zoom links for Sunday worship and Coffee Hour, Bible Study, and more, please click here or copy and paste this link into your browser:

To make a donation to St. Columba's Chapel, click here.
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