In this Edition:

  • All Saints' Sunday
  • Giving Campaign update
  • ICA - Ingathering and Turkey time!
  • Artu Duo Concert - Nov. 5
  • Leaf Raking - Nov. 5
  • Bake and Craft Sale - Dec. 10
  • Interfaith Thanksgiving - Nov. 20
  • Newcomer Brunch - Nov. 20
  • Feed my Starving Children - Dec. 1
  • Youth Service Project - Nov. 11
  • Bridge Lessons
  • Book Club - Dec. 6
  • Understanding Senior Housing Options - Nov. 17
  • Faith and Humor - the Bible's Funniest Stories - Tonight!
  • ICA Update
  • Regular Offerings and Prayers of the People

Worship This Sunday - One 9:30 Service!

All Saints' Sunday--November 6--One Service at 9:30

Lord of heaven's reach, of earth reborn; you call us from starless graves to sing under infinite skies: we praise your name for those who have walked this way unheralded and unnumbered but known to you, their beginning, their end, their joy in life; give us the same grace to be unbound and take the step of faith; through Jesus Christ, the alpha and the omega. Amen.

Prayers for an Inclusive Church, by Steven Shakespeare

We will celebrate all the saints on Sunday, November 6 with special music in the All Saints' Columbarium Chapel, where we will display photos of St. David's members who have died within the past year. We will read the necrology—the names of all those we love and remember who are no longer with us. We hope you will join us for this special day.

ICA Ingathering - bring your nonperishable food donations to church on Sunday!

Please see more info listed later in this email.

Community Forum, 10:45-11:30 Giving Campaign Celebration

Featuring treats baked by St. David's Children and Youth!

We will continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube to accommodate for those who choose to stay home.

Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 6, 2022, at 2:00 A.M. At this time, we “fall back” one hour! Don't forget to change your clocks!

St. David’s Giving Campaign Update

St. David’s Giving Campaign Update

This is the last week of our Giving Campaign.  Thank you so much to those of you have already sent in your pledges for 2023.  Thus far, we have received 45 pledges for a total of $221,141.  That is 59% of our campaign goal of $375,000.  The campaign will continue through Saturday, November 5, and will culminate in a celebration on Sunday, November 6.  Of course, pledges can be submitted after November 6, but it helps us so much to know what to expect for income as we begin budget planning for 2023. 

Thanks to Carol Johnson for her inspiring talk last Sunday on why she and Steve make a pledge to support St. David’s each year.  As Bishop Loya encouraged us in his video, we are called to be gardeners of our faith and we have a beautiful garden to tend and grow here at St. David’s! 

Our Campaign Goals

  • 100% participation from all who receive giving packets – any size gift is very much appreciated and contributes to the work of the parish.
  • Your prayers for a successful campaign.
  • Total pledges for 2022:  $375,000  


Thank you for your faithful support,


Cathy Schwichtenberg

Treasurer, St David’s Episcopal Church

It's Turkey Time!

ICA’s Holiday Food Program has begun. Every donation of $25 will provide holiday food (turkey and fixings) for a family in need this Thanksgiving and holiday season. Ways you can participate:

  1. If you are at Cub on 101 & 7 this Friday or Saturday, pick up a turkey certificate as you enter and add it to your groceries as you check out.
  2. Members of St. David’s ICA team will be in the narthex after Sunday services on November 13 & 20 to accept your donation for these holiday meals.
  3. You can also donate online at In the donor information section, be sure to select “St. David’s” in the congregation section.

Music at St. David's

Come hear Artu Duo on Saturday, November 5th at 3pm in the St. David's Sanctuary. Mill City String Quartet's very own cellist Ruth Marshall will be joined by Garret Ross on the piano. They will be performing works by Bach, Fanny Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. The previously programmed quartet concert is being postponed for now. You will love this wonderful cello and piano duo! Artu Duo has toured extensively in the United States, playing concerts in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Oregon, Montana, Washington, New York, California, Minnesota, and Louisiana. In both 2013 and 2016, Artu Duo played on the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series in Chicago, which was broadcast live on WFMT. And in 2016, they gave their debut at Carnegie Hall, playing a complete program in the Weill Recital Hall. It's sure to be an amazing concert! All donations go to St. David's.

Leaf Raking!

Do you like to rake leaves? Even if you don't like to, St. David's Building and Grounds need your help this Saturday, November 5 at 9:00 a.m. We have leaves to rake and there are a few tasks to complete inside the Church.

Coffee and doughnuts will be served in the Undercroft! Everyone is welcome. 

Bake and Craft Sale

Attention Bakers and Crafters!

The annual Bake and Craft Sale will be Sunday, December 11th, after the service.

Time to work on those craft items and start stocking up on baking supplies.

Questions? Contact Sara Leigh at

An Interfaith Gathering of Thanksgiving

The communities of Bet Shalom Congregation, The Mills Church, St. David's Episcopal Church, and the Spirit of Peace Church, invite you to join together in celebration of Thanksgiving with music, prayer, poetry, sacred scripture, opportunities for reflection, community building and the sharing of food. In divisive times, we know we are stronger together.

Date/Time:  Sunday, November 20th, 7pm

Location: Bet Shalom Congregation, 13613 Orchard Road, Minnetonka, 55345

For those who would like to participate in the joint choir of our congregations, please arrive at 5:30pm.

Newcomer Brunch - November 20

The time has come to celebrate the many newcomers who have graced our parish doors, and internet pathways, during these last few years of COVID and beyond. All newcomers and "old-timers" alike, are invited to share a meal together, namely brunch, after the 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday November 20th.

Please come on down to the undercroft, pull up a chair, enjoy some food, and together let us spend some time getting to know one another better. 

How blessed St David's is.......hope to see you there!

An Opportunity to 'Garden'

Join me as we garden at Feed My Starving Children. Looking for volunteers for Thursday December 1st from 7 to 8:45 at their Chanhassen location. I've reserved 10 spots but could add more if there's more interest. 

Contact Sue Owen at 612-716-1945 to sign up.

Many Hands Many Meals Packathon

All youth grades 6-12 are invited to this ecumenical service project! This is in partnership with Trinity Episcopal Church, Excelsior United Methodist Church, and Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Friday, November 11th @ Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Pizza and social time 4:00-5:00pm

Service Project 5:00-7:00pm

Please RSVP to Anna if you plan to attend!

Bridge Lessons

We have enough people interested in Bridge lessons that we will be offering a class this Fall. If you are interested in learning or relearning to play bridge please join us. We welcome both youth and adults. Bridge is a fascinating game. If you have ever played Hearts or Spades or Whist, then you already have a head start. The lessons will be at church on Friday nights from 6:30 to 9:00 on the following dates:

November 4, 11, 18

Contact Susan Taylor ( or David Niles ( for more information.

St. David's Book Club

St David’s Book Club News

by Cathy Schwichtenberg

St. David’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, 12/6 from 6:00 pm to 7:55 pm via Zoom. We will be discussing Proud Shoes by Pauli Murray.  From 6:00 – 6:30 we will be discussing book selections for 2023.  The book discussion will begin at 6:30 and we will finish in time for those who wish to join Compline at 8:00 pm.

First published in 1956, Proud Shoes is the remarkable true story of slavery, survival, and miscegenation in the South from the pre-Civil War era through the Reconstruction. Written by Pauli Murray the legendary civil rights activist and one of the founders of NOW, Proud Shoes chronicles the lives of Murray's maternal grandparents. From the birth of her grandmother, Cornelia Smith, daughter of a slave whose beauty incited the master's sons to near murder to the story of her grandfather Robert Fitzgerald, whose free black father married a white woman in 1840, Proud Shoes offers a revealing glimpse of our nation's history.

Pauli Murray lived one of the most remarkable lives of the twentieth century. S/he was the first Black person to earn a JSD (Doctor of the Science of Law) degree from Yale Law School, a founder of the National Organization for Women and the first Black person perceived as a woman to be ordained an Episcopal priest. 

Pauli Murray’s legal arguments and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution were winning strategies for public school desegregation, women’s rights in the workplace, and an extension of rights to LGBTQ+ people based on Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 

Pauli Murray crafted a broad vision of justice, equity, and human rights using words as her primary tool in the fight for liberation. Their vision for a just and equitable world is a beacon of hope during troubled times. Their social justice tactics, legal strategies, speeches, letters, books, sermons, and poetry are models for our ongoing activism aimed at dismantling the oppression s/he faced and we continue to face because of white supremacy.  



Join Zoom Meeting:  St. David's Book Club - December 6 Meeting

Understanding Senior Housing Options with Susan Krantz

Understanding Senior Housing Options with Susan Krantz

Thursday, November 17  1:00pm

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities - Minnetonka Campus

16023 Minnetonka Blvd


This presentation is perfect for seniors and their families making important decisions regarding:

  • moving vs. staying in your home  
  • the different types and levels of living/care in senior residences
  • financial assistance 
  • community resources 
  • decluttering and downsizing 
  • legal/financial things to have in place.

This event is open to all and is free of charge. Registration is required. for more information contact Sue Lungstrom at  

Today! - Faith & Humor: the Bible's Funniest Stories

Concordia College is pleased to invite you to attend an upcoming event featuring Concordia’s new executive director for Faith and Learning, Dr. Michael Chan. Chan will share “Faith & Humor: The Bible’s Funniest Stories” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3.

Presented by the Faith & Life Lecture Series at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Minn. This event is free and open to the public.

St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church

17205 County Rd. 6

Plymouth, Minn. 

ICA Update

ICA Sunday at St. David’s THIS SUNDAY

As the ICA is helping an ever increasing number of families and individuals in our community (283,460 pounds of food were donated between July & September of this year!), your donations of non-perishable foods and personal products are needed more than ever. Items currently needed include:

* cereal (cold, hot including oatmeal)

* tea, coffee, Keurig cups

* school snacks (no peanuts)

* olive oil, baking supplies

* baby food, wipes, diapers/pull-ups

* feminine products, adult diapers

* toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, bar soap

* paper products (tissues, paper towels, toilet paper)

* wet cat/dog food, cat litter

In addition, ICA always needs paper grocery bags, empty water bottles with caps on and egg cartons. 

You can bring your items to donate when you attend church or simply drop them off at your convenience in one of the ICA baskets at the south and east church entrances. Thank you.

Holiday Food Program

For over 20 years ICA has given away turkeys and all the fixings to many families in our community. You are invited to help our neighbors in need this holiday season. Each $25 donation will provide the gift of a holiday meal to one local family. Please consider participating in this year’s Holiday Food Program. It is anticipated about 1000 turkeys will be given away this year. The turkey giveaway will be on Saturday, November 19 from 10 am to 1 pm at ICA’s K-Tel location. In addition, turkeys will be available through the mobile food shelf, home deliveries and at regular food appointments before Thanksgiving. There is a limit of one turkey per household through December.

You can participate in a few different ways:

1. Stop by the Minnetonka Cub Foods at Highway 101 & 7 this Friday and Saturday. Volunteers will be handing out turkey certificates, which will allow shoppers to donate $25 for a holiday meal when they check out at the registers.

2. Members of St. David’s ICA team will be in the narthex after Sunday services on November 13 & 20 selling $25 turkey certificates.

3. You can donate online at In the donor information section, be sure to select “St. David’s” in the congregation section.

Give to the Max Day 2022 - November 17th

ICA is excited to participate once again in Give to the Max Day. It is Minnesota’s annual giving holiday, raising more than $250 million for more than 14,000 nonprofits in its first 13 years. The early giving period is already underway. Contributions made through November 17 will be eligible for matching funds.

You can donate through Hit the Donate button, then enter ICA using the search function, hit cart and enter in the amount you wish to donate. Perhaps while you are in the website, there may be some other local or state nonprofit that you would like to support using the matching funds of Give MN.

And from an ICA client

“Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. You really do change lives for the better.”

Bible Study on Youtube

We are experimenting with recording the weekly Bible Study session on Zoom and posting it on the St. David’s YouTube Channel for people to review at their leisure. See the list of websites at the end of this email for a link to our YouTube channel.

Safe Church Trainings
Saturday Morning Prayer at St. David's 7:45 AM
Tuesday Bible Study
Compline held each night at 8:00 PM
What else is going on at St. David's?

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.

Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to before noon on Wednesday to be featured.
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891
To add someone to the prayers, please contact the office:

We will include all individuals in the prayers list for four consecutive weeks, and then they will be removed from the list. If the prayer need is ongoing, please reach out and we will keep their names on the list. If anyone's prayer need is shorter than four weeks, please also note that. This way we will keep all prayer lists updated and recent.

Prayers and Passages

We pray for healing of body, mind or spirit for those we love, especially Richard Austin (father of Holly Lamond), Philip Cadwell, William Cadwell (son of Philip Cadwell), Allie Crockford (Cliff Crockford's sister in law), Christina Dorr Drake (daughter-in-law of Nan and Guy Drake), Mark Enos (friend of Keith Gause), Nancy Ferro (mother of Stephen Ferro), Allison Hatcher, Martha Hatcher, Ann Henjum (daughter of Bob Triebenbach), Nancy Herbst (friend of Virginia Haggart), Katie Hennessy, Sharon Herpers, Londyn Hoffman (friend of Carol and Steve Johnson), Lesa Hudak (Pam Schroder's daughter), Denny Johnson, Wyatt Kamp (friend of the Handley-Jurkovich family), Randy Lindquist, Josie Meyer and family (friend of the Handley-Jurkovich family), Eric Paavola (son in law of Norma Walton), David Pearson, Margaret Prescott (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), Bill Rutz (Carol Johnson's brother in law), Marge Saunders, Jean Scheu, Nikki Sitzman (daughter of Gervaye Parent, sister of Charity Harvala), Amara Strande, (daughter of the Rev. Dana Strande), Johannah Surma (daughter of Karin Lindquist and Andy Scheu), Colin Vignoul (relative of the Harvala family), Huu Vu (Friend of the Harvala Family).

We pray for Joan MacDonald and Claire Mansur (sister of Kitsy Meyer), and all those who have died. We pray for all who die in war.

We pray in thanksgiving for all the blessings of this life. We give thanks for the wedding of Sally Meyer and Jason Hellerman.

For the world and its leaders, our nation and its people. 

We pray for all who suffer or serve in war, especially in Afghanistan and Ukraine.

We pray for all who have been born.

We pray for an end to racism and all systems of oppression.


We pray for those serving in the military, Will Culliton and Aprille Lopac.

COVID-19 Resources Available

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here


St. David's Episcopal Church:

St. David's Youtube Channel: 

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota:

The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

The Episcopal Church: