Thanksgiving Eve Worship
Holy Eucharist with Music
Join us as we gather together to give thanks for all of the blessings of life.
Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 24th, 7:00 PM
For those unable to attend in person, we will livestream the service and will also post it to our St. David's YouTube station.
God of evolving diversity, made known in seed and soil, and the wonder of animal worlds: free our hearts from the anxiety which knows only domination; open our being to learn from the life with which we share this earth; through Jesus Christ, the Lord of the harvest. Amen.
--A harvest prayer, from Prayers for an Inclusive Church, by Steven Shakespeare
UPDATE: Coffee Hour canceled this week.
Dear Beloved,
Covid19 case numbers continue to fluctuate unpredictably and your leaders are doing their best to keep up. We feel strongly that our building should remain open for the mental and soulful well being of our parish. We want you to be aware however that numbers are high right now for new cases of Covid19 per 100,000 people. There are also more breakthrough cases of the Delta variant among fully vaccinated people. So please use your best judgment on whether you want to attend church services in person or not. Please DO NOT come to church if you are ill or have any Covid19 symptoms. Here is a decision tree and information (meant for schools but applicable to church) to help you decide your best course of action should a Covid 19 symptom arise or if you find out you were in close contact with someone who tested positive for Covid19:
If you do plan to attend church please keep the following in mind:
- Always properly mask (over nose and mouth). This includes before and after Communion.
- Please maintain social distance as much as possible. We often see the far side (east side) of the Sanctuary empty. Please use this seating. Additionally, there is seating in the Narthex.
- There is often a smaller crowd at the 8am service. Please consider worshipping then if you are able.
- There will not be congregational singing until the Covid19 case numbers go down. We will also be scaling back on congregational speaking such as the Psalm, the Nicene Creed, and the Confession.
Our 9:30am service will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook and later posted to our YouTube station.
Our deepest desire is to create a safe environment for worship and community. We acknowledge that no building or gathering can be 100% safe. Please do what is best for you and know that you are a beloved part of our community whether you attend in person or online. May we surround each other in love and prayers as we navigate this time of uncertainty together. Loving God. Loving one another.
Peace be with you,
Katherine, Rector
Huldah, Sr. Warden
Randy, Jr. Warden
Roger, Minister of Music
Allison, Vestry Member
Indoor Worship with Holy Eucharist
Sunday, November 21 at 8:00 and 9:30
We will continue to worship indoors this coming Sunday at both 8:00 and 9:30.
Masks are required and we ask that you leave space between yourselves and others if possible. The nursery will be available during the 9:30 service. Please note that services will continue to be Livestreamed on Facebook and uploaded to YouTube for those who wish to worship virtually.
We'll be moving the furniture in the sanctuary back to the traditional arrangement (congregation facing east) in time for the start of Advent, the beginning of the new church year. If you're able to stay for a bit after the 9:30 service this Sunday to help us with the rearrangement, that would be great! Many hands make light work! Thank you, in advance.
Advent Wreath Making this Sunday
This Sunday we will be making Advent Wreaths after the 9:30 service!
(While our original plan was to meet in the Undercroft for this intergenerational activity, given the increase in Covid numbers, we'll now offer "wreath-making to go" in the Narthex. Join us briefly after the 9:30 service on your way out the door!)
In theme with our at-home Advent curriculum this year - Less is More - we are upcycling old and secondhand mugs, teacups, glass jars, bottles, or cans to create Advent Wreaths.
We have collected candles and containers, but we invite you to bring your own items to use as well!
***please do not purchase anything new for this project, try to recycle, reuse, or thrift items.
Here are some images to get you inspired:
Advent Retreat: a Rule of Life
With The Very Rev. Susan Daughtry
What does it mean to practice the way of Jesus?
What does it mean for me to practice the way of Jesus?
Anyone who has ever wondered about those two questions is invited to join us for a morning retreat at St. David's on December 4, 9am - 11:30am. A ‘Rule of Life’ is a set of practices that Christians commit to, individually or in groups, to shape the way they live out their faith. Advent, the start of the Christian year, is the perfect time to look back at what practices have sustained our life and what new ways we might be called to step into faith.
No need to register--just show up! And bring a friend...or even two!
The Vestry met via Zoom on Monday, November 15th. Those that were able signed on early to discuss JUSTMove and the homework they assigned. It was agreed that JUSTMove creates a safe and respectful atmosphere to discuss anything. Their poetry and constant joy help us to examine our built in prejudices with honesty and vulnerability. We are so thankful for their work with us and we will continue to show up. We are also thankful for a loving and thoughtful congregation that is ready to flex and learn. We plan to meet early to discuss the November JUSTMove at the next Vestry meeting on December 20th.
The rest of the Vestry signed on at 7pm. Rector Katherine opened the meeting with Gospel based discipleship. The October Minutes and Financials were accepted and unanimously approved. The Budget Plan for 2022 is underway and will be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on November 22nd. The Budget Presentation to the Parish will be on January 23rd, a week before the Annual Meeting on January 30th. There was further discussion on Covid19. The U of M has been testing air purifiers and the air purifiers that Jr. Warden Randy purchased are indeed very effective. We plan to move the Undercroft air purifier up to the Sanctuary on weeks when Covid19 cases are especially high and/or for traditionally more well attended services such as Christmas Eve. Having a second large air purifier in the Sanctuary will provide an extra layer of protection. Sr. Warden Huldah presented a new streamlined checklist for Sunday morning Vestry Hosts. Thank you to all who have pledged for 2022.
Thank you to David Pearson, the Boy Scouts, and church members for the Fall Cleanup on November 6. And thank you to those volunteers that raked leaves with Destiny Hill on the same day. Thank you to our delegates and clergy for attending the virtual Convention this year. They plan to share more on the Convention in the new year. A delegate spot has opened up so if you have any interest or questions about serving in this role please reach out to Ann Carda And please watch for more information on the many creative activities coming your way for Advent!
Respectfully Submitted,
Huldah Niles, Sr. Warden
Update on Children and Youth Programming
Children's Ministry: Godly Play will be held in the Undercroft during the 9:30 service.
Middle School Ministry: No youth group on Wednesday, November 24th. We will gather again on December 1st.
High School Ministry: Youth Group will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church in Excelsior from 6:00-8:00pm this Sunday, November 21st.
322 2nd Street, Excelsior, MN 55331
Enter the front door to the church on 2nd Street. Parents can drop off their kids on 2nd Street, and youth driving themselves can use the free parking on Center Street.
St. David's Parishioner Elected to the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota
Craig Warren, a member of St. David's who regularly attends the 8:00 service, was elected to the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota at our annual convention last month. The Standing Committee is a Counsel of Advice to the Bishop; considers consents for a parish, mission, or ECMN entity to acquire, dispose of, or encumber the real property; approve candidates for ordination to the diaconate or priesthood; and consent to the elections and proposed consecrations of bishops in The Episcopal Church.
Craig is highly qualified for his new position in ECMN due to the many roles he has taken on in his career. Those roles most formative and relevant to his service on the Standing Committee are: Chief Administrative Officer at the Washburn Center for Children; Chief Operating Officer at Greater Twin Cities United Way; commissioned officer in the United States Army; and member of the Hennepin Healthcare System Board of Directors.
Please congratulate Craig on his election!
In Spanish-speaking regions, “la posada” refers to a hotel or an inn. “Las posadas” is a term that refers to a ritual reenactment of Mary and Joseph's search for lodging in Bethlehem. This ritual is performed just before Christmas in many Hispanic communities and at St. David’s.
During Advent, St. David’s parishioners can to participate in the Posada. We have a handmade nativity set used only for the Posada. Before Advent starts, St. David’s households sign up to be innkeepers for Mary and Joseph. Usually, the Mary and Joseph figures stay at each home for about 2 nights during Advent before moving on to their next inn. The figures arrive in a simple basket, along with a journal for recording your time as innkeepers and a liturgy. Innkeepers are encouraged to give some thought as to how they will extend warm, welcoming hospitality to the weary travelers.
On the first Sunday of Advent (November 28, 2021), Mary and Joseph will begin their journey by making their first overnight in a St. David’s household. Each innkeeper is responsible for contacting the next host on the schedule, arranging to drop-off of Mary and Joseph at a time and place that is mutually convenient, and providing a small holiday treat for the receiving innkeepers to enjoy. On Christmas Eve, the last host on the schedule helps Mary and Joseph complete their journey by bringing them back to St. David’s for the 4 pm Christmas Eve Service.
If you are interested in participating in the Posada by hosting Mary and Joseph during Advent, contact Patti Jurkovich at
Lake Minnetonka Care Center Holiday Giving Tree
COVID Style: Take 2
Hard to believe, but it really is time to get in the Christmas spirit, by remembering all our friends out at Lake Minnetonka Care Center (LMCC). Our annual Holiday Giving Tree gift “exchange” will again look a bit different this year in light of the continuing COVID pandemic. Unfortunately, again, no holiday party or Eucharist service this time around, but we still want to bring some holiday cheer to the residents with a Christmas gift! We are hoping you would like to participate in this venture.
We will have the Holiday Giving Tree located in the narthex this year from which to choose a gift tag and wish list. Routine is the same….. just peruse the wish lists, find one that piques your interest, pick the corresponding tag off the tree, purchase a gift/gifts off their wish list, and then return the wrapped package, with handy gift name tag attached, to the church no later than Sunday December 19th. Probably best to plan on returning the gifts on Sundays when the church is certain to be open, or when you know you have access to the church office.
A fun addition for this year’s gift giving, we plan to make a singing delivery of all your gifts to LMCC that day (Dec 19th) after church as a part of our annual Christmas Caroling outing!
Excited to bring a bit of Christmas Cheer to LMCC
Questions, don’t hesitate to call me, Diane, at 763-232-9412
Thank You!
St. David's Book Club News
St. David’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, 12/7 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm via Zoom. After a short 2022 planning meeting, we will be discussing Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson. The book was a New York Times best seller and New York Times Notable Book of the Year.
Moving forward and backward in time, Jacqueline Woodson's taut and powerful new novel uncovers the role that history and community have played in the experiences, decisions, and relationships of these families, and in the life of the new child.
As the book opens in 2001, it is the evening of sixteen-year-old Melody's coming of age ceremony in her grandparents' Brooklyn brownstone. Watched lovingly by her relatives and friends, making her entrance to the music of Prince, she wears a special custom-made dress. But the event is not without poignancy. Sixteen years earlier, that very dress was measured and sewn for a different wearer: Melody's mother, for her own ceremony-- a celebration that ultimately never took place.
Unfurling the history of Melody's family – reaching back to the Tulsa race massacre in 1921 -- to show how they all arrived at this moment, Woodson considers not just their ambitions and successes but also the costs, the tolls they've paid for striving to overcome expectations and escape the pull of history. As it explores sexual desire and identity, ambition, gentrification, education, class and status, and the life-altering facts of parenthood, Red at the Bone most strikingly looks at the ways in which young people must so often make long-lasting decisions about their lives--even before they have begun to figure out who they are and what they want to be.
Woodson’s writing is exquisite and tells a moving multi-generational story in just over 200 pages. Please join us for the last Book Club meeting of 2021!
Please email, text or call me with questions.
Cathy Schwichtenberg
Collection for ICA this Sunday
The following items have been identified:
* coffee, tea
* kids’ snacks & beverages
* personal care products (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, adult diapers, baby wipes)
* paper products (tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins)
Please bring items you would like to donate to church on Sunday & place in ICA baskets. Or you can leave them anytime through this Sunday in the ICA baskets found at each church entrance. The items listed above are suggestions, but anything you donate is always appreciated.
ICA Day at Maynard’s on 11/29
Mark your calendars for Monday, November 29. ICA Day at Maynard’s is back and in-person! Enjoy a meal there with family and/or friends that day. 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Food Shelf. Call 952-470-1800 for reservations.
ICA Bazaar
Are you starting to think about holiday gift ideas for family and friends? Consider checking out ICA’’s Bazaar. ICA receives donations from local retailers to sell at a discounted price. On the bazaar website you will find household goods, toys, accessories, pet care items and much more. Once an item is purchased and paid for, you will receive an email from ICA’s system administrator to arrange a contactless pick-up. To check out what is currently available, go to and select Events from the menu; then select ICA Bazaar and hit “Browse the Bazaar.” Several folks from St. David’s have purchased some great finds there. We hope you will check it out as you start your holiday shopping.
Join us as at Bible study on Tuesday, November 30th. We will be concluding our study of Romans next week. Watch this space for what’s coming!
We'll meet on Zoom at 11:00, ending at noon with Noonday prayer.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 7467 2774
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,87274672774# US (New York)
+13017158592,,87274672774# US (Washington DC)
St. David's Wonder Women
Happy Hour Today at 5:30
This is informal and focused on connecting and conversation. Get your favorite HH beverage – water, tea, wine, cocktail; plug in, log on, we will be waiting for you! Please join us for whatever timing works for you – come later or stop in early to say hi for 15 minutes. We will be happy to get you for whatever works for your schedule.
Thursday, Today @ 5:30 PM for one hour
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 2315 5557
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,83523155557# US (New York)
+13017158592,,83523155557# US (Washington DC)
Compline Held Nightly at 8:00 PM – Join Us!
Compline, is a brief service of nighttime prayers, lasting no longer than about 10 minutes, this is a wonderful ritual for before bedtime. Please join us any night at 8:00 PM.
On Wednesdays Compline is led by children and intended for those of all ages (for some adults, it's their favorite service of the week!) using the the children's book Candlewalk by Karin Hosinger Sherman. The book is available through Church Publishing and Amazon.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 2267 7461
Passcode: Pn2CjY
Dial by Phone: +1 312 626 6799; Meeting ID: 852 2267 7461; Passcode: 516860
Start your Saturday morning with prayerful reflection.
Join morning prayer on Saturday beginning at 7:45 AM. This service lasts approximately 15 minutes, and takes place hybrid via both Zoom and in person. You can read along with the prayer on your screen, or join in person to meet in the Narthex
You can access the service through following the link on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 220 814 0673 Passcode: rWDY6k
Dial by phone: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 220 814 0673 Passcode: 576819
If you have any questions, please call or text Paul Smejkal at 952.270.6762
This Week at St. David's!
Featured Events
- St. David's Wonder Women Happy Hour
- 5:30 via Zoom on Thursday, November 18
- Mary Taylor, Celebration of Life and Holy Eucharist
- 3:00 PM on Saturday, November 20
- The Groove Boat Drum Circle
- 7:00 PM on Monday, November 22 in the Sanctuary
- Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist
- 7:00 PM on Wednesday, November 24 in the Sanctuary
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the new St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.
In this time of the coronavirus pandemic, the need to reach our most vulnerable parishioners has been great. Our 11 person Pastoral Care Team has stepped up to the plate and has been regularly calling around 24 St. David's members and families to share in remote fellowship, prayer, and conversation to determine if we, as a community, could help address any of their unmet needs. We are pleased to report that virtually all of these parishioners are doing well so far and have their basic needs met by their facilities and/or family. They are in good spirits and continue to remain resilient in the face of isolation and uncertainty.
If you find yourself in need of food or other resources, please contact:
and we will assist you in finding solutions.
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891
To add someone to the prayers, please contact the office:
We will include all individuals in the prayers list for four consecutive weeks, and then they will be removed from the list. If the prayer need is ongoing, please reach out and we will keep their names on the list. If anyone's prayer need is shorter than four weeks, please also note that. This way we will keep all prayer lists updated and recent.
Prayers and Passages
We pray for healing of body, mind or spirit for those we love, especially Richard Austin (father of Holly Lamond), Ben, Ted Berktold (stepfather of Andy Harvala), William Cadwell (son of Philip Cadwell), Peter Corcoran (grandson of Peg and Dick Woellner), Christina Dorr Drake (daughter-in-law of Nan and Guy Drake), Laurie Domeier (friend of Harvala family), Rodrigo, Julieta and Lina Maria Fajardo (family of Pam Schroeder's), Dan Greer (nephew of LaMar Popp), Allison Hatcher, John Hensley and family, Ann Henjum (daughter of Bob Triebenbach), Laura, Joan MacDonald, Joseph (JoJo) McLaughlin and family (Shea Brendalen's nephew), Josie Meyer (friend of Handley-Jurkovich Family), Gervaye Parent, Judy Roggow, and Amara Strande (daughter of the Rev. Dana Strande).
We pray for those who have died, especially Kenneth Norman (Jeff Ronbeck's brother-in-law) and Mary Taylor.
We pray for all who suffer or serve in war.
We pray for all who have been born.
We pray in thanksgiving for all the blessings of this life.
We pray for those serving in the military, Will Culliton, Aprille Lopac, and Kaelyn Wahlberg.
COVID-19 Resources Available