In This Edition:
  • Worship this Sunday via Zoom
  • January Vestry Update
  • Children and Youth Update
  • St David’s Book Club News
  • Safe Church Training
  • WANTED: Your Special Book List
  • Families Moving Forward Meals—Volunteers Needed
  • Virtual Choir Invitation
  • Regular Offerings
Christ Walking on Water, Henry O. Tanner
God doesn’t say that you’re going to escape tension; God doesn’t say that you’re going to escape disappointment; God doesn’t say that you’re going to escape trials and tribulations. But God has the power to give you a kind of inner equilibrium through your pain. So let not your hearts be troubled, Jesus says….Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden. Come to me all who are burdened down. Come to me, all that are frustrated, with clouds of anxiety floating in your mental skies. I will give you rest. And the rest God gives passes all understanding. The world doesn’t understand this kind of rest, because it’s a rest that makes it possible for you to stand up amid outer storms and yet maintain inner calm.
From a sermon preached at Ebenezer Baptist Church, 1966.  A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Clayborne Carson and Peter Holloran, eds. (New York: Warner Books, 1998), pp. 108-109.  
Morning Prayer live via Zoom on Sunday, January 23rd
Dear Beloved,

As you know, Covid numbers in Hennepin County have risen at a dramatic pace, putting medical providers and other systems under enormous strain. Because of this, we will continue to worship via Zoom on Sunday mornings throughout the month of January.

We continue to believe that walking in love means erring on the side of caution.

We also know how important it is to connect with God and one another through worship, prayer, music, and fellowship. So, we hope you will join in!

Live, Zoom Morning Prayer, 9:30 AM. See below for the Zoom link, with phone in numbers. Worship will later be uploaded to YouTube. Join in as early as 9:15 and stay for "coffee hour" afterwards as you like!

The Annual Budget Presentation will begin at 10:45 on Sunday, for those who are interested. Please join using the same Zoom information as Morning Prayer.

Thank you for being the beautiful, faithful people of God at St. David's. See you Sunday.


The Rev. Katherine Lewis, Rector
Huldah Niles, Sr. Warden
Randy Schwichtenberg, Jr. Warden

Loving God. Loving One Another.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 0687 1937
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,87106871937# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,87106871937# US (Chicago)
January Vestry Update
The Vestry met via Zoom at 7pm on Monday, January 18th. Finance Committee Chairperson Steve Johnson was also in attendance. Rector Katherine opened the meeting with Gospel based discipleship. The December Minutes and Financials were accepted and unanimously approved. The 2022 Budget was discussed at length. The Vestry voted to approve the 2022 Budget for presentation and approval at the Annual Meeting. The Budget Presentation to the Parish will be on January 23rd, a week before the Annual Meeting on January 30th. Both meetings will be held via ZOOM. Worship will remain virtual for the month of January. The Covid Safety Team is meeting soon to discuss worship plans for February. At the end of the month Ann Carda, Jeff Ronbeck, and myself will all have completed our terms of service for the Vestry. We know St. David’s is grateful for our servant leadership and we are grateful to have served our beloved community. It has truly been an honor to be part of such a wonderful team. Thank you to those remaining on the Vestry and to Katherine and Randy for your leadership this past year. Thank you as well to Cathy our Treasurer and Kay our Clerk! And of course thank you to all our wonderful Staff and Clergy. We’ve accomplished so much together. May 2022 bring us all more fellowship in Christ and more opportunities to serve.
Respectfully Submitted,
Huldah Niles, Sr. Warden
Update on Children and Youth Programming
Middle School Ministry: Youth group will be held virtually on Wednesday, January 26th at 7:00pm. We'll be having a movie night!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 5838 3440

High School Ministry: Youth group will be held virtually, hosted by Sally at Trinity, from 7:00-8:00pm on Sunday, January 23rd. 

Join Zoom Meeting
St David’s Book Club News
by Cathy Schwichtenberg
The St. David’s Book Club meets bi-monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:55pm. Book Club meeting dates and selections for 2022 are:
           Tuesday, February 1              The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende
           Tuesday, April 5                    The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich
           Tuesday, June 7                     tbd
           Tuesday August 2                  tbd
           Tuesday, October 4               tbd
           Tuesday, December 6            tbd
Until further notice, the Book Club will continue to meet via Zoom. February meeting information is below:
To join via phone:
Dial by your location
       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
       +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
       +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
       +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 899 5821 3947
Please call or email me with any questions     
Cathy Schwichtenberg
Safe Church Training
Safe Church Training is offered through ECMN. The courses are approximately 3 hours long on Zoom and very informative. It is a requirement by our insurance company that persons with access to our building, staff, clergy, lay ministry leaders and others will authorize St. David's to obtain a background check and take needed training every three years. Please reach out to Shea Brendalen at or Karin Lindquist at for the form upon completion of your coursework.  Click the link here to register with ECMN.

Safe Church Training Dates via Zoom 

January 26th
Tier 2: Safeguarding God's Children 9AM-Noon
Tier 3: Safeguarding God's People 6 - 9PM

February 23rd
Tier 2: Safeguarding God's Children 6 - 9PM
Tier 3: Safeguarding God's People 9AM - Noon

March 23rd
Tier 2: Safeguarding God's Children 9AM-Noon
Tier 3: Safeguarding God's People 6 - 9PM
WANTED: Your Special Book List
St. David’s has a large number of avid book readers, so a special winter project is underway—the compilation of our favorite books. So no matter if your book appetite leans to topical, thematic, trendy, transformative, or traditional we want to hear from you! We are asking interested participants to create a list of your all-time favorite five (5) books, with one book from your childhood, one religious (in the broadest sense), one that was transformative, and no classification for the other two. If you desire, a brief note or comment can follow any of the book selections. As a bonus, participants can add a sixth book that “was a truly great read but a book no one has heard of” (one of those obscure little gems). The master book list will be anonymous, with the goal of a Zoom meeting at the end of February to discuss “the list.’” Deadline for submission is Saturday, February 19th. Please email your list to Scott Clark at Thanks for your input!
Families Moving Forward Meals—Volunteers Needed
“Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” Luke
The week of February 7-11, St. David’s will be providing meals for families in transition who are seeking permanent housing. Our parish has hosted Families Moving Forward for 25+ years but due to the pandemic, families are staying in a hotel. Instead of hosting at St. David’s, we will deliver food and precooked meals to the hotel. 
Volunteers are needed to:
·      Purchase and deliver a list of groceries to the day center in Chaska on Monday,
February 7 between 8:30am and 2:30 pm.
·      Deliver prepackaged dinners to the hotel in Chanhassen, ready to serve at 5PM Monday through Friday, February 7-11.  This is a minimal contact delivery as food will be packaged either individually or as a family meal.  No serving or clean up required. A staff member from Families Moving Forward will greet the St. David’s volunteer and then coordinate food delivery to the families at the hotel. 
·      We welcome financial contributions for food and meal purchases.  Please send a check to the office, attention: Shea and put FMF in the memo line.  Our financial contributions help FMF organization pay for dinners on the weekends. 
If you would like to help and to receive more information please contact:
Cathy Schwichtenberg at, 612-710-2203
Join Our Virtual Choir!
Even when we’re apart, we can find ways to sing together. For our Zoom liturgies, we’re using technology to combine many voices together into a virtual choir. More singers of all ages are always welcome! We try to keep the music and the recording process as simple as possible, and you can participate in as many or as few songs as you like. Contact Roger Stratton ( for more information. 
This Week at St. David's!
Featured Events
  • Morning Prayer via Zoom
  • 9:30 AM on Sunday, January 23rd
  • Budget Presentation via Zoom
  • 10:45 AM on Sunday, January 23rd
  • JUSTMove via Zoom
  • 6:30-8:30 PM on Wednesday, January 26th

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.
In this time of the coronavirus pandemic, the need to reach our most vulnerable parishioners has been great. Our 11 person Pastoral Care Team has stepped up to the plate and has been regularly calling around 24 St. David's members and families to share in remote fellowship, prayer, and conversation to determine if we, as a community, could help address any of their unmet needs. We are pleased to report that virtually all of these parishioners are doing well so far and have their basic needs met by their facilities and/or family. They are in good spirits and continue to remain resilient in the face of isolation and uncertainty.

If you find yourself in need of food or other resources, please contact:
Steve Johnson at: or (952) 237-0031 
The Rev. Katherine Lewis at: or (612) 747-5405

and we will assist you in finding solutions.
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891
COVID-19 Resources Available

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here

St. David's Episcopal Church:

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota:

The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

The Episcopal Church: