In This Edition:
  • Worship this Sunday via Zoom
  • Vestry Update
  • COVID Update
  • Shrove Tuesday Invitation
  • Safe Church Training Next Wednesday
  • Christianity 101: First Session Next Tuesday
  • New neighbors! What can you do?
  • Forward Day by Day Books at Central Entrance of Church
  • Last Call: Your Special Book List
  • ICA Update
  • Children and Youth Update
  • Regular Offerings

Black History Month

We've been listening to different settings of the Magnificat, Mary's song, as we study the Gospel of Luke in our weekly bible study. We invite you to click (on the left) and listen to one of the settings the group particularly loved, Mary's Canticle, by Leon C. Roberts.
Morning Prayer live via Zoom on Sunday, February 20th

Please join us for Morning Prayer live via Zoom at 9:30 AM on Sunday. See below for the Zoom link, with phone in numbers. Worship will later be uploaded to YouTube. Join in as early as 9:15 and stay for "coffee hour" afterwards as you like!

Thank you for being the beautiful, faithful people of God at St. David's. See you Sunday.

Loving God. Loving One Another.
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Vestry Update
On February 6-7, the 2022 St. David’s Vestry met at the Inn at Shattuck - St. Mary, Faribault, to start off the new year for the Team. We followed our social distancing guidelines with one person per table and even brought our own air purifier to the facility. 
Our goal was to Build Community, Define and Commit to Mission and Vision, and Practice Spiritual Disciplines.
We had some great sessions discussing these goals. We were able to join Compline on Sunday evening and did a Noon Prayer in the Chapel at St. Mary’s on Monday, along with time for community and reflection on the mission and vision.  
An example of an item that came out of the discussions is the planning for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and the celebration of Katherine’s 25 year ordination anniversary on March 1st.
Look for more information to come out as the year goes on and we put in place items discussed during the sessions.
Randy Schwichtenberg
Sr. Warden
COVID Update
In light of some recent "good COVID" news, namely infections/hospitalizations finally going down, we are able to finally move back into the building. 

We opened the church up for small group gatherings beginning Feb 14th. We will fully reopen the church for worship and all other gatherings beginning on March 1.

We will keep in place the "inside church" mask mandate, asking for upgrading the quality of masks for in church attendance. Good fitting N95, KN95, or KF94 masks have proven superior in protection against the highly contagious Omicron variant. If you need this type of mask, please let us know. COVID vaccinations with boosters offer yet another layer of protection, and are also strongly encouraged for all who are able. All this is in place as we all face the daunting challenge of learning how to live with this that life may go on in community. 

COVID Safety Team
The Rev. Katherine Lewis, Rector
Randy Schwichtenberg, Sr. Warden
Allison Ferro, Jr. Warden
Diane Curley
Huldah Niles
Roger Stratton
Shrove Tuesday Invitation!
Hello Beloved,

March 1 will be a special day of rejoicing at St. David's. On this day we will mark a number of special occasions: It's St. David's Day--the day that the church calendar highlights the saint for whom we were named. It's Shrove Tuesday (also known as Mardi Gras)--a day of feasting and frivolity the day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. And it's a day to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Rev. Katherine Lewis's ordination to the priesthood (which took place on February 15, 1997). If that's not enough, it's also the day we'll officially re-open church after the most recent surge of COVID. There's much to celebrate and we hope you will join us!

Here are the details:

6:00--Pancake Supper in the Undercroft, hosted by the Vestry. Pre-registration not required but encouraged in order to help with planning. Click here to register. Freewill offering to cover costs.

7:00--Music with prayer and poetry in the Sanctuary. Roger and Katherine have been cooking up a program with special music and readings. We will livestream this event on Facebook and post it on YouTube afterwards.

We continue to ask that all who are able wear good fitting N95, KN95 or KF94 masks when not eating. If you are in need of this type of mask, please let us know. We also strongly encourage COVID vaccinations with boosters. We are learning to live with this virus so that life may go on in community.

Join us, as you are able!

Randy Schwictenberg, Sr. Warden
Allison Ferro, Jr. Warden
On behalf of the Vestry
Safe Church Training Next Wednesday!
Safe Church Training is offered through ECMN. The courses are approximately 3 hours long on Zoom and very informative. It is a requirement by our insurance company that persons with access to our building, staff, clergy, lay ministry leaders and others will authorize St. David's to obtain a background check and take needed training every three years. Please reach out to Shea Brendalen at or Karin Lindquist at for the form upon completion of your coursework.  Click the link here to register with ECMN.

Safe Church Training Dates via Zoom 

February 23rd
Tier 2: Safeguarding God's Children 6 - 9PM
Tier 3: Safeguarding God's People 9AM - Noon

March 23rd
Tier 2: Safeguarding God's Children 9AM-Noon
Tier 3: Safeguarding God's People 6 - 9PM
Christianity 101: First Session Next Tuesday!
Join us for an educational series that will provide a sweeping overview of who we are as Christians and as Episcopalians and where it is we come from. We'll gather once a month on Zoom for a time of teaching with Q & A, organizing ourselves around four topics:

Session 1, Tuesday, February 22: The Bible, with the Rev. Leonard Freeman

Session 2, Tuesday, March 22: Church History, with the Rev. Katherine Lewis

Session 3, Tuesday, April 26: The Episcopal Church, with the Rev. Guy Drake

Session 4, Tuesday, May 24: Prayer and Worship, with the Rev. Katherine Lewis

Sessions will run from 6:30-7:45 PM. At the end of class, we'll encourage participants to join in the Compline Zoom room for nighttime prayers, which start at 8 PM.

All are invited to attend, with a special invitation to high school students preparing for Confirmation. Feel free to invite others from outside St. David's to attend! No need to register.  

For more information, contact the Rev. Katherine Lewis at
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New neighbors! What can you do?
An announcement from Pam Schroeder about her new neighbors:

How can I help? This is a question that has me scratching my head. I have new neighbors. They are Afghan refugees. He worked for the US Embassy and Defense Department, and she has a degree in finance. He has been promised a job and she is looking for employment.

Reminds me of my grandfather, grandmother and mother arriving in 1923 with 1 steamer trunk. However, they had people here already in the states ready to help.

My neighbors were able to go to Bridging today and have much stuff being delivered. 
Please let me know if you have, or know someone who has, any of the following items:

  • Kitchen appliances – blender, coffee/spice grinder;
  • Pieces of furniture – book shelf
  • Bedding for a Queen size bed – sheets, pillow cases, etc
  • Towels – kitchen;
  • Miscellaneous kitchen things – spice rack and jars; canisters for rice, beans, flour, etc. 
Kindly send pictures to me (; 612-749-7799 – cell phone) so I can share them, and arrange for delivery and/or pickup.
Thank you ever so much!
Forward Day by Day
Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings as listed in the Revised Common Lectionary or the Daily Office from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer.

Please stop by the church to pick up the most recent Forward Day by Day Meditation book. These are located inside the central doors of the church, the doors closest to the office, as the outer door is unlocked thus you can pick them up anytime.
Last Call: Your Special Book List
St. David’s has a large number of avid book readers, so a special winter project is underway—the compilation of our favorite books. So no matter if your book appetite leans to topical, thematic, trendy, transformative, or traditional we want to hear from you! We are asking interested participants to create a list of your all-time favorite five (5) books, with one book from your childhood, one religious (in the broadest sense), one that was transformative, and no classification for the other two. If you desire, a brief note or comment can follow any of the book selections. As a bonus, participants can add a sixth book that “was a truly great read but a book no one has heard of” (one of those obscure little gems). The master book list will be anonymous, with the goal of a Zoom meeting at the end of February to discuss “the list.’” Deadline for submission is this Saturday, February 19th. Please email your list to Scott Clark at Thanks for your input!
ICA Update
Empty Bowls Celebration Next Monday
Hope you have Monday, February 21 marked on your calendar to attend the 24th anniversary and final celebration of the Hopkins/Minnetonka community Empty Bowls event. Please join us at LTD Brewing (8 8th Avenue N in Hopkins) from 5:00-7:00 p.m. next Monday night to celebrate all that Empty Bowls has accomplished since its founding event back in 1999. At this happy hour, 20% of all proceeds go back to ICA and Resource West. Also, all attendees will receive a handmade bowl.

Food Shelf items needed this month
ICA is currently running low on the following foods and home supplies:
* cereal (hot & cold)
* tea, coffee, Keurig cups
* ramen noodles
* olive oil 
* baby food, baby wipes
* wet & dry cat food, kitty litter
* paper products
* laundry & dish soap pods

In addition, ICA is looking for donations of empty water bottles, which are later filled with dish or laundry soap and made available to clients.

St. David’s February collection for ICA will end the evening of Sunday, February 20. Please put any items you wish to donate in the baskets provided at the church south and east entrances. The list above are just suggestions from ICA. Please know anything you wish to donate will always be appreciated. Thank you.

Jersey Mike’s ICA Fundraiser
If you are hungry for a sub sandwich next week, consider stopping at Jersey Mike’s Subs at 525 Blake Road North in Hopkins. From February 23rd through 28th, you can visit their store or order on the app using Promo ICAFS and they will donate 50% of your sale to support ICA.
Update on Children and Youth Programming
Children’s Ministry: March 2nd is an intergenerational Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00pm. Plan to bring the whole family! We will return to our regular Sunday morning Godly Play on March 6th.
Middle School Ministry: Youth Group will be back in the building on Wednesday, February 23rd from 6:45-8:00pm. Please wear a good fitting N95, KN95, or KF94 mask, and please remind your middle schooler that masks stay on the face at all times!
High School Ministry: We will not have youth group this Sunday, February 20th since it’s Presidents Day weekend. We will meet the following Sunday at Trinity.
Save the Date – YOUTH RETREAT – Mark in your calendar August 5-7. All youth going into 6th-12th grade are invited to the St. David’s and Trinity Youth Retreat at Green Lake Bible Camp in Spicer, MN.
This Week at St. David's!
Featured Events
  • Morning Prayer via Zoom
  • 9:30 AM on Sunday, February 20th
  • Choir Practice in the Sanctuary
  • 1:00 PM on Sunday, February 20th
  • Vestry Meeting in the Undercroft
  • 7:00 PM on Monday, February 21st
  • Christianity 101: The Bible via Zoom
  • 6:30-7:45 PM on Tuesday, February 22nd

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.
In this time of the coronavirus pandemic, the need to reach our most vulnerable parishioners has been great. Our 11 person Pastoral Care Team has stepped up to the plate and has been regularly calling around 24 St. David's members and families to share in remote fellowship, prayer, and conversation to determine if we, as a community, could help address any of their unmet needs. We are pleased to report that virtually all of these parishioners are doing well so far and have their basic needs met by their facilities and/or family. They are in good spirits and continue to remain resilient in the face of isolation and uncertainty.

If you find yourself in need of food or other resources, please contact:
Steve Johnson at: or (952) 237-0031 
The Rev. Katherine Lewis at: or (612) 747-5405

and we will assist you in finding solutions.
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891
COVID-19 Resources Available

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here

St. David's Episcopal Church:

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota:

The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

The Episcopal Church: