This Sunday: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
We will gather for worship outdoors for one service at 9:30 this Sunday, July 24.

We welcome Laura Natta as our guest preacher this Sunday. 

Dr. Laura Natta is a seminarian in her final year at Virginia Theological Seminary. Prior to seminary, she was a licensed clinical neuropsychologist, specializing in diagnosis and treatment planning for people with co-occurring disorders, complex neurobehavioral cases, and devising aging and functional living plans in a variety of settings. In addition to work with patients and clinical teams, Laura also served as adjunct faculty at several psychology programs in the San Francisco Bay Area, regularly presented at both regional and national conferences, and was a frequent guest speaker and workshop facilitator for corporations and professional organizations.

As a seminarian, Laura continues to preach at her home church, The Church of the Epiphany in San Carlos, California and has served for the last year at St. Patrick’s Church in Washington DC, where, in addition to her other duties, she created and facilitated a series of workshops titled Where Do We Go From Here?,  designed to help the congregation process and heal the spiritual and social effects of two years of pandemic life and worship. Earlier this summer, Laura took part in Learning from London, an international academic travel course offered through Bexley-Seabury to explore the range of ministry models growing throughout the Diocese of London, Church of England. In the Diocese of Minnesota, Laura is working with local congregations and Good Courage Farm on community engagement, worship innovation, and congregational vitality.

We will continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube to accommodate for those who choose to stay home.
The Ionian Creed
We will use the Ionian Creed in place of the Nicene Creed this Sunday.  The Ionian Creed is a paraphrasing of the Nicene Creed. It is found in the Iona Abbey Worship Book.  The Iona Community is based off the coast of Scotland, though members also live elsewhere. It is an International Ecumenical Christian movement, working for justice and peace, rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship, with members all over the world.
We believe in God above us,
maker and sustainer of all life,
of sun and moon, of water and earth,
of male and female.

We believe in God beside us,
Jesus Christ, the word made flesh,
born of a woman, servant of the poor,
tortured and nailed to a tree.
A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,
he died alone and forsaken.
He descended into the earth
to the place of death.
On the third day he rose from the tomb.
He ascended into heaven,
to be everywhere present throughout all ages,
and His kingdom will come on earth.

We believe in God within us,
the Holy Spirit burning with Pentecostal fire,
life-giving breath of the Church,
Spirit of healing and forgiveness,
source of all resurrection and of eternal life.
Baptisms at the Creek

Mark you calendars for baptisms at the creek!

August 21
9:30 am
At Minnehaha Creek
by the gazebo on Minnetonka Blvd.

Children and Youth Ministry Updates
Youth Music Leaders
This next program year, we will be doing more music with our young children, rotating a music time into our normal Godly Play schedule on Sunday mornings. 

But I need help! I’m looking for middle and high school youth to help teach and lead the music with me. 

On Wednesday, July 27th from 2:00-4:00pm we will meet at St. David’s in the Sanctuary to learn some camp songs and practice leading them. All middle and high schoolers who are interested in helping lead music with the younger kids are encouraged to come!

Please let me know if you plan to attend. If your child is interested in being a Youth Music Leader but can’t make this training, please let me know that as well!

Office Clean Out
After the 9:30 service on July 31st, please help Anna organize and re-decorate her office and get it ready for the fall! Youth are especially encouraged to help out and create a space that they will get to hang out in all school year. Have any extra cool ideas, like a mini fridge, rainbow lights, or some cool art? A knack for organizing? Come and help me dream and create a space that is yours.

Children and Youth Committee
I am looking for folks who are passionate about Children and Youth Ministry! This committee will be a team of people ready to take on tasks to expand and enrich the children and youth ministries we’ve built this past year. This committee will take on tasks, specific events, projects, and ministries, in order to help me out in getting regular programming together, and expand outside the walls of St. David’s. 
We will meet in the evenings on the last Tuesday of the month, starting with Tuesday, August 30th.

Please email me if you are interested!

Anna Brock, Children and Youth Minister
Summer Camp
ECMN Day Camp

Please email with what day camp you sign up for so we can connect St. David's folks with one another!

Episcopal Summer Youth Retreat

Details are being finalized, but we have room for a couple last minute registrations! Email if you have any questions.

Registration is open through Realm! - Click Here
“Gratitude, Praise and Affirmation”- 
An hour with an actor and a bag of poems!
Join us on August 14 at 7:00 at St. David's for a fundraising evening with well-known Guthrie actor Allen Hamilton reading poems about Gratitude, Praise and Affirmation. Deacon Emeritus Rev. Guy Drake will join Allen with readings on the same topics from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.  

Come prepared to be inspired by readings from great poets both historical and contemporary on these three subjects, so relevant in today's world!  

Allen Hamilton has played 23 roles at the Guthrie Theater over many decades, as well as many roles at most of the theatres in the Twin Cities, and theatres in Boston, Memphis, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and Chicago. He played Uncle Ben in “Death of a Salesman” on Broadway, starring Brian Dennehy, and repeated the role at the Lyric Theatre in London for a nine month run. He has been seen in over thirty films and television movies, including “Code of Silence” with Chuck Norris and “The Fugitive” with Harrison Ford. Allen lives in St. Louis Park with his wife, painter Susan Wagner, and has been a frequent visitor at St. David's services. 

A free will offering will be taken at the door to help contribute to St. David's many ministries. 
An Invitation to Service from Good Courage Farm
Food for All: 
Partner with Good Courage by helping to grow and share the farm's organic produce

Good Courage Farm, located in 68 miles from the Twin Cities, is a fully-functional farm that is in partnership with the Episcopal Church. The farmers use organic and increasingly regenerative methods to grow lots of perennial food crops. The 18-acre farmstead is home to cats, dogs, ducks, goats and a few stray peafowl, as well as a myriad of other creatures - songbirds, frogs, grasshoppers, bats and more!

Located in Hutchinson, a major part of Good Courage Farm's mission is to share the food that they produce and they donate a large portion of their crops to Minnesota food pantries, including First Nations Kitchen - one of their major food partners.

Two of the major crops donated to First Nations Kitchen are apples and potatoes. The farm is looking for some volunteers over the next few weeks to aid in some work directly relating to the crops to be donated to First Nations Kitchen. Volunteers can work partial or full days, lunch and lemonade are provided - and you can spend your breaks petting the goats, watching the peahens trying to get into the barn, or being amused by the team of adolescent tuxedo ducks. This is truly a magical place, and they need our help!

Reach out to Laura Natta via text or telephone to support the vision and seed the future - and help First Nations Kitchen at the same time. 417-849-3474.
Wonder Women Happy Hour
Attention all St. David’s Women! 

The St. David’s Wonder Women will be hosting a social gathering each month during the summer (weather permitting on our patios & porches & decks!) Please join us for drinks & appetizers and a time to socialize. Plan to bring an appetizer or snack to share and if you have a favorite drink, that too. Beer/Wine/non-alcoholic options will be provided. 
We hope to see you this summer! 
Happy Hour on Thursday, August 11th, from 5:00 to 7:00. 
Hosted by: Vida Edmond
11807 Shady Oak Lane

Minnetonka, MN 55343
(Call or email for directions)
St. David's Book Club
St David’s Book Club News 
by Cathy Schwichtenberg 
St. David’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, 8/2 from 6:30 pm to 7:55 pm via Zoom. We will be discussing The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri.   
"Nuri is a beekeeper; his wife, Afra, an artist. They live a simple life, rich in family and friends, in the beautiful Syrian city of Aleppo--until the unthinkable happens. When all they care for is destroyed by war, they are forced to escape. But what Afra has seen is so terrible she has gone blind, and so they must embark on a perilous journey through Turkey and Greece towards an uncertain future in Britain. As Nuri and Afra travel through a broken world, they must confront not only the pain of their own unspeakable loss, but dangers that would overwhelm the bravest of souls. Above all, they must journey to find each other again. Moving, powerful, and beautifully written, The Beekeeper of Aleppo brings home the idea that the most ordinary of lives can be completely upended in unimaginable ways". 

Upcoming selections: 
October 4 Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann 
December 6 Proud Shoes by Pauli Murray 
ICA Update
Outdoor Produce Market this Saturday
If you know anyone who may be experiencing some food insecurity, please let them know about ICA’s outdoor produce market this Saturday, July 23. A wonderful variety of fresh vegetables and fruit is available free for pick-up, no appointment needed. They just need to stop by Eisenhower Community Center, 1001 Highway 7 in Hopkins between 10 a.m. & 12 noon.

Summer Sizzle Results
Over $33,000 was raised at last month’s Summer Sizzle event. All monies raised will support ICA Food Shelf’s Kids Food Programming. Families in our community truly depend on ICA’s specialized programs to keep their families nourished over summer months when school is out of session. These funds really help ICA provide nutritious and kid-friendly food for the entire summer. Thank you.

Note received recently from an ICA client:
“All in all, the help I received from ICA saved me. I am forever grateful.”
St. David's Benefit Fundraiser
After a three year hiatus, St. David’s is putting the fun back in fundraising! We’re starting off with a benefit drawing.

Tickets for St David’s Benefit Drawing are on sale during coffee hour after the 9:30 service.
Need not be present to win!

Donation: $100 per ticket

Drawing will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at the Fall Potluck Dinner.

Bring your checkbook and buy a ticket for yourself, your kids, or your grandkids or a good buddy!

First Prize: $500
Second Prize: $250
Third Prize: $250

Up to 16 $125 prizes will be drawn from the remaining proceeds.
What else is going on at St. David's?
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.
Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to before noon on Wednesday to be featured.
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891
COVID-19 Resources Available

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here

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The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

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