In this Edition:
- This Sunday
- Holy Week - Monday Volunteer Day, Tuesday Mia Tour, Maundy Thursday Agape Meal, Good Friday and Holy Saturday services
- Easter Flowers
- Office Volunteers
- March Vestry Update
- Justice Collaborative event April 11
- Variety Show on Cinco de Mayo
- February Financial Snapshot
- Save the Date: Endowment "Thank you" event April 21st.
- Job Posting - We're seeking a part-time Sexton!
- Loaves and Fishes
- St. David's Women's Camping Group
- Free Faithful Innovations Webinar
- Book Club
- ICA Update
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to before noon on Monday to be featured.
Note, this is an updated deadline as we continue to grow our active ministries and communications, we need more time to put together this email! Thank you!
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Palm Sunday - One 9:30 service of Holy Eucharist
No Children's TIme this Sunday. Children are invited to remain in worship, or use the Narthex Nursery.
ICA Ingathering this Sunday! Bring your food and cash donations. See full ICA Update later on in this email.
We will continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube to accommodate those who choose to stay home.
10:45-11:30 Community Forum
Stay for coffee, refreshments, and social time.
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Service Day at Global Health Ministries | |
Monday, April 3rd, St. David's will head out to the Global Health Ministries warehouse in Fridley to volunteer from 2:00-4:00pm.
The youth group have volunteered here twice in the past year, and keep wanting to come back, so this time, we invite folks of all ages to come serve at GHM!
Global Health Ministries takes in donations of surplus medical supplies, from scalpels and masks, to crutches, to dental chairs, and more, and then redistributes the supplies to hospitals in 13 countries across Africa, Asia, and Central America. Hospitals are able to tell GHM exactly what they need, and GHM gets to work on getting it to them.
An incredible aspect of GHM is that the warehouse only has one employee. He coordinates and trains in volunteers, otherwise everything else is done completely by community volunteers! After just a two hour shift at GHM, you know you've really made an impact, whether you prepared several pallets of boxes for shipment, sorted medical supplies, or prepared newborn kits.
Join us in starting Holy Week with a day of service! Contact Anna or the office with your RSVP and if you'd like to join a carpool
Please sign up! Our group is small so far, and many hands make light work!
Read more about GHM on their website.
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Minneapolis Institute of Art
Private, docent-led tour for Holy Week. We’ll gather at Mia for the tour, which begins promptly at 1:00 and will last an hour. Maximum number for the tour: 20. Please register by emailing Anna Brock at Suggested donation of $10 to cover the cost of the tour, payable to St. David’s.
Upon registration, more information will be sent via email.
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The Great Three Days, the Triduum, form the high point of the church’s liturgical year, as we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection in the context of the Passover. The services on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are one immersive three-day experience, leading to the overflowing joy of Sunday. | |
Maundy Thursday Agape Meal | |
April 6
Agape Meal with music, scripture, footwashing, and Holy Eucharist, 6:00pm in the Undercroft.
Calling all cooks! We are in need of 7 generous cooks willing to make up just one crockpot full of soup ( feeding 10ish or so) for our upcoming Agape Meal during Holy Week. As you may recall from last year's inaugural event, this meal is the foundation of a very special Maundy Thursday gathering in the undercroft. This time together includes a simple meal, a service of Holy Eucharist, and foot washing for those who wish to partake.
Please click on the link below to sign up to bring your favorite soup, one that you enjoy both eating and making. We ask that at least a couple of the soups be vegetarian. Please bring your soup ready to go in a crockpot by between 5:30-5:45pm on Maundy Thursday, April 6th.
Thanks in advance for helping to make this a holiest of holy days.
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April 7
Stations of the Cross, noon
Good Friday service, 7:00pm
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April 8
Easter Vigil, 8:00 pm.
Some would say the Easter Vigil is the most important liturgy of the whole Christian year. We gather in darkness, kindle a fire, light the Paschal candle, listen to the stories of salvation history, and raise the Alleluia. It is a special Easter service and one we have not done at St. David’s in many years.
Stay after the service for a reception in the Undercroft, catered by Laura Dickinson. We’ll have festive beverages and good food. You will be glad you came!
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April 9 - One service of Holy Eucharist, 9:30
Children remain in worship (No Children's Time)
Resurrection egg hunt
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Greetings. The Easter Season is upon us and we are again seeking donations for the flowers decorating the church on Easter Sunday. There will be envelopes on the seats and in the All Saints' Chapel. Please fill these out and place your donations in the plate on Sunday or contact the office with your name, donation amount and information in memory of/thanksgiving for, etc. We need the information by Friday, March 31st to assure the information is in the Easter bulletins. Any and all donations are welcomed and can even be listed anonymously if you prefer.
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Still looking for Office Volunteers!
Adults and youth, Contact Anna if you could help out on a Wednesday afternoon from 3:30-5:30pm.
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On Tuesday, April 11 @ 7pm in the Undercroft, the Justice Collaborative is hosting a presentation by Daniel Romero and Priscilla Hagerman called, "Asylees, Refugees and the Undocumented: developing a compassionate and just welcome for our neighbors." Rev. Daniel Romero, an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), is First Nation Pueblo, indigenous Aztec, and Spanish. Daniel currently serves as the Immigration Legal Services Consortium Coordinator for the Minnesota Council of Churches and as a Community Minister who works with refugees, asylees and with undocumented communities. Priscilla Hagerman is a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota and serves as an AmeriCorps Legal Services Navigator with Minnesota Council of Churches – Refugee Services. She works on the Immigration Legal Services team at MCC and assists with applications for work permits, green cards, and citizenship.
This presentation is free and open to the public!
Huldah Niles, Chair, Justice Collaborative
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Variety Show on Cinco de Mayo | |
Tickets will be available for sale this Sunday at church! | |
February Financial Snapshot | |
Pledge income continued to be above plan in February. I am grateful to share that St. David’s continues to be in a strong financial position due to the faithful support of our congregation.
With Gratitude,
Cathy Schwichtenberg, Treasurer
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Save the Date: Endowment "Thank you" event April 21st. | |
An event for all participants in the Cornerstone Endowment is being held on Friday, April 21st from 5-7pm. Please mark your calendars if you have contributed to the Endowment at any time since its founding. Invitations with more information will be sent out soon. | |
St. David’s is seeking a part-time Sexton | |
We are looking for someone willing to work 17-20 hours a week taking care of our building, arranging furniture as needed for services and programs. A position description that lists responsibilities and expectations can be found on the home page of our website at: or by contacting us at | |
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was a stranger and you invited me in.
St. David’s is expanding our presence at Loaves and Fishes at St. Gabriel’s in Hopkins. We will be taking the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Monday of the month in addition to our quarterly 5th Tuesday. Loaves and Fishes moved to a cook and package method so not as many volunteers are needed. Two for cooking with the L&F coordinator from 3-5 and two to package and serve from 4:30 to 6:30.
Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683.
Upcoming dates
- Mon April 24th
- Tues May 9th
- Mon May 22nd
- Tues May 30th
Wondering if you can volunteer as a family or if there are other opportunities besides St. Gabriel’s? The Loaves and Fishes page might help you. Volunteer – Loaves and Fishes (
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Free Faithful Innovations Webinar | |
As many of you know at Saint David’s, we are engaged in discovering more about what God is up to, as are many other churches of many denominations across the country. Here is an opportunity to learn more about Faithful Innovation.
"Sometimes we just need a reminder and a fresh look at what God has made possible for us. The new book, Leading Faithful Innovation: Following God Into a Hopeful Future, does just that with a timely call to take that fresh look.
The authors of Leading Faithful Innovation are joining us for a free webinar that will equip you with guidance on ways forward to sustain your ministry and community.
Date: April 19, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Central Online
Led By: Dwight Zscheile, Michael Binder, and Tessa Pinkstaff with panelists Holly Rankin Zaher and Matt Short.
This webinar is free, but registration is required to attend and receive the recording. Click the button below and save your seat now! Spots are limited, so don't delay."
Save my seat!
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St David’s Book Club News
by Cathy Schwichtenberg
The St. David’s Book Club upcoming selection will be discussed on Tuesday, April 4 from 6:30 pm – 7:55 pm. This month’s book is The Good Earth.
It is a historical fiction novel by Pearl S. Buck published in 1931 that dramatizes family life in a Chinese village in the early 20th century. It was the best-selling novel in the United States in both 1931 and 1932, won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1932, and was influential in Buck's winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938. Buck, who grew up in China as the daughter of American missionaries, wrote the book while living in China and drew on her first-hand observation of Chinese village life. ~Wikipedia
Meeting Link:
St David's Book Club - April Meeting
We have an interesting line-up of selections this year and invite all St. David’s parishioners to participate. We usually meet via Zoom on the first Tuesday of every other month from 6:30 – 7:55. Here is this year’s schedule – please join us!
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A Big Bag Thank You
Many thanks to all of you who responded to last week’s call for brown paper bags. Your generous donations of brown paper bags filled an entire trunk! As the number of people/families shopping at ICA continues to increase, shopping bags are being used faster than ever before. Many of you also contributed egg cartons which are also always needed. Thanks again.
ICA Sunday this Sunday, April 2
This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month and that means it’s ICA Sunday. It is also the last Sunday we will be collecting for this year’s MN FoodShare March Campaign. As usual, we will be collecting both food and non-food items for the food shelf.
Current needs include:
- Tea, coffee
- Peanut butter, jam, jelly or preserves
- Oatmeal, kid-friendly cereal
- Personal items such as shampoo, deodorant, bar soap, toothpaste
- Baby diapers (sizes 4-6), diaper wipes
- Cat food & litter
- Individual sized pretzels, baked chips, fruit snacks, applesauce cups
- Gluten-free snacks
And, of course, brown paper bags and egg cartons are always appreciated. Bring your items to donate to church on Sunday or you can drop them off at your convenience in one of the ICA baskets located at church entrances.
If you would prefer to donate funds to ICA, you can drop a check made out to ICA in the Sunday collection plate or donate online at Thanks to a number of generous ICA community supporters who have provided $25,000 in matching funds for this 2023 March Campaign. That means your financial donations will have the necessary resources to find long-term stability. Thank you for your support of ICA.
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What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | |
COVID-19 Resources Available
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