In This Edition:
  • Worship this Sunday in person at 8:00 and 9:30
  • Offerings in Lent
  • Children and Youth Update
  • Bring it Home MN
  • Rally at the Minnesota State Capital for Trans Youth
  • St. David's Book Club News
  • University of Minnesota Morris concert on March 11
  • ICA Update
  • From ECMN: BishopX Forum
  • From ECMN: Lay Leadership Day 2022
  • Regular Offerings

Women's History Month

To the Oppressors, by Pauli Murray

Now you are strong
And we are but grapes aching with ripeness.
Crush us!
Squeeze from us all the brave life
Contained in these full skins.
But ours is a subtle strength
Potent with centuries of yearning,
Of being kegged and shut away
In dark forgotten places.
We shall endure
To steal your senses
In that lonely twilight
Of your winter’s grief.
Pauli Murray lived one of the most remarkable lives of the twentieth century. S/he was the first Black person to earn a JSD (Doctor of the Science of Law) degree from Yale Law School, a founder of the National Organization for Women and the first Black person perceived as a woman to be ordained an Episcopal priest. Click here to learn more about Pauli Murray.
This Sunday: The First Sunday of Lent
Join us for live, in person worship at both 8:00 and 9:30 this Sunday. We'll offer prayers for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the month of March at both services. During the 9:30 service, we'll commission wardens and vestry members and we'll SING TOGETHER (remaining masked)! And plan to stay for coffee hour and to hear parishioner Steve Johnson share stories of his life and faith (see announcement below).

Please continue to wear a good fitting, N95, KN95, or KF94 mask as you attend services, and remember not to come if you are feeling sick at all. We will have these types of masks available at church if you do not have one. COVID vaccinations with boosters offer yet another layer of protection, and are also strongly encouraged for all who are able. We will continue to Facebook Livestream and upload to YouTube to accommodate for those who choose to stay home.
Offerings During Lent
Sharing Life Together Deeply:
Growing Where We are Planted

What a privilege it will be to hear members of our community share stories of their life and faith during a special Lenten Series, "Sharing Life Together Deeply: Growing Where We are Planted". Please join us, live, in the Undercroft, following the 9:30 service on each of the five Sundays of Lent. . Thank you, in advance, to those who have agreed to share their stories with us:

March 6: Steve Johnson
March 13: Craig Warren
March 20: Anna Brock
March 27: Gervaye Parent
April 3: Launa Tucker

We'll take time for small group reflection after each presentation. Join us!

Note: most or all of the presentations will be videotaped and available for viewing afterwards.

Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent

Each Sunday in Lent we will supply a bulletin insert that can guide your own Lenten practices during the week. Click here to see a sample and link to this Sunday's insert.

Brother, Give Us a Word

A wonderful option for Lent is to subscribe to receive a daily word for reflection delivered by email from the Brothers at the Society of St. John the Evangelist. Click here to subscribe.
Update on Children and Youth Programming
Children’s Ministry: In-person Godly Play this Sunday, March 6th! We will have Godly Play 1 during the 9:30 service, and Godly Play 2 during the adult forum after the service.
Middle School Ministry: In-person Youth Group is on Wednesday, March 9th from 6:45-8:00pm.
High School Ministry: This Sunday, we will meet at the St. David’s parking lot at 6:30pm to carpool to the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis for the 7:00pm Prayer Service for peace in Ukraine and Russia.
Parents can plan to pick their high schooler up from St. David’s at 8:30pm.
Sally Hockinson will be the contact person for Trinity youth and Anna Brock will be the contact person for St. David’s. Anna’s cell is (320) 221-4075.
Save the Date – YOUTH RETREAT – Mark in your calendar August 5-7. All youth going into 6th-12th grade are invited to the St. David’s and Trinity Youth Retreat at Green Lake Bible Camp in Spicer, MN.
Bring It Home MN
Beacon interfaith Housing Collaborative of which St. David’s is a partner, is asking for our help to advocate for funding from the state legislature for a program called Bring It Home MN. 
What is it: Bring it Home, Minnesota is state legislation (Bill: HF40 HF2220 / SF333)
to fund rental support for all Minnesotans who qualify. This policy would ensure every Minnesotan gets the rent support they deserve. We would achieve this through rent vouchers. Rent vouchers help people with lower incomes find and stay in their homes.  A rent voucher is a simple, cost-effective solution for
housing stability. When a family qualifies, they receive a housing voucher that allows them to find a private market apartment that meets their needs. After they find the apartment, the voucher covers the difference between the 30% of the family’s income and the market-rate cost of rent for the apartment. 

How you can help: Send a digital post card to your legislator using this link:

It’s easy to do and takes just minutes! If this bill is passed this session, over 500,000 families from across MN, who can’t afford the high cost of rent, will benefit.   Families in the Families Moving Forward program will be able to transition from staying in a hotel to having a permanent home of their own.  We have the resources to pass Bring It Home MN THIS YEAR but legislators need to hear from all of us to make it happen.  Show your support by filling out the “digital postcard” today.  

Have questions?
Click on the above link for more information or contact Carol Johnson
Let’s set a goal of 50 people from St. David’s will send this digital postcard before the end of March!! Join in the Joyful Urgency as people of faith, to advocate for all people to have a home.  

Want to learn more about the roots of racial disparities in housing? Tune into TPT broadcast of Jim Crow of the North on Monday, March 7 at 8 PM.  It explores the origins of housing segregation in the Minneapolis area. 
What’s happened to Cranberry Ridge?

Ten years in the making, Cranberry Ridge will be opening this spring!! This is Beacon’s housing development for 45 families needing affordable housing in Plymouth, MN . Many of St. David’s parishioners spent time in meetings, advocacy work and city council meetings moving this housing forward and it’s finally going to happen!!!! 

Click on this link to read more about Cranberry Ridge, watch a video with a hard hat virtual tour, and read an interview with Rev. Cindy Hilger on “Fear and Faith”.  
Rally at the Minnesota State Capital for Trans Youth
This Sunday, February 6th at 1:30 PM
Please click the link below to learn more about a rally at the Minnesota Capital in support of trans youth.
There is a bill that’s been introduced in MN that would restrict public bathroom/locker room access to those who are “biologically male or female”.
Come participate in the rally at the capital at 1:30 PM on Sunday, March 6th!
St. David's Book Club News
by Cathy Schwichtenberg
St. David’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, 4/5 from 6:30 pm to 7:55 pm via Zoom. We will be discussing The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich. Drawing on her grandfather's letters, written while he was tribal chairman, Erdrich re-creates a shameful chapter in America's history when Congress introduced a bill to terminate the treaty rights of Native tribes, which would force assimilation and pave the way for a land grab. 
It is 1953. Thomas Wazhushk is the night watchman at a jewel bearing plant, the first factory to open near the Turtle Mountain Reservation in rural North Dakota. He is also a prominent Chippewa Council member, trying to understand a new bill that is soon to be put before Congress. The US Government calls it an 'emancipation' bill; but it isn't about freedom - it threatens the rights of Native Americans to their land, their very identity. How can he fight this betrayal? Unlike most of the girls on the reservation, Pixie - 'Patrice' - Paranteau has no desire to wear herself down on a husband and kids. She works at the factory, earning barely enough to support her mother and brother, let alone her alcoholic father who sometimes returns home to bully her for money. But Patrice needs every penny to get if she's ever going to get to Minneapolis, Minnesota to find her missing sister Vera. Among other friends and acquaintances of Patrice, we meet Hay Stack Jones, a white high school math teacher and boxing coach who is hopelessly in love with Patrice. In The Night Watchman multi-award winning author Louise Erdrich weaves together a story of past and future generations, of preservation and progress. She grapples with the worst and best impulses of human nature, illuminating the loves and lives, desires and ambitions of her characters with compassion, wit and intelligence.
~Library Journal and
Please join us for an interesting discussion of this excellent book!
University of Minnesota Morris concert on March 11
The University of Minnesota Morris Concert Choir will perform in concert at St. David’s on Friday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m. Conducted by Dr. Laura Wiebe and accompanied by Roger Stratton, the 25-voice choir will perform a variety of historical and contemporary works. Also performing both with the choir, and on a solo set, is composer, folklorist, and Grammy-nominated guitarist José Manuel Lezcano, the Spring 2022 Distinguished Visiting Professor of the Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota Morris.
ICA Update
Empty Bowls Silent Auction through March 7
If you haven’t checked it out yet, please check out this last Empty Bowls Silent Auction at the ICA website Choose Events, then Empty Bowls from the menu. Scroll down to Visit Empty Bowls Website, then choose Silent Auction from the menu to view the offerings. There are some amazing art pieces to bid on. Hope you can find something special.

Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign
During the month of March,people throughout Minnesota come together to raise funds and collect food for their local food shelves. Traditionally the time of year when food shelves endure their lowest period of inventory, the March Campaign has become the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state.

Your help is needed. Every dollar donated during March will be proportionately matched.

Here are a few ways to get involved:

Donate funds. Contribute financially. Remember that all funds donated this month are proportionately matched, so your gift will go even farther. Additionally, with their buying power, ICA can buy more food for the same dollar. Every $20 donated will help provide 20 meals to our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. 
Donation form link: Be sure to select St. David’s under the “Congregation” drop down. 

Donate food. Current needs this month include: 
    - paper products (tissues, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper)
    - personal products (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, adult diapers)
    - baby food, baby wipes, diapers (size 5, pull-ups)
    - tea, coffee, Keurig cups
Drop off items any time in the baskets provided at the east & south church entrances.

Round up at the register. Lakewinds Food Coop (Minnetonka), Driskill’s Downtown Market (Hopkins) & Tonkadale Greenhouse (Minnetonka) are all doing donation round-up during March. Make sure to stop by.

Involve others. Do your co-workers, classmates, friends & family know about the need in our community? Help spread the word that it’s easy to get involved & help our neighbors.
From ECMN: BishopX Forum
Thursday, March 3, 6pm | Online

Bishop Loya and your team of missioners are excited to introduce the BISHOPx Forum, the offspring of last year’s Leading Beyond the Blizzard gatherings and a deeper exploration of our four priorities

Episcopal churches, like churches of other denominations, face incredible challenges right now. Attendance is down, younger generations are mostly absent, institutions are suspect, and a growing number of people think they can live a meaningful life without God. Many of the challenges our faith communities face are are adaptive, meaning they can't be solved with quick, technical fixes. At the same time, people are looking for spaces to make spiritual meaning of their lives and the difficult events of the last two years. How can we use this moment to refresh our perspectives and learn to let the Holy Spirit lead our faith communities by engaging in spiritual practices and simple processes that allow us to listen to God and our neighbors, try small experiments without fear of failure, and share our learnings? In this forum The Rev. Canon Blair Pogue, ECMN's new Canon for Vitality and Innovation, will talk about ways we can discern and join up with the Holy Spirit's work in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and faith communities, and be filled with new energy so we can participate in the future God is bringing forth.
From ECMN: Lay Leadership Day 2022
Saturday, March 5, 9am | Online

Join lay leaders from around the diocese to pray together, share stories, and to hear from Canon for Vitality and Innovation, the Rev. Blair Pogue. Blair will share some simple ideas to let the Holy Spirit guide us as we lead through challenging circumstances. This session will get practical and concrete, with wisdom from St. Matthew’s lay leader Terese Lewis, who has put these practices in play in her own community. 
This Week at St. David's!
Featured Events
  • Worship and Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary
  • 8:00 and 9:30 AM on Sunday, March 6th
  • Sharing Life Together Deeply, in the Undercroft
  • Adult forum, after the 9:30 service on Sunday, March 6th
  • University of Minnesota Morris Concert in the Sanctuary
  • 7:00 PM on Friday, March 11th

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.
In this time of the coronavirus pandemic, the need to reach our most vulnerable parishioners has been great. Our 11 person Pastoral Care Team has stepped up to the plate and has been regularly calling around 24 St. David's members and families to share in remote fellowship, prayer, and conversation to determine if we, as a community, could help address any of their unmet needs. We are pleased to report that virtually all of these parishioners are doing well so far and have their basic needs met by their facilities and/or family. They are in good spirits and continue to remain resilient in the face of isolation and uncertainty.

If you find yourself in need of food or other resources, please contact:
Steve Johnson at: or (952) 237-0031 
The Rev. Katherine Lewis at: or (612) 747-5405

and we will assist you in finding solutions.
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891
COVID-19 Resources Available

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here

St. David's Episcopal Church:

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota:

The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

The Episcopal Church: